Friday, May 9, 2014

She's at it AGAIN!

Oh, Effie.  When are you going to figure out that that thing that's been chasing you, is actually you?  How many circles will it take?

Wylla thinks she's nuts. We all do, actually.

(Listen closely for Wylla's chirps at the :30 and 1:09 mark.)

I dropped Hazel in the box after Effie finished 15 minutes of laps,  to see if she might be inspired to do the same.  

Nope. Not now.  She needed a snuggle. 


  1. 24 hours later - still trying to capture that tail!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My Sir Stewart Fird FluffyPants esq. used to do that when he was a wee baby. He still tries sometimes when he gets very excited.

    I love the Wylla chirps too!!

  4. Oh, Effie, what a silly little girl you are!

    One of our cats used to chase the shadow of his tail rather than the tail itself--talk about an exercise in frustration...

    I'll be happy to step in as pinch snuggler any time you need me to. : )

  5. Gah! I never get tired of kitten antics! And I almost fell out when I heard Wylla chirping! And I really did fall out of my chair laughing when Wylla ran across the screen, chasing Effie! Too funny!!!!

  6. I have a theory that cats and tails are two separate entities attached to each other in a symbiotic relationship. The kitty contains all the sweet while the sassy comes from the tail.

  7. Oh Effie... You're supposed to be GAINING weight, not burning calories by fruitless chasings of tail (well that came out a little weird)... But you almost had it at 0:50!

  8. Okay, I just watched both Effie videos again. Does she ever go clockwise or is she a one-direction kitty?

  9. Does Effie ever go in the other direction????

  10. Huh?

    " When are you going to figure out that that thing that's been chasing you, is actually you?"

    Shouldn't that be that the thing you are chasing is actually you?

  11. Dear Effie, I think if you went at it from the other direction you could get it. You need to try it CLOCKWISE.

  12. So cute! Love Wylla taking off after Effie! & little Hazel lovebug!

  13. Do her brothers chase their tails compulsively? Perhaps it's something the inherited from their father...

  14. Wylla's all "Mom! Little Miss Crazy-Pants is at it again!"

  15. She is sure going to get a surprise one day when her tail gets long enough to catch, especially if she chomps down on her prize!

  16. Silly, determined, adorable Effie. Wylla zooming in on Effie was perfect. It's like she'd decided what Effie was doing made no sense to her, so she was going to step in (like a good big sister should, of course) and stop her from wasting any more of her time. ;D Hazel's just killing with her cute 'Forget the box. I want lovins NAO!' attitude. Who can resist that?

  17. My 3 yr.-old likes to chase her tail in the bath tub. She's a weirdo and I love her.

  18. Ha! Oh, Effie.

    Melly still chases her tail sometimes. The other day, she had a burst of energy and went at it for a good 5 minutes before collapsing in an exhausted heap.

  19. I adore the 3 of them together! <3

  20. Maybe Effie should have her last name changed to "Uroboros".

  21. I have a siamese cross (lynx point) who is 7 years old and he still chases his tail. He is very serious about it and draws blood -- in fact there are always scabs on his tail. I did research and it is a manifestation of a neurological issue that many siamese cross cats have. He now does it most when he is hungry and waiting to be fed - misdirected anxiety.



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