Friday, June 28, 2013

No Pressure.

Really, no pressure.   But there are some special needs cats that need our help


And I don't think Wylla's going to blink until we meet Cynthia's match.

Please click HERE to help those cats and kittens out!  


  1. I am waiting for her to smile...she has that look about her. LOL :-)

  2. Who could resist those eyes? Certainly not me!

  3. Yikes! Imagine living with all that intense cuteness!? :D

  4. Hello Wylla, Buddy and Tiger made sure we supported such a wonderful cause, kitties with special needs. They are so grateful that they are both healthy kitty boys and asked if I could use some catnip funds to help with kitties that had extra medical needs.

    We wish we could give more, but we have the Animal Rescue League of Boston (mostly Brewster branch) that we also support. Many thanks to Cynthia Suprenant for her incredible generosity, making all our contributions go SO MUCH farther.

    You are doing such a good job, Wylla, with Bean's help, raising funds for the Humane Society of Tacoma and Pierce County. Keep up the good work!

    Buddy and Tiger's mom

    1. Thank you for supporting the kitties - REGARDLESS of the geography. That is what is most important, really.

  5. This is the first IBKC fund drive since we've been reading, and we were hoping there would be a special needs cats day. My mother passed away this month, and she always advocated taking in special needs cats, and her daughters have learned from that. among the cats at our house is one-eyed Ashton, and my sister has three-legged cousin Earl, who was originally one of my mother's cats. So many shelters don't take a chance on wonderful cats like Wylla, and ti's wonderful that you are contributing to the fund for just that reason. We're with you, Wylla!

    1. Welcome to the best blog ever! You are awesome for adopting special needs babies.

  6. Do you think Wylla will ever grow into those whiskers?

  7. Hello, Audrey - er, Wylla ;)

  8. Hypnotized... I am hypnotized. Can Not Look Away...

  9. OMG! She is IRRESISTIBLE! Look at those eyes!!!

  10. MOL...She is cute !
    Let's help her have home...TWEET !!!

  11. I could not resist that wide-eyed beauty!



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