Friday, June 7, 2013

Who's the Big Kitty?

Wylla Stout is no stranger to the vet's office.  During her five months in this world, she's been examined more times than most cats are in their entire lifetime.

She's not stressed at all - in fact she's quite nonchalant at the vet.      


This week, both girls went in for an examine. 


Bean did OK, but got a bit frightened.


Thankfully, wee Wylla was there to protect her big sister.


Don't worry. I've got you covered, Bean.  Hide behind me - you'll feel safe. 



  1. They are such an adorable pair! I'm so glad you couldn't bear to give Wylla up- they are clearly kindred spirits. :)

    ps. Wylla's looking SO good!

  2. They are just too sweet together! Oh, how precious!

  3. That last photo! <3 <3!! -Jess

  4. OK, now I have glimpsed the cutest, sweetest moment in the universe of time and kittens. Love.

    1. I agree with Shelley T. When we first saw Wylla, I thought she was the cutest kitty in Tacoma, then cutest kitty in Washington, then in the US , then in North American, then in North AND South America, then in the world, then in the solar system, then in the galaxy, But now - yup, these photos confirm that Wylla Stout is in fact the cutest, sweetest kitty in the whole Universe. And I am dying from all this cuteness!

    2. I agree! If I can't have Wylla, I'm soooooo glad she's yours Laurie so I can see her furever!

  5. Aww... reminds me of the first time I took my two to the vet together. My older boy was practically trembling under the chair, and my teeny kitten girl (who had been to the vet more often, though nothing like Wylla) went over and started licking his head as if to say 'It's o-tay, they nice!'

  6. awwww - the little sister being all protective :)

  7. Awww, sweet Wylla, you're truly one of a kind!

  8. how sweet. they are getting along so well.

    emma and buster

  9. They are such a perfect pair!

  10. Wylla protecting Bean? *head explodes* She sure isn't one to let everything that's happened to her affect her at all, is she? What a trooper!

  11. That last pic is just too darn adorable! They are beyond sweet together. How nice for Wylla to feel like the protector of her big sis in this situation. That is certainly not a look we are used to seeing for Miss Bean. I'm sure both were very happy to get back home soon after their check-ups.

  12. Awwwww, reciprocated care. Thanks for capturing these images, Laurie!

  13. So like my house. My Jimmy is a big old fraidy cat and his little sister Dax - literally half his size - protects him from all scary things! You're a good sister to Bean, Wylla!

  14. Awww, such sweetness. Good job, Wylla, protecting big sis, Charlene

  15. Aw, sweet Wylla, what a good sister. Reminds me of my little teeny Peanut, and her bigger sister Dusty. Dusty was always the alpha cat in the house.. One time they were sitting in the garage door watching Mom do yard work. The neighborhood bully cat saw them and was high-tailing toward them. They both turned to run back into the house. Dusty scooted through the cat flap, but Peanut turned at that point and planted herself, like "You gotta get through me to get to Dusty!" Peanut's about half the size of either of the other cats. Really surprised me.. she'd always been such a seemingly timid cat. Those little girls will surprise you.
    Oh, and btw, the bully cat never made it to Peanut, I caught the booger by the tail and he sailed out of the garage. :)

  16. Classic cat hiding technique - if I can't see you, you can't see me.

  17. sweet kismet. they were meant to be together.

  18. HOW DANG SWEET IS THIS?!?! Love these girls to pieces!! Hope their checkups went well....

  19. I've seriously just been slayed with cuteness and love and warm fuzzies...

    See people! Even Animals and fuzzy, tiny kittens get it! Why can't us hoomins?

    Wylla and Bean, thank you for showing us the beauty of unconditional love and protection, no matter your age or size or amount of fluffiness! May we as hoomins be ever so lucky enough to follow in your footsteps. (ummm, i meant paw steps)
    Much love from Loreen and Mr. Whiskers

  20. That last picture just about made me fall off my chair. Awwwwww! I think there was a collective "awwwww!" from the internet.

  21. Awwwwww! That just made my heart flutter! That has got to be the sweetest thing ever! And that last picture of Wylla protecting the Bean! I just may pass out from the cuteness!

  22. If we listened hard enough, we'd probably hear the harmonic convergence of "awww."

    Sweet that the sistah solitude goes both ways. LG is not big on the vet, either, but he dislikes riding in the car even more. Happily, it's not a long drive to our vet's office.

    1. Oof, make that sistah solicitude.

  23. Awwww. The last picture made my blood sugar double - lil Wylla protecting her big sister!

  24. I once saw my Mama Lucy jump in front of Winkie, her son, who outweighs her by 15 pounds. The danger wasn't even real, they tease the dog, he chases them, they turn and fight and the dog runs for cover, even though no one, not cat, not dog, no one has actually hurt anyone else, EVER, it is a game. But game or no game, if Lucy thinks that someone is picking on her 9 year old, 20 pound kitten, she will get in front of him and take care of him. The really sad part is that he will try to hide behind her. I guess once a mama, always a mama. My sweet babies.

  25. OOPS my comment got eaten!
    I am so glad you adopted Wylla.
    Bean had already done so in her heart and I am sure you know that. These two really bonded together like sisters.

  26. What is it about these two that get me teary eyed so easily?? Sweetest pictures ever! Our kitties are always so scared at the vets office - a cat's only vet that is fantastic in every way. I'm so glad that Wylla can make Bean feel better. I'm sure Bean paid her back with a magnificent beauty salon session!

  27. We know what it's like to be spoiled by a cat. We had a baby with something similar to Wylla - infantile MegaColon in his case - and he had soooooo many vet trips that he'd see the carrier and just get in. Now when we take the others it's like trying to get a tornado with claws into the carrier - so NOT fun!

  28. oh my gosh, so cute!

    Thanks for protecting your big sis, Wylla!


  29. Beyond words.....couldn't of worked out any better if planned.....the love they already share for each other...

  30. Aw, so sweet. They are so cute together. :)

  31. awwwww...Wylla loves her sister! And of course the reverse is true! And we all love both of them! So glad they are together - perfect for each other and your family!

  32. That last picture just slays me. These girls are so good together. <3

  33. You're a good sister, Wylla, looking out for Bean.

  34. I'm so glad they have each other!

    Patti in D.C.

  35. That last picture is too sweet! They really do make a perfect pair :>

  36. Wylla is such a trooper. Love the last photo of the mighty protector and her big sister.

  37. Awwww, isn't that sweet! It looks like Bean is hiding her head behind Wylla! Such a sweet pair of girls you have there!

  38. Everyone needs a kitten shield for those times they're a wee bit scared.

    1. Activate the kitten shield. Love it.

      It occurs to me that Wylla looks more like herself in these pics. She must be feeling better.

  39. Oh, I just melted at that last picture! It just confirms that Wylla is the Best. Kitten. Ever! (with apologies to my 4 again...) :)

  40. My two are like this. My boy is all "I lurve the vet lady she's purrrty" my lady cat is like "I care not for this place thank you good sir take me home. NOW"

  41. I just finished a memoir of WWII, where the advice was to always protect your Bean.

  42. Oh Charlene, Mom got yet another shameful picture of you on the web. Lucky that you had Super Wylla Stout to save the day!

  43. Oh, that is too precious! The last picture in particular... I'm so glad Wylla is yours and Charlene's now. :)

    My Smokey hates the vet (also the result of many visits as a kitten--funny how that affects different cats). She climbs on my shoulder and hides her face in my hair while we wait for the doctor.

  44. Major adorable! Another sign that Wylla and Bean were meant to be sisters!

  45. Thank goodness in a pinch, the Bean has her little sis to help her through this trauma! Good girl, Wylla! Mary A

  46. Charlene is so fortunate to have her fur-sis Wylla to help her out.

    The series is beautiful, but Wylla as kitty shield is incredibly sweet.

  47. oh, that last pic is the most adorable pic in the history of adorable pics! eee! *hearts*

  48. OMG! I especially love the last photo with Bean hiding behind Wylla ! So cute !

  49. OMG! That's so freakin' cute! :D

  50. That last photo is so sweet it has turned me into a wobbly pile of goo.

  51. nervous kitties at the vet usually start shedding piles of fur- thank goodness Charlene has floof to spare.

  52. this post made my day! so adorable. so, this is how wylla pays bean back for all the bathing etc. :) today, i have to take one of our cats to the vet - and i wish she had a 'big' sister like wylla to comfort her. :)

  53. The last picture is adorable...sweet little Wylla protecting her Bean :)

  54. Oh, break my heart. Lovely. <3

  55. Wylla has such a sweet face!

  56. It's okay Charlene, we understand that a visit to the physician can try the royal patience. I'm sure you regained your regal composure shortly after the visit.

  57. That darling wee angel Wylla! So much floof and so much love in a little package!

  58. That is just SO sweet! I'm having a little allergy attack or something, watery eyes and all, excuse me now. *sniffle*



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