Monday, July 22, 2013

The Numbers and More Thanks!

There were many, many folks out there who thought our huge goal was too huge - none of you, of course - you would never doubt the power of this community.  

At times, reaching it did seem very far away to me, but I always knew in the end we would get there - and we did.

And then some!

Let's take a look at our numbers!!

Online FUNdraising:   $107,025
Paypal donations:            $1500
Offline donations             $1100
Auctions + poster sales    $5650
Team member Sarah        $1055
Team member Shana         $860

So, for those people out there in the world who thought we couldn't raise $100,000 - I suppose you were right.  We didn't raise $100,000 -  WE RAISED $117,190 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess how much they raised at Dog-A-Thon this year?  $234,000.    Yep, do the math friends, and be very, very proud - WE RAISED HALF OF THAT!!! 

Throughout the FUNdraiser, we had a few days devoted to specific programs and causes.  Below you'll see how much we raised for each - these amounts are included in the $117,190 total.

Foster Program - $8000
Special Needs Cats & Kittens  - $6000
Senior Cats - $13000
Spay & Neuter Programs - $7000
Food Bank / Meals on Wheels - $ 7000

And in all our years of FUNdraising,  look at how much  The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee Community has raised.....

Year 1 = $23,000
Year 2 = $48,000
Year 3 = $66,000
Year 4 = $87,000
Year 5 = $117,190

For a grand total of $341,190!  Can you believe it???!!!!!  That is SO MANY SQUILLIONS! 

Thank you, everyone, who contributed to this huge success!  Thank you for giving those squillions and for saying "I wish I could give more".  Thank you for helping us meet every match presented. Thank you for sharing our links and telling your friends about our cause.  Thank you for cheering us along. Thank you for believing we could do it.  Thank you for your many kind words and comments.

Thank you for caring so much and wanting to help the homeless cats and kittens. Thank you for being good people and reminding us of how much kindness and compassion is out there in the world.  Thank you for not going away while we asked again and again and again for more squilions.

Thank you, EVERYONE!!!!

And a big thank you to Craig, who is always so tolerant and wonderful during this busy time.  Thank you for not minding the extra clutter that accumulated, the neglected tasks, or the telethon set on the kitchen table.  Thank you for being so supportive.  Thank you for creating the lovely painting of Wylla to auction off.  It was perfect.

Thank you to my dear pal, Jay Bryant, for designing our awesome poster.  I know you're a busy guy, and I appreciate you finding time to squeeze us in.

Thank you to Natalie for matching our donations with warm, fuzzy hand-made kitty beds.

Thank you to Christy at Libertine Tacoma for donating a portion of their sales!

Thank you Marlene for matching dollars with kitty sketches!

Thank you to Wylla and Charlene for taking so many shifts on the phones. I know it cut into your napping, and I appreciate the sacrifices you made over the past month.

Thank you to Opal the Human, Ellis, and Jennifer for paying us a visit and bringing us a donation that inspired others to give.

Thank you to Sarah and Shana for being a part of Team IBKC again, setting awesome goals, and going beyond them!  Well done, ladies!

Thank you to Ninja Bob, Blixa, Jim, Lynn, Alex, Craig, Sarah and Shana for walking the walk!

Thank you to Sue for loaning us her precious kittens to take a few shifts on the phone banks.

Thank you Marguerite and the whole HS for all the support.

Thanks to the generous bidders on our auction items.

Thanks to all the families of our alumni who shared the pictures and stories of their former IBKs.

Thanks to all the families and alumni that let us come visit them.

Thank you to Mary, Lynn and Alex, Sarah E, Alison, Eleanor, Wendy,  Rosemary, Laura and Roger who offered up some very generous matching donation challenges.

Thank you to our big-hearted Awesome Anonymous Donor who matched so many matches.  You are awesomely awesome and we wouldn't have hit our goal without your help.

And last, but certainly not least, thank you dear Cynthia.  You mean the world to us and when I think of you and all you give,  and the many ways you give,  I always get misty.   I am so grateful that you found your way to us.  If I thanked you every second of every day in my life, that still wouldn't feel adequate.  I know you get a wee bit embarrassed when we gush about you, but you are so gush-worthy.   We love you and your huge heart.

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone - I am tired, and my brain isn't functioning at 100% today.  Please forgive me if I have.

We've done something really huge, and I hope you're feeling as proud of us as I am right now.  By providing all of these squillions to our shelter, we are giving them  the resources to care for this  population of homeless cats and kittens,  get them healthier and happier,  and help them find their forever families.    

Thank you, dear IBKC Community.   Your generosity and support  made tears well and hearts swell.  We love you and are touched deeply by your kindness and compassion.  


  1. WOW!!!! Very Impressive!!! But having Wylla and Bean to help drew in the big guns...Congrats to everyones' hard work and effort to make this successful!!!!

  2. Wow. Fantastic, Laurie! That is A LOT of squillions!
    I think back on the first FUNraiser and remember how nervous you were about whether the goal would be reached, then you tentatively raised the goal...and we sailed right on by it!
    You've created an amazing community - I get goosebumps just thinking how many cats and kittens are going to be helped this year thanks to your vision and hard work, and the generosity of those who contributed items for auction or special matching funds, and the scores of folks who simply gave from their hearts.

  3. Wow! HALF of this year's total for the kitties -- could we have done any better? (I know, I know, next year we'll be shooting for two-thirds, right?) That is so fantastic, Laurie, it gives me chills!

    You are the heart of this amazing community, Laurie. You're the reason this all happens. Don't ever forget that!

    1. My thoughts exactly! Go, team IBKC, and our fearless leader, Laurie!

  4. WOW! WOWWWWWWW! Please give Wylla & Bean extra lovey squeezes for all of us! <3

  5. Lynn, Alex, India and ZoubiJuly 22, 2013 at 5:22 PM

    Laurie, congratulations to everyone and to YOU! Thank you for letting me hold Wylla during the walk. Thank you for Zou, and thank you for being such an inspiration. You show what a difference one person can make- and you bring a lot of us happily following along with you. You did set a lofty goal- but why not? It worked. You are our hero.

    1. Lynn, it was fabulous meeting you at Dog-a-Thon. You were beyond thrilled to be carrying Wylla. And you did it well! :)

  6. There was something about that day that you shared Charlene's foster/adoption story. That was the first day I though, "Oh, this is happening." It just seemed like things went into high gear that day.

    Anyhoo, next year then? Same cat time, same cat channel?

  7. I can't believe that number!! That is incredible!! Great work! The kitties will benefit tremendously.

  8. I'm so proud of us. I love the IBKC. This site is my happy place.

  9. Blixa, Jim & I are honored to be a part of this amazing community. Is it OK to be a little proud today?

    1. I think it's okay to be A LOT proud today! I know I am.

  10. Thank YOU, Laurie, Craig, IBKC Community!

  11. So many squillions! Congratulations, it's truly amazing what you have done!!!!!

  12. I have chills, happy & leaky eyes and sheer joy thinking what a happy, loving corner of the world Laurie, Craig and their dear girls Charlene and Drewey created for us.

    And now Miss Wylla has joined Team IBKC!

  13. Congratulations and well done I'm in awe of all. Kisses to Charlene and Wylla

  14. I am humbled and awed at what we did as a whole -- so many coming together to support those who can't speak for themselves. Showing love, kindness, compassion and reverence for all Itty Bitties. Thank you Laurie, Craig, Ms. Bean and Wee Wylla from the the bottom of my heart for all that you have done.

    And to all those Naysayers out there, all I can say to you is BAH HUMBUG !!

  15. Atta way, kit-kats and hoomins! Virtual treats for everyone. :-)

  16. Squirt, squirting tears. OMG so awesome...thank YOU, Laurie, for being the ringmaster & without whom none of this would happen. In a world where superlatives are employed way too often, you are AMAZING!



  17. This is amazing! Congratulations, and thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you do for the cats of Tacoma. They are very lucky kitties to have you working so hard on their behalf!

  18. Laurie, I'm a minister's kid, and I used to think there was no greater role than to be a church leader, but as I've gotten older, I'm realizing there is something bigger and better, and that is to be a community leader. Which is exactly what you are. You have generated a small rebellion of kindness! I would join your band of warriors any day. ;)

  19. If heaven exists, Laurie, you won't have to argue your way in. A band of rioters will overpower St. Peter while carrying you in on their shoulders! Thank you for making the world a better place. (Also, be nice to St. Peter. If he gives you a hard time, he's gonna have a bad day. ;)



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