When I started this blog it truly was all about finding homes for these adorable foster kittens. I never really considered what else it could become.
As the litters came and went and the posts accumulated, I realized (thanks to many nice notes and comments from you) that this blog wasn't just a blog, it was a place where many kind-hearted, kitten-loving people gathered each day.
Many have shared with me that this place offers levity and is often a day-brightener. I know it's not just because of our cute kittens - you all contribute so much to make this a positive place. Keeping all of this in mind, I try my best to concentrate on the joyful parts of fostering, and avoid the messier or more painful parts of this kitten business.
But every now and again, not-so-good things happen that I do have to share with you. Today I have one of those stories, and more than anything on this earth right now, I wish I didn't have to tell it. Partly because I just wish it never happened, and also because I don't want to make you sad.
Yesterday we said goodbye to dear Filbert Stout. A virus made him very ill and in addition to that, there were some serious complications going on within his one-pound body. It was a battle that he just wasn't big enough or strong enough to win.
The big issue was intussusception of his intestine, which can be corrected by surgery for healthier kittens, but in his state and with this virus, it would of been pointless to even try. We were left with no choice but to end his short life, and it was heart-breaking decision to make.
I know you barely got to know him, but let me tell you, Filbert Stout was a special one. He was roly-poly and goofy, animated and bright. Like most tabby boys, he was sweet and affectionate. Even in his final moments, he was a total love.
I mentioned before he had a smiley face on his belly. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to document this. You can see a bit of the smile across his abdomen but his arms are covering the eyes.
Please take note of those fabulous toe-beans.

Whenever I entered their room, he always charged to the front of the cage to purr hello. No matter if he was mid-nap, mid-wrestling match, or eating breakfast, he always dropped what he was doing to say "hi".
He was such a dear, dear thing.
Thankfully, his sisters aren't showing symptoms of this virus, but there's a possibility it could show up later, so there is some concern. We are watching Audrey and Wylla closely, taking many steps to protect them, and are giving them lots of good drugs. They're not out of the woods yet, but things are looking good. We just have to wait and see what happens, and hope for the very best possible outcome.
I'm trying hard to keep my mind positive, and just think good thoughts for the girls. I hope you will join me in doing the same.
Again, I am sorry I had to deliver this news to you today.
With much love,

I am so sorry. Hugs to all.
ReplyDelete*hugs you*
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he had the chance to be loved!
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts exactly. It is such sad news, but it would have been so much sadder if he had not had so much love in his final days.
DeleteThank you for all you do, Laurie, and I send hugs your way, too. Please kiss Wylla and Audrey for me, and I will cross my fingers that they stay healthy.
My thought, too. He had a good time in his short life. Sweet little boy.
DeleteThat's exactly what I was thinking- glad he had a sweet home for his time.
DeleteIm so sorry for your loss. He was such a cutie.
DeleteI'm so sorry. He was in the happiest home during his last days, so that is comforting. xo
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear this, Laurie. I'm glad to hear the others seem to be doing well... <3
ReplyDeleteOh, Laurie. I'm so, so sorry. It's never easy losing a little one who's in your charge. There's no doubt on this earth that he spent his short time at the IBKC getting the best possible care and comfort. I just gave my monitor a little hug in the hope that you can feel it out there in cyberspace.
ReplyDeleteHow sweet
DeleteOh Laurie, I am so sorry to hear this. How painful for you not only to experience but to have to write about. Our thoughts and purrs are with all of you. (((Laurie)))
ReplyDeleteSo so sorry to hear this. Thinking of you guys and the other little stouts during this rough time.
ReplyDeleterest in peace little man, run free at the rainbow bridge :(
ReplyDeleteOh I am so sorry, how hard for you. Sending blessings to you all.
ReplyDeleteHeartbreakingly lovely photos. I am sorry for your loss. He was lucky to know you even for a short time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet, sweet love. So sorry for your loss.
So so sorry to hear about Filbert. Thinking of you and the Stout ladies during this tough time. I agree that I think it's wonderful that Filbert was well loved in your home!
ReplyDeleteLaurie, of course this news makes me sad, but we out here in the IBKC world need to be here for you when the hard times come and we must understand that the hard times do sometimes come.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tender love that you give to these babies and that you gave to St. Filbert.
Well said Anne!
DeleteSorry to hear this. :(
ReplyDeleteMay he rest peacefully in kitteh heaven! At least he was surrounded with love in his final days! So sad.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! Thank you for taking such good care of him. It helps to know he was well loved.
ReplyDeleteHe was loved a lot and showed love on earth, before he could be loved even more (and be totally healthy!) over the rainbow bridge. Hugs to all and healthy, healing thoughts for Audrey and Wylla. <3<3
ReplyDeleteJust gave Bucky and Pinky some extra scritches.. thankful that I am home today so the tears I shed for dear little Filbert are in private, and I can hug my babies a little extra. Hugs for you, too, Laurie. Find peace in knowing that he was safe and warm and loved in his final days, because of you.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. He was a happy little guy who was loved. So even though his life was short it was filled with goodness. <3
ReplyDeleteI'm just so sad to hear this. He was loved, by many people across the world, and by the best foster mom he could have. Bigs hugs for all of you.
ReplyDeleteOh, I am so very sad.
Thank goodness he was well loved in his short time.
It's luckily a rare thing that you lose a kitty, but with so many strong, healthy, beautiful ones that pass through your loving home, it's inevitable, I'm afraid. But, as others say, he was loved and in an affectionate and caring home for the last of his little life. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear this, but I am glad you shared it with us. It is important that we know that not all endings are happy in the world, but that we can make the sad times as peaceful as possible. Filbert's short life, as we can see from the pictures, was happy.
ReplyDeleteAw, poor little man. The loss is painful, but it's comforting to know that he had it good while he was here. Thanks for taking care of him in his short, nutty, life. Extra smooches and happy thoughts for the girls.
ReplyDeleteTina & The Kittyboyz
I'm so sorry, Laurie. I know that had to be a true heart-breaking decision to make. Thank you for sharing this with us, as difficult as it may be. As others have said, Filbert was truly loved and in a very happy home, and you can take great comfort in that.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs to you all, and good thoughts for the Stout girls
So sad that his life was so short, but happy at least that he was loved and cared for during his time on this earth. Prayers and hugs for his sweet sisters, and for Laurie and Craig
ReplyDeleteI'm so very, very sorry for all of you and send hugs out to you, Craig, Bean and the girls. I appreciate it when you share the bad as well as the good with us as it helps us celebrate each tiny life that makes it through to their forever home. Hold his sisters tight and think of all of us holding on, too.
ReplyDeleteI am very sorry to read this. Sadly, not every kitten is meant to survive. His short life was full of love and happiness, and for that we can be thankful.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, I am so sorry for your loss. I know you didn't know him long, but I still can't imagine how hard it must be to lose such a tiny, adorable boy.
ReplyDeleteI am sending kind thoughts to you and hopeful thoughts to his sisters.
Dear Laurie, I am so very, very saddened by this heartbreaking and tragic news about beautiful Filbert. I even showed my own little 'Filbert' (one of his many nicknames, but his 'real' name is Phillo) photos of this little angel.
ReplyDeleteI am weeping as I type this to you now, Laurie. I know how much it is breaking your heart, for I have been in that same place, as have so many of us with these precious little angels that we love and do our very best to take care of.
Just keep in your mind and in your heart that little Filbert knew how much he was loved, how so deeply loved and cared for he was in his beautiful but all-too-short little life. He is playing and running free now at the Rainbow Bridge, right there along with my beautiful Mollie girl, my gentle giant Rudi, my little Pooka, Rocky and Finn, Holly and Puddin'. They all still live on in my heart and my memories of them. Death can never take those memories or that deep love and affection for our 'babies' away from us.
God rest beautiful little Filbert - he was most definitely heaven sent. I'm so very sorry for your loss, and for our loss of Filbert, as well.
Oh my... I´m so sad!
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful that his short life was spent with someone who cared for him well and showed him such love. We can only wish that there will come a day when all animals will have that right.
ReplyDeleteawww. so very sad. We know you did your best for him, like all the babies you love.
ReplyDeleteThis must be heartbreaking for you. I'm so sorry.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear this, Laurie. I'm glad that little Filbert found his way to your loving home. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about the little guy. Also glad that he got good care and love during his short time on earth. Have fun at the rainbow bridge little one.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Filbert had YOU, Laurie, and that you shared his story. Poor little one! Snorgle his sisters for me. And keep on keeping on. Hugs & purrs from Marjorie
ReplyDeleteso very sorry to hear Laurie. he was so lucky to be in your care during his last days. my kitties send nose taps to you and the girls.
ReplyDeleteMy heart breaks for little Filbert. :'( It's taking all I have not to cry at my desk at work. I will keep the Stout girls in my thoughts and prayers. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteSo, so sorry. You are all in my heart today.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet that he's up there now playing with Jerry Lee Pickett and Bernadette Mayfield, sharing happy memories about the wonderful home they all lived their short lives in. Hugs and sympathy to you, Laurie.
ReplyDeleteI'm so very sorry for you and little Filbert. I'm glad that he had someone who loved him at the end. Rest in peace sweetheart. Many hugs for you all.
Darling Laurie, everyone ahead of me said what's in my heart. That you share your sadness makes our little community even closer, and it must be that the Creator needed a kitty like Filbert right NOW; he's in splendid bliss over the Bridge. I'm thinking warm hugs to you and to all of my colleagues here. Our beloved four-leggedy babies don't have the lifespan humans do, we all share this experience. But you can know that his life was the very best life a wee kitty can have. Bless you for allowing him the dignity of a quiet passing surrounded by love.
ReplyDeleteSo sad. RIP Filbert. Say hello to Jerry Lee at the RB.
ReplyDeleteThis sad goodbye reminds me of the day I discovered IBKC. Your post was about Jerry Lee Pickett's last day, spent having fun outdoors and getting lots and lots of love. My heart broke over the loss of such a dear and tiny soul, but I was immediately and permanently hooked on the love, thought and effort you put into each kitten's quality of life.
ReplyDeleteJerry Lee and Filbert had short lives, but they were well spent. I'd choose that for each of them, over a long and lonely life. They had comfort, joy, and so much love, and I thank you for that, Laurie; from the bottom of my heart.
A beautiful thought and so true. Thank you.
DeleteI couln't say anything better than this. Hugs for you and fingers crossed for the Stout Girls.
DeleteWhile it's a fact of life that there will be illness and death, knowing this doesn't make it any less painful. My condolences to you and to Craig, dear Laurie. This must be such a heart-breaking time for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this sweet kitten with the world. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Willa and Audrey to remain healthy.
My heart goes out to you and all those who assisted him during this difficult time. I'm glad he knew real love, warmth, and care during his brief life.Holding the other siblings in my heart and wishing them all the very best. I know fostering is never 100% rainbows and unicorns, and it takes a very special person to embrace the experience for all it is and can be. Thank you for what you do.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for you guys. RIP little Filbert. Your life was short, but you were loved.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Laurie, this has to be to hard for you. *hugs*
ReplyDeleteRest in Peace little Filbert.
So very sorry for the loss of this sweet little baby. Lots of hugs.
ReplyDeleteHow very sad for you. We all know not every story has a happy ending, and honestly I need the reminders now and then that it happens to everyone, we have all had to let a special one go at some time, and we will have to do so again. It's the curse side of rescue, but it is SO outweighed by the blessing side. You do so much for so many itty bitties, even the ones who are here for only a short time. Our hearts are with you, as always.
ReplyDeleteSo much love headed your way. <3
ReplyDeleteoh no. rip lil fella. xo.
ReplyDeleteAww poor little thing...It would have been worse to see the little guy suffer. * Big Hugs*
ReplyDeleteOh, Laurie - there's nothing I can say that hasn't been said, but thank you for opening your heart and your home to all these little ones, and for sharing your time with them. It takes much courage to do right by these little ones, and I am thankful that Filbert was in the care of one who cared so much for him that she could let him go.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to hear that, Laurie. I'm so glad that he was loved until the end.
ReplyDeleteHugs for you for all you do. It's easy for us to sit here and be the beneficiaries of all your cute kitten stories and photos, but we know you're in the trenches, so to speak. Thank you for having the courage to make those hard decisions.
How very sad! So sorry to hear this.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry! Sweet little Filbert, his life may have been short but he was surrounded by love. You do an incredible job taking care of your wee charges, and honestly, I've often been amazed at how few of them you've lost over the years -- I know that motherless babies arriving at the Humane Society often have all kinds of illnesses and problems that all too frequently make their struggle to survive very difficult.
ReplyDeleteBut the babies who come to grow up with you, Craig, and the Bean get the very best of loving care, and it shows in how many wonderful babies you've seen grow up and move on to forever homes. You've lost, what, two out of over 200 kittens? That's a pretty remarkable record, and it's no surprise that the folks at the HS think as highly of you as we, your loving fans, do!
So thank you for making sweet little Filbert's short life such a happy one. And please give Wylla and Audrey extra hugs so they know how much all your fans love them, too. RIP, little Nut!
I have often thought the same--that it's amazing how few kitties you have lost, Laurie. I know you try to keep the blog happy for us, but I worry that doing so may limit your ability to seek the support you need when things like this happen. I'm sorry for Filbert's loss, but grateful to you and your kittens for the joy they bring us.
DeleteWell said. I just started following your blog and love it so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and the darling Stout girls. Thank you for sharing them with us, the kitty lovers who can't do what you do.
DeleteOh, this is just so sad, he was such a beautiful little guy. What a hard thing but he was loved and he knew it.
ReplyDeleteOh! Sad news...but...he's safe in heaven where he can play with new friends, and never hurt or be sad again. Precious baby. Thank you for all you did. xxx
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear this. I hope that you take a little solace by looking back at the kittens that you've helped along the way and know that even those you lose too soon had the blessing of love, comfort and security before moving on.
ReplyDeletePearla and Sheldon will get some extra love tonight in remembrance of a little one who just didn't have enough time.
Hugs to all of you.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to this...
ReplyDeleteGiven the sheer number of kittens coming thru your loving home, the fact that only Jerry Lee (still tear up over his story) and darling Filbert left before finding their Forever Homes is a true and lasting testament to your devtion to these babies.
ReplyDeleteIt does not make his passing any easier for you, Craig, Beanie and the Stout Girls, but he was loved. And no critter could ask for more. Thank you for ALL the work you do. A donation in Filbert's name will be made to my local No-Kill Shelter.
Laurie, I am so sorry. I can only echo the others in saying that you can take solace in knowing that even though Filbert's time was short, it was filled with love and happiness.
ReplyDeleteSending hugs to you, Craig and Bean; and healing vibes to the girls.
Laurie, hugs to you. Such a difficult thing to go through, especially with a kitten as sweet as Filbert. Heartbreaking. We will keep positive thoughts for the little girls and their good health. Take good care, and bright blessings to you.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for your loss. Like so many others have said, I'm thankful he was in a good home for his short (but happy) life.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I am so sorry this has happened again. It is horrid that all kittens can not make it, even more so when they are wanted and loved so intently.
ReplyDeleteFilbert knew love, care, warmth, and a full belly for his entire life. It was blessed.
this is sad news, but i hope you take heart in all the wonderful kittens you loved and saved. i am certain you did the best you could have for him. and his life hear was short but iam sure you made it very sweet,
ReplyDeleteLaurie, my heart hurts for you, Craig, and Beanie. :( I'm very sorry you had to go through this.
ReplyDeleteThank you, so very much, for caring so deeply about all the bitties who come to you. Filbert knew love and compassion in his short little life, and we have you to thank for that.
Thinking of you, so very sorry to hear about little sweet Filbert.
ReplyDeleteHis happiest days were filled with love and the best care an itty bitty could hope for. Our hearts break with you.
Thank you Laurie, for the love and compassion you put into the world. It takes a special person to open themselves to such loss and pain, to give without knowing what the future holds. As sad as losing a kitten is, the silver lining lies in the kindness and love they got to experience in their time with you. <3
ReplyDeleteI am so sad. But I am grateful he got to be loved by you.
ReplyDeleteLove,Joy, Happiness, Playfulness - This was all that little Filbert ever knew in his life thanks to you and Craig. Even though his life was too short, he will always have an important legacy to all who care to know it - life is too short and precious to sit in the back of the crate, waiting for someone to love - you've got to go out and find it, fight for it! RIP precious Filbert, we will always cherish your memory.
ReplyDeleteWe will be praying for the other kitty girls and their health!
Loreen and Mr. Whiskers
So sorry to hear this. It can't be easy for you.
ReplyDeleteHe was such a gorgeous little fella.
As so many people have said, he was so lucky to have been fostered by you and shown such love for all his short life.
Big hugs to you and the rest of the kitties.
Thank you Laurie for all you did for Filbert. You made his last days happy and kept him from suffering. We are all richer for having known him and poorer at his leaving. Wherever Filbert is I hope Jerry Lee is there too.
ReplyDeleteMay his spirit Fly..
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, Laurie. ****HUGS**** His life was short, but it was full of everything a kitten deserves: love, good food, comfy places to nap, and other kittens to wrestle with and pounce on.
ReplyDeleteI see the smiley face on his belly in that one picture near the top. How cute! The fifth picture down, he has a 'Who, me?' expression that totally cracks me up. He's clearly a kitten who's comfortable and completely at ease and trusts you completely, which says whatever you've doing, you're doing it exactly right. Keep up the good work.
Awww...all three of us (Lily, Siam, and me) are heartbroken here in CA. Filbert was so very, very lucky to have shared his little life with you and Charlene Butterbean. Kisses to you in heaven, Filbert.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, Laurie. As cute as these little tiny babies are, they are just as much delicate. One virus can be the one thing they can't overcome. It's something all foster moms face (I know you know this better than anyone!).
ReplyDeleteTo echo what others are saying--little Filbert was a lucky boy to have you for his short life. He knew love and comfort and safety. All kitties should be so lucky. Sending hugs.
Though it is tragic for filbert to leave for the rainbow bridge so early, my heart hurts most for you most of all, Laurie. When such tiny babies arrive, you are the closest heart to know them and take your "job" very seriously. Always remember your oh SO MANY SUCCESSFUL placements of healthy, happy, socialized kittens. Thank you for all you do, all you share and your caring heart.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. Thank you for all that you do, and your willingness to risk heartbreak at time. My thoughts are with you.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is THANKS and that is so minuscule in what you do for the kitties. Your happiness and sorrow is shared by so many of us through this wonderful internet. Each of your kitties has touched all of us in one way or the other. Isn't that what we all want...to be known and loved?? My heart breaks for you and yours and my kitties at home will get a longer hug and more kisses today in honor of Filbert....
ReplyDeleteI'm picturing Jesus nuzzling that little smiley faced belly with great delight because God made little Filbert to be special to all of us, touching our hearts, and reminding us of how special we are to God. Our tears are like diamonds to him and little Filbert did his job so well that he didn't need to be here very long.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately life comes with the good and the bad. All too true and all too sad when we are face to face with the bad. I can only imagine your up close sadness while I experience my own from a distance. Sniff. Sob.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you. Sweet little kittybitty Filbert will be a bright spirit we will never forget. Will say prayers for the rest of the group.
Soo sorry to hear the news.. RIP little Sweet Filbert..you have been loved and will always be...
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that you had to go though so much. Sending hugs your way.
ReplyDeleteAs a former Cat Sick Room cat-cuddler (I only quit when hypersensitive skin issues forced me to), I have had to give stuff like this a lot of thought and prayer. And I am positive that a loving God-- or whatever you wish to call the divine life force-- would never bring into being a creature capable of sacrificial love only to abandon it. And to offer up one's prized toy or dead mouse-- one's only possession-- is as beautifully sacrificial as is all the time and work and love you, Laurie, put in, along with this willingness to risk and absorb grief like this. So the kitten is fine now-- and eventually you will be again, too. For the meanwhile, you are at least not alone-- it's a lovely thing, BTW, to read all the love expressed here. Thoughts and prayers. Take care!
ReplyDeleteHeartbreaking. The important thing is that Sweet Filbert knew love, warmth and fun during his all too brief time at your home. Thank you for all that you did for him, and how you are caring for his sisters. We all grieve with you, Laurie!
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry to hear about sweet Filbert. Thank you so much for all the love you give all of your kittens. And thank you for sharing this blog. It brightens every day. I am so sorry that today it brought me tears, but I am convinced that for his short time here, Filbert was very loved. Thank you again.
So sorry to lose sweet nutty Filbert. So sorry that your heart breaks, but glad he knew love and a home before he had to go.
ReplyDeleteThere are all kinds of "cute" websites and blogs. I'm not really interested in them. A good friend of mine says that what makes the IBKC special is that it's real -- and for me, that's it. Most of the time, "real" here feels wonderful, and sometimes, like today, it doesn't feel so wonderful. But even with the pain, look at the expressions of love and sincere understanding! It's another kind of wonderful. I like to think that St. Francis now has a fuzzy little "nut" with a smiley face on his belly sitting on his shoulder, purring.
ReplyDeleteAwwww. :( I'm sorry.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is with you, Laurie. I am glad Filbert knew love and care during his short time and so many people got to meet him here and love him. I hope very much that Audrey and Wylla are ok, and that Charlene didn't get the virus.
ReplyDeleteMy love, and a giant bear hug to you. I'm so sorry.
Bean is vaccinated, so there's no worry there.
DeleteLaurie- you did exactly what every pet owner would have done- I am so sorry you had to- but we all make the very best decisions for our pets and he is better off for the decision you made with your professional advise. He is adorable- and I am so very sorry for his passing.
DeleteI am so sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteWith all that you do to help these sweet kittens, I am sure that there are some that didn't get the best of care, before they came to you.
At least he knew love, be it for a short time, from you.
Laurie, I am so sorry. Thinking of you today and sending a hug.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about sweet kitten...I grew up on a farm and saw many sad losses due to virus, I will pray the other two dolls stay healthy and little Filbert rest in peace
ReplyDeleteLaurie - He knew he was loved in his last moments, and before them. That's what matters, at least to me at a time like this. All creatures should feel loved in their last moments on this earth. Filbert knew that. You gave that to him. As a wonderful pastor said to me when my dad died "The pain is the story of the love." You got to love him and he got to feel it. What a blessing, a hard one right now, but a blessing nonetheless.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear this sad news. I hope you can take comfort from the fact that you gave Filbert the best possible chance... and that you have given tons of kittens the best possible chance at leading long, happy and healthy lives.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping the girls stay healthy!
As many have said before, he had much love in his short little life. He felt all the tenderness you had to give to ease his way out.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, my heart is breaking for you. He was such a sweet baby. I'm praying the girls don't catch the virus as well. I know there is always a chance you will lose kittens, but I never expect it and this hit me hard. So, so sad.
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry to hear this news. Thank you for everything you have done, do, and will do for all the little kittens who come to the IBKC.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, Laurie. You have been the saviour of so many tiny heartbeats- most of whom would have never had the life that your loving care and website provide for them. Every day we remind ourselves that Zoubi would not be so confident and so healthy were it not for her start at IBKC. If only India had been so lucky at first. Doing what is merciful is hard and painful-but little Filbert surely had a warm and happy life with you. He was adorable. Thank you for everything you do and for letting us all share the happy and the sad times.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said already. I am so sorry that you had to face - and make - the hardest decision in the world. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and have a better outcome the second time around but I can't and am very glad to read that Bean is not in danger, thank you Tanya for asking before I read this post so I know she is safe. Take care of yourself. You are not alone in the morning of Filbert's passing. Thank you for taking care of him during his short time with us.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I'm so sorry you and Craig had to go through this sadness. My heart goes out to you guys.
ReplyDeleteBut thank you both for giving him so much love in his short life and thank you again for all you do for all the itty bitties. You guys are amazing!
ReplyDeleteP.S. When a wonderful kitten died on me once, a friend said she believed that it was important that they have a name before they die. That made me feel a tiny bit better.
ReplyDeleteAnd I also like to try to believe what my vet says. (I've had two shelter kittens die, of all the ones I've ever adopted.) She says that she likes to believe that kittens and puppies get to come back again in another body if theirs wasn't perfect.
Aw, the poor thing. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. But I'm so very thankful that you didn't put him through the agony of a surgery he wouldn't survive. A peaceful end to a sweet short life is the best we can hope for sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHugs and love from all of us.
So sad for you - our little ones bring us so much joy and we have to remember this in the midst of the tears we shed when we say goodbye. Prayers for your little girls.
ReplyDeleteOh, Laurie, I'm so sorry. He was an adorable little boy.
ReplyDeleteRun free dear Filbert. I am sure darling Jerry Lee was there to greet you. Much love
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, I so understand the sadness as I have experienced more times than I wish I had. Rest In Peace, Little Filbert. I am in total agreement with all the others here. At least he knew a lot of love in his short little life. I know this saying is a bit cheesy, but it is so true. It's not the years in your life that matters, its the life in your years. Or in Filbert's case, days. Sleep well, Laurie, you did the very best for him. And I am keeping all of you in my thoughts, and I hope the girls pull through without any issues.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I am so sorry to hear this. Thank you for all the things that you done for all the kittens. Dear little Filbert is going to beautiful kitten heaven. He was lucky that he was loved in his last days with you.
ReplyDeleteTears. I'm so sorry. xoxo
ReplyDeleteOhh, not Filbert! (Not any kitten, really but he was such a goofy boy!)Commiserations, it can't have been easy.
ReplyDeletePoor wee mite. I know he knew you loved him, and was a happy boy.
ReplyDeleteLaurie - thank you for taking good care of little Filbert, thank you for loving him and thank you for knowing what was right for him. He was lucky to have you in his too short life. Rest in peace little boy.
ReplyDeletePrayers for the girls' continued health.
I read your blog everyday, but have never commented. So today I want to tell you how much I admire what you do for these kittens.
ReplyDeleteBecause of you and because of our wonderful male version of Charlotte Butterbean we are planning to foster kittens when retirement allows us the time.
Hugs and thank you so much!
Rest well little one, your time with us may have been short, but it was filled with love. Hugs and tummy scritches to Wyla and Audrey. Nose boops to The Bean.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I've been following your blog for a few years. Filbert was my fave of the litter. I'm so very sorry. I, too, used to foster cats (and ended up keeping them all), and have had to make that most awful decision myself. It never gets easier.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that Hubby has a tissue box her by the compter. I need it right now. Bless you and the Stouts.
Sweet, sweet, boy. Thank you for not letting him suffer Laurie. Gone too soon but never forgotten.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, you do such great things for all your kittens.... I know he had the best in the short time he was with you. Hugs to you and let's keep good thoughts coming for the girls. Mary A
ReplyDeleteOhhh, farewell sweet Filbert! I am sure he was greeted by Jerry Lee Pickett and Bernadette Mayfield. They surely wanted the 'scoop' on momma Laurie, poppa Craig and Auntie Charlene.
ReplyDeleteIBKC is an awesome community and I feel honored that you DO share the rough times with us. We love the kittens but we also love and appreciate all you do for them!
I will be hugging and skritching Marbles kitty and the puppy I am sitting this week.
God bless this sweet little kitten. He was precious from toes to tail. I'm glad you watched over him so that he didn't suffer.
ReplyDeletePrayers for his sisters.
Andrea in Calif
Oh Laurie, such sad news. I began fostering here in Houston because I read and loved your blog, and it has been such an amazing blessing. This winter I lost a kitten for the first time.... a tiny guy that got a horrible cold and was gone almost in the blink of an eye. Like you, I consoled myself with extra love and snuggles with his sweet little siblings. Many thoughts are with you and your lovely little babies. -Tara
ReplyDeleteSo very sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers to you. Thank you for the important work you do.
ReplyDeleteDearest Laurie - please lean on us anytime you want/need to. This is a sadness I would bear for you, if I could, for your good work and love. Nothing tears at our hearts like the loss of a young innocent in our care. XO
ReplyDeleteSad news indeed. We can take comfort in you being there for him through it all, even as he passed from this world to the next which is much better than suffering cold, alone, hungry and unloved.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do, and having to make hard decisions and the tears that go with that.
What a little sweetie Filbert was, this is such sad news....but I am praying Audrey and Wylla are safe from the virus. I am typing through my tears... Sometimes God has other plans for his little bitty innocent creatures. Thanks for all you do for the kitties Laurie.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Laurie. His life was short but the most important thing is that during that time....he knew he was loved....how lucky was he. Thank you for being there for him.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry and sad to hear this news. But how fortunate sweet Filbert was to share his time with you. It's tragic to lose him so soon but how nice that he was given a name and will be remembered so fondly thanks to your beautiful pictures and kind words. Thinking of all of you and hoping those sisters continue to stay healthy too, they need the special privilege of being loved on by Charlene.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry Laurie, but so glad that little Filbert had you to love on him for his little while on this earth!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. Thank you for giving him a warm and loving home during his short life. x
ReplyDeleteThat's part of the bargain. We take the good with the bad and are stronger by doing it together, even when it is grieving.
ReplyDeleteThose of us lucky enough to raise little kittens know just how heartbreaking it is when you lose one. RIP little Filbert. Thanks for sharing your short life with us (tear).
ReplyDeleteWhat sad news. I'm thinking of you, Ms. Bean, and the Stouts as I wipe away tears. I'm in awe of what you do every day.
ReplyDeleteVery sorry for your loss and will think positive thoughts for his sisters.
ReplyDeleteEven on the few posts where IBKC can't be cheerful, I am grateful that IBKC still shows warmth and kindness and gentleness that are all too often absent from the rest of the human news.
Oh, how sad. Thank you for doing your very best to give him a good life, no matter how brief. Thank you also for posting all these sweet pictures, especially of him with his sisters.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. Laurie, please never hesitate to deliver news that might not be happy, as we all care deeply about these kittens and want to know the good with the bad, if only to help you with our words of support. I am so sorry this happened. I loved little Filbert (perhaps more than Wylla, shh) and adored his tiny bewildered expression and roly-poly-ness. Thank you so much for the photos. And thank you too for all the work you do to make these kittens lives, long or short, so happy. I imagine Filbert is in good company with Mr. Pickett and Ms. Davenport. I am thinking good thoughts toward you, Craig, the Bean, and the other little Stouts.
ReplyDeleteK from MN
I am so sorry to hear this news I sit here and wipe away the tears.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing Filbert with us. He was a very lucky kitty to have you there
I am so very sorry to hear this. Thank you for everything you do for the kitties and for us. Sending wishes for better times to come.
ReplyDeleteBless this little baby, and you too for being such a kind and caring soul! To me, you are the Mother Teresa of catdom! >^..^< I leave you with one of my very favorite quotes: "Who must do the hard things? Those who can. Who must do the impossible things? Those who care."
ReplyDelete-- CAROLYN ROBERTSON PAYTON (1925-2001)
I like that quote. Thanks, Ani.
DeleteI am so, so, sorry that you, Craig, Beanie, and the little girls are minus a sweet Filbert.
ReplyDeleteFilbert was a precious little one, and you filled his life with joy and love, which makes for quite a full little life.
Love to you all <3
Oh Laurie, I'm so sorry..that is terribly sad news. :(
ReplyDeleteI'm grateful that little Filbert had you looking after him and making his short time on earth the best it could possibly be. My thoughts are with you, and we will be purring hard over here for the health of the Stout sisters. xo
I am so sorry, Laurie. This is terrible news and I hope and pray his sisters will be all right. The only bright side is that this dear, beautiful little boy got to spend much of his way too short life with you. Poor dear little boy.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie! I am so, so sorry! I know how much you love and care for these little itty bitties. You are their angel here on earth. I am so sad that some of them must become angels before we're ready to let them go. I've been here through Bernadette and Jerry Lee (I still cry when I think of him) - and now little Filbert... God bless you for what you choose to do to help these little ones. {{{hugs}}}
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry, Laurie! It's never easy to make that decision, but it had to be even more difficult to make that decision for a kitten. Bless you for giving dear Filbert a safe, loving home for the time he had, and my deepest sympathies to you for the difficult decision you had to make.
ReplyDeleteand thank you for doing all you do for ALL the itty bitty kitties!
I so admire folks who can foster the little guys. It's hard enough to deal with sick bigs. Kittens just rip me up. Bless you.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness. We are so very sorry. We just really hate when this happens, but happen it does. He knew love and warmth with you and that is wonderful. He will know it again with you one day, we are certain. for now, we send gentle headbutts, purrs and prayers to help you all feel better....and in hopes that Filberts sisters don't get sick.
ReplyDeletelife is beautiful, even when it is too short. love to you!
ReplyDeleteSo sad for you, Laurie. You do such great work. Every kitten who comes through your home and care is better off because of you, even the few who don't make it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry for you all. Sending love your way and healthy thoughts for the girls.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry Laurie...Filbert was a cutie, and he looked so healthy in the pictures.
ReplyDeleteI read every new post on your blog, and understand that there must sometimes be posts like this one, as difficult as they are. The positive is that thankfully, they are few and far between.
Sending love, hugs and prayers for Audrey and Wylla that they continue to be healthy.
This is heartbreaking, and I'm so sorry for the loss, for Laurie, Craig and Bean. Filbert may have not had much time, but what he had was filled with your love and your celebration of his specialness and that's what is important. I admire you, Laurie, for all the you do for so many kitties, and I thank you so much for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteRemember, the IBKC community will always be there for you. xxo
It is a sad fact that most kittens born outside don't live long. It is a sad fact that even inside and with the best care some kittens don't live long. It is a happy fact that Filbert experienced love and care in his too short life. Bless you for giving him a home and most importantly, a peaceful passing. May he play in green grass and nap in a sunbeam at the Bridge.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad for you Laurie. I hope the support you get through your followers will ease the pain a little. We all love you!
ReplyDeleteSo sad... There are so many wonderful stories at IBKC - they so far out weight the sad. It's always a shock to hear the bad news, but we know that IBKC does its best for everyone and as hard as it is to hear that one has crossed the rainbow bridge, we know that their last days were the best because of IBKC!
ReplyDeletePositive thoughts go out to Audrey and Wylla for a healthy stay and eventual adoption to their loving forever home.
A kitten that has been so loved had more of a real life in his short time than some cats have their entire life. I sure hope he is now my guardian angel kitten for I so surely need one.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, I'm so deeply sorry. My hope is that you can take comfort in all the love and hugs that have come your way today - you are not alone in this. The kitty boyz and I are saying our kitty prayers for Filbert's sisters and all God's furry creatures who are alone, sick or uncared for tonight. Bless you Laurie, Craig and Charlene.
ReplyDeleteRosemary K, Mpls, MN
with Buddy and Kitty
RIP tiny Filbert. My heart is broken, but I know you're in kitty heaven now.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, thanks for giving him a happy life with his sisters for as long as we were blessed to have him.
Laurie, I'm so sorry for all of the pain and sadness you and your family are going through right now :( Thank you for fostering these beautiful kittens in good times and bad, giving them everything a kitten could possibly desire. Anyone who sees those photos knows how much you loved little Filbert, and I'm sure he more than felt it too <3 My prayers will be with you, Audrey, and Wylla
ReplyDeleteI am so very sorry. But his short life was a very happy one with you and his sisters. Wish I could give you a hug. And he was loved and will be missed by people all over the world. That's a wonderful legacy for such a small boy.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sad to hear this and hope the other kitties will make it. I cried just reading about him and seeing his photos, so I'm sure it is pretty hard for you. You are doing an amazing job Laurie, bless you and your loved ones.
ReplyDeleteA big warm hug from bella Italia :)
Such sad news - but I am certain you all did your best for him. You give so much to all who stop by your blog - it is important for you to remember that you can tell us about the hard days as well.
ReplyDeleteWe would feel sorry if you always felt you had to provide us with upbeat stories.
Life isn't like that.
Sending lots of hugs from Australia
Well put, Elizabeth.
DeleteGoodbye sweet Filbert. I know your short life was a happy one!
ReplyDeleteWith many purrs and ear licks from Atticus, Mae, Gandalf and Malcolm in Toronto.
I am so sorry for your lost. Goodbye Mr. Filbert Stout. You'll be missed darlin kitten.
ReplyDeleteRest in peace, Filbert. Your sweet spirit is held close by so many hearts today.
ReplyDeleteWe are sad beyond words that this sweet boy didn't make it. But we know you did all you could and more importantly this little soul knew love ~ that comforts us, and we hope it does you. Thank you for loving him so much, and doing your best.
ReplyDeleteLove Milo and Alfie and our mom. xxx
Godspeed, Filbert.
ReplyDeleteI lost my first foster a few weeks ago. It's a gut punch that I'm still recovering from. My only consolation is that she was deeply loved during the time she was with me and that dear little Filbert had the best possible life when he was with you.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had something more than virtual hugs to offer this morning.
I'm so very sorry, Laurie. Like everyone else, I salute you for all you do for the bitty kitties, and send love and support as you mourn for dear Filbert. And, also like everyone else, I'm glad that even though his life was too short, thanks to you it was spent in love and safety.
ReplyDeleteLife changes so quickly, but that little Filbert knew he was loved and safe is the most important! Thank you again for all you do, because the heartbreak, when it comes, could make a less stronger person than you think that taking care of the bitties isn't worth the risk of loss. Hugs to all, and sending healing thoughts to Wylla and Audrey!
ReplyDeleteWe never know what life will bring and this time it brought little Filbert into all of our lives. It also took him from us. I am so grateful to you Laurie that Filbert, in his short life, knew that he was loved and that a special kindness surrounded him in your home and in your heart. He will always be remembered as the little "nutty" tabby who had a "Hi" for everyone.
ReplyDeleteMy love and prayers go to you all (and hugs and tears).
I am so sorry. My condolences to Laurie, Craig, Bean, the Stout girls and the entire IBKC community. Rest in peace little nut.
ReplyDeletesending you lots of love & hugs!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else, his little life may have been short but he was loved:) I foster cats in Indiana, sometimes its great and we see them go to a forever home, sometimes it is sad. I read your blog daily with a cup of coffee, it starts my morning as it does for others.
ReplyDeleteMany hugs,
One less angel on earth, one more angel in heaven.
ReplyDeleteThis sweet little guy knew plenty of love and cuddling and playing during his short life, and his life ended before it could be burdensome to him. Many condolences to all.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie! I'm so sorry! I second (millionth?) that although his time was short, he was loved, and all the best (although I'm sure they don't seem like "best") decisions were made for him. I'm sure it's hard to have to send a beautiful baby to the Rainbow Bridge, but I find comfort knowing that you don't take these things lightly, and ALWAYS do what's best for the kitten.
ReplyDeleteThank you for telling us! Sending hugs your way and to little Filbert's sisters.
I'm so sorry, Laurie. :( Take comfort in knowing you provided a wonderful, loving home for this sweet little guy. You and Filbert will be in my thoughts today!
ReplyDelete*gentle hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss, Laurie. I know it can't be all sunshine and roses. Filbert was a special little guy who was needed somewhere else. I know you did the best you could for him. I am thinking about you both.
ReplyDeleteLaurie, my heart is broken as is yours and all of ours. I/we are all sending warm hugs and love for you and beautiful, happy little boy Filbert to send him on his way. You gave him the most important things any little kitty could need.
ReplyDeleteMy sympathy for your loss. May you find strength and comfort from those of us who share your affection for Itty Bitty Kitties.
ReplyDeleteI've always assumed you "protect" all of us from the messy stuff.
ReplyDeleteI'm an atheist, so I don't believe in heaven. But I've always believed that if anyone/anything deserved a heaven (or at least something a little extra special) it's animals.
Th only place I know for sure animals go is our hearts. In my heart Jerry Lee and Filbert are scampering, tumbling and wrestling together--brothers from IBKC.