
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wee Wooly Wylla





  1. Her eyeliner will never cease to delight me!

  2. She's so fluffy and pretty... :) How's she doing, Laurie? I hope she's 110% better by now!

  3. Floof! Lots of floof! The third picture is the most adorable.

  4. Wylla has one tabby paw and one butterscotch paw! So floofsie!

  5. Adorable. How big are they or how much do they weigh at this point? It's so hard to tell from pictures.

    Will you be keeping them a little longer than usual to make extra sure they're in good health?

    1. They still have some growing to do before they make weight. I'm not sure when I'll schedule them for surgery - I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  6. I can hear her through the screen - she's sys hey everybody thanks for you kind words - see I'm doing so much better!!

  7. Ohhhhh that pink nose. I want to rub it.

  8. I'm not sure how it happened (though her exceptional beauty clearly had something to do with it), but Wee Woolly Wylla has truly captured my heart.

  9. She's absolutely adorable and looks so soft!

  10. Oh, precious little wylla, your smile cuts me to the heart!

    I can already tell that I'll be visiting this post several times today as a brief interlude from the madness!

  11. Kisses and hugs to you, little sweetie! Hope you're feeling much better!

  12. D'Awwwww! She is soooo cuuuute! I don't know how she and Audrey do it, but they have managed to pack maximum cute into such tiny bodies! She looks like she feels a bit better. But I will continue to think healthy, positive thoughts your way until we get the "all clear" report from you, Laurie.

  13. A darling little cherub. Continued prayers and get well wishes.

    Andrea in Calif

  14. This is such a sweet series.

    SHe looks so proud to have climbed to the peak of the knee and is wondering what she should do now.

    Just keep getting better and lookin' sweet!

  15. Little Wylla you look to be getting better.
    You and your sister brighten my day every time.

  16. Aw, look at your wee pink nose, Wylla. I'm so happy to see you're looking healthier, little muffin girl!

  17. Wee Wooly Wylla... Wee Wooly Wylla.... Wee Wooly Wylla.

    That's easier to type 3 times than to say, Lol! I love her name, and she is one g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s little girl. I've always wanted a cuddly, fluffy kitty. She really is precious, and if she lived in this house I'd be so obsessed with taking photos of her.


  18. Is it just me or does she have the tree of life on her face? It looks like the roots are on her nose and the tree grows up from there. Don't be reluctant to say I am hallucinating.

    1. No I absolutely love that description.. Like a connection to tiny Filbert in haeven and Audrey here on earth. Lovely! And her little eye whiskers serve as very fetching 3D branches :-)

  19. So, so precious -- an itty bitty angel here on earth.

  20. You are looking good Wylla. Hang in dear sweetie pie.

    Emma and Buster

  21. I can just hear her now: "I claim this knee for Spain...and all floofy kitties."

  22. Oh look at her happy little face in the last one. Yay!

  23. She looks like a happy kitty - and especially in the last picture, like one who's trying to decide what mischief she should get into! Yay.

  24. She is one adorable little fluff ball...And I just noticed that she has one side of her face and chest cloaked in Orange Tabby, and the other in Brown Tabby...and her paws are the exact opposite! Amazing.

  25. "On a knee,
    Where I should be!"

  26. Oh Laurie, this wee one is right where she needs to be right now. You are an angel and have given her all the help she needs to make a good strong healthy start. Thank heaven for you. And as always, thank you for sharing with us. Sending lots of love and warm thoughts!!

  27. It sure looks like Wylla is back to, or at least close to, her originally floofy silly self. Yay! I hope she continues to thrive, because kittens as floofy as her are extra-special. Although I suspect, as almost equally floofy Henri le Chat Noir points out, that much floof does occasionally require a certain maintenance delicat around the nether end. :)

  28. this is the kind of kitty that just turns me into a baby-talking pile of goo.. "Such a widdew cute-ums.. who's the good wilddle girl? Yes you are..."

    I could just lose my face in that pile of floof for several hours and be happy. Wylla, we all know that you've had a hard start to your short (so far) life.. keep hangin' in there, you'll be all better soon, especially once we can release you to Ms Bean's healing tongue. :)

  29. Adorable little fluffball :) Hope she likes being brushed.

  30. She's gorgeous! Are you keeping her admirers away with a baseball bat??? ;) Mary A

  31. sWEEt Woolly glad to see you are improving, prayers to your good health. You and Audrey are just so beautiful! You are in the best of hands!!

  32. I hope she's continuing to get better and it's all smooth sailing from now on (not that cats like water, you understand, but some like boats!)

  33. So floofy and so adorable! And she seems to be doing much better, too!

  34. She is so pretty and so special. I just love her...and as usual these photographs are beautiful. Continue to get better little Wylla. You are stunning. And...your sister pretty darn cute too.

  35. She looks so peaceful and happy. Hooray.

  36. Beautiful, multicolored fluff!

  37. Oh I wish, wish WISH I lived near you, or you lived near me. I'd adopt lovely Wylla in a heartbeat. I think she is my favourite of all the kittens you've had. *sigh* What an adorable little face. In that last picture she looks as if she knows how ill she's been and she's determined to be completely well.

  38. Sending Wee Woolie Wylla Well Wishes!

  39. That *is* the wooliest kitten I've ever seen. Get well soon, wee one!
