I was so excited to see Wylla had crossed the four pound mark when I put her on the scale yesterday afternoon - for weeks she had been hovering just below.
Of course she's still barely half what kitten of her age should be, but it's progress and that makes me happy.
Nothing has really changed with her condition. We do all we can to help her keep her food down. She still eats in a vertical position but now we only have to hold her upright afterwards on occasion, when she's having a bad day. We feed her the same food, same consistency at roughly the same times each day. Sometimes her body processes it just fine, sometimes it comes back up. There doesn't seem to be any sort of pattern to it and I don't know what triggers the occasional bad day.
She goes in for acupuncture once a month. I'm not sure if it's making a difference with her Megaesophagus, but you can tell it makes her feel really good, and so we'll continue with the sessions. During the days that follow her acupuncture appointments, she always has a lot of energy and acts extra kittenish.
She definitely has a little more meat on her bones now, but I would still love to see her get a bit thicker. She'll always be a little thing - I'm fine with small, but we don't want skinny. I'm hoping by the time she's done growing, she'll hit the six pound mark.
To sum things up, her condition is manageable but mysterious, too.
Yeah for Wylla
ReplyDeletecongrats on the 4# mark Wylla!!! We know you will continue to grow big and strong....
ReplyDeleteDelighted to hear of the weight gain, I know very little about cats, but Wylla even thought small for her age looks terrific, healthy, bright and soooo very curious. Thank you for the up date have a lovely weeknd
ReplyDeleteCONGRATS on the weight! Glad to know she is holding her own most of the time. Tricky when kittens won't use their words. Had a cat with IDB - could never figure out what might trigger an attack...could use a universal translator.....
ReplyDeleteI also had an IBD kitty. Even those teeny tiny weight increments meant so much!
DeleteI'm an IBD person, and if you find that translator- let me know :-) I know lots of folks in the same boat!
DeleteYay for Wylla! What a sweet patient girl. <3
ReplyDeleteYay Wylla!!! Woot-woot! So glad to hear she is managing well and putting on weight-she looks wonderful, and it's clear she's benefitting so much from your loving care. Interesting to hear about the acupuncture-its been recommended to me for my chronic health condition (chronic migraines) but I thought I'd try the Neurologist route first...since i'd never been to one. So far it's been nothing but meds that have side effects more heinous than the migraines themselves, and recommendation for one promising treatment (Botox) has been denied by my insurance carrier. So maybe I should now try acupuncture. Hey, if it works for Wylla...why not me?
ReplyDeleteSharon, accupuncture has given me great relief for my migraines. And far from being painful, I almost always fall asleep on the table. Good luck to you, whatever you do.
DeleteI wish that in college, when I suffered chronic migraines, that Botox had been an option. I found relief in a combination of blood pressure and anti depressant medication, and bio-feedback. Best of luck with your journey, I know many of us share your pain!
DeleteSo sorry about the migraines I suffer frim the as well and am allergic to one of the more commonly used meds to stop them once they have started (imitrex). I have not tried acupuncture as I have been fortunate enough to have found a blood pressure med that seems to work as a preventative fairly well especially when combined with regular
Deletemassage therapy.
Best of luck finding something that works for you. You are not alone
Yay, Wylla! So happy to hear that she's putting on ounces. And I agree with the others who've pointed out that she looks and acts healthy despite being wee.
ReplyDelete"Wylla: Kitten of Mystery" should be the title of her biography.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Wylla and the whole family!
ReplyDeleteHurrah for Wylla! Four pounds is quite an accomplishment for one so wee!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update. I'm very glad she's gaining weight.
ReplyDeleteThat's wonderful! I hope she gains a bit more weight, too, but it's okay to be itty and skinny -- my Emily has been a skinny 6 lb. cat for 17.5 years now, and she's still perfectly healthy. Even the vet commented on how skinny she is, but then added, "But some cats are just that way." So maybe Wylla is just supposed to be that way! In any case, she looks happy and healthy, and that's what's important.
ReplyDeleteSuch good news. Well, we all have bad days every now and then, so I guess Wylla is no exception. Let's hope they decrease in frequency as she gets older
ReplyDeleteYay, Wylla! One of the family cats when I was growing up was about 6# as an adult. Small in body, HUGE in 'tude and spirit and mouth.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on that milestone!!! You may be small in size but you are HUGE in heart! My stepmother rescued a kitten that had been mauled by a dog and wasn't expected to live (her belly area was completely torn up). She made it through but never grew to full size due to her early trauma and probably some physiological issues with her insides from the attack. However, Trillion (as she is called) is spunky, happy and full of personality even though I think she may only weight 6 or 7 pounds at most. She doesn't seem to notice, just like you!
ReplyDeleteoh goodness dear wee wyla, we are so happy for you reaching the 4 pound mark. Additional ounces shall accumulate at some points in the future.
ReplyDeleteemme (age 16 and 7 pounds for the last 13 years)
If love could add pounds, she'd weigh about a thousand pounds by now. I figure that if she isn't hungry or cold, she is doing just fine. I guess since she doesn't know any different, she doesn't have any anxiety over it. She is a very happy cat!
ReplyDeleteHooray for Wylla!! Four is my new favorite number.
ReplyDeleteI'm not at all surprised at her response to acupuncture. I feel quite kittenish myself after my weekly treatments.
great news, Wee Wylie! your meowmy and daddy are doing wonderful things for you!
Thank goodness Wylla has you for her mom, Laurie. If she has any chance for a good long life, it will be with you. Good show, Wylla! Mary A
ReplyDeleteYay, Wylla!
ReplyDeleteCongrats Wylla! What a long way you've come :) You're sucha little darling!
ReplyDeleteHooray!! You're just meant to be a petite kitteh.. You and my Peanut are in the same kind of group, if Peanut ever weighed more than 6 lbs in her 17 years, I blinked and missed it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should have called her Peanutte?
Wylla, four pounds is fantabulous, but let's try to make the next pound a quick one, how about it? (This feels a bit like the FUNdraiser toteboard.)
ReplyDeleteshe is such a darling and you're doing an amazing job!
ReplyDeleteWylla is such a charmer and she is so lucky her first foster home became her forever home.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Laurie, Charlene, Craig & the Humane Society for having such a great team!
she is absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteYay, Wylla! Who's a big girl?
ReplyDeleteWee Wylla is just living up to being the spokeswoman for the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee!! I just want to say again that we all are SO glad she stayed in your loving home :)