In the past couple years, she and Patrick had lost a pair senior cats. Since the passing of these two beloved cats, many friends had sent links to adoptable kittens, but Wendy just wasn't quite ready to pursuit any of those leads.
But when she received two emails from two friends, both sharing a link to the post about Effie and Hazel, Wendy felt the Universe might be giving her a nudge, so she clicked on the link and fell in love.
"These are our kittens," she thought upon first sight.
She sent a very nice email introducing herself and shared with me the life she and Patrick could offer these special girls. They sounded kind and absolutely perfect, and I emailed back, and we arranged for a meet and greet.
Effie and Hazel are fearless and friendly, and with these two, there's never a single scaredy-cat moment spent under the couch. They are always happy to say hello to anyone who enters our home, and when Wendy and Patrick came into our home and sat down on the floor, the girls were quick to greet them and show them their bright, charming little selves.
We all had a lovely visit. Wendy and Patrick were clearly delighted by this dear pair, and left with huge smiles on their faces. Yes indeed, these were their kittens.
The kittens still had to put on a half pound before they were ready for surgery and adoption, and I'm sure these few weeks must have been pure torture for their adopters. Imagine being in Wendy and Patrick's shoes, and having to wait weeks for this adorable pair to come home. During this time they did all of their kitten-proofing, and purchased all of the necessary kitten supplies, and finally, surgery day came, all went well, and after Effie and Hazel had some time to heal, Wendy and Patrick returned to pick up their girls.
Wendy emailed once they were safely home and the kittens had a chance to settle in. She said they did well on the long ride to Seattle, and seemed very happy in their new surroundings. Wendy and Patrick are thrilled having these dear kittens in their lives, and they promise to give them the very best care, and send us lots of updates!
Wendy and Patrick, thank you for adopting this special pair. We're grateful the Universe pointed you in our direction. We'll miss your babies dearly, but knowing that they are in a place where they will loved and adored, makes their departure bearable.
And yes, please send updates.

Good bye, dear Effie and Hazel. We were lucky to spend these months with you, and watch you both grow from tiny, fragile things to robust kittens. We saw your personalities take shape and shine, and getting to know you, was truly a pleasure. You were the perfect little set to introduce Wylla to the world of fostering, and ease us back into it We are grateful you landed in our nest.
We wish you the very best, and we hope you bring your new family many years of happiness and joy.

Awww, they always find the right homes. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh dear! I'm so glad they are in a happy home, but I miss them already!
ReplyDeleteCheers to all those who made this possible! Wendy has such wonderful friends who were willing to help. And thank you for fostering these kittens. Thank you to Wendy and Patrick for accepting new kitties in their lives and my condolences for your earlier loss. Effie and Hazel will find a new place in your hearts. May you have a wonderful and long life together.
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful job, with help from Charlene and Wylla, preparing these two for their forever family. I'm selfishly sad to see them go, but I know you would only let them go to the very best home. Have a wonderful life, Hazel and Effie!
ReplyDeleteYet another happy tale! Though it is hard to say goodbye, it is so wonderful to know that these special girls (like all IBKC alumni) have found their perfect home.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to hearing the stories and seeing photos of the adventures these girls will have. Congratulations to Wendy and Patrick on their new additions!
ReplyDeleteTimes like this I can never quite decide if sadness we won't be getting near-daily updates or happiness they've gone to such a great home is the dominant emotion.
I'm going to miss updates with those little, sweet faces. My heart is content, though, knowing that they are together and in a wonderful home filled with love.
ReplyDeleteawww - congrats to the new family!!
ReplyDeleteOhhhhhh Hazel, I love your worried eyes so much!
ReplyDeleteThank you Wendy & Patrick for finding your way to these two special gals. I can't wait to see how they grow & blossom with you. <3
great news. congratulations to kitties and humans.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on finding the perfect home for the girls! And to their new family as well!
ReplyDelete*tears of joy and hope streaming down my cheeks...once again!
ReplyDeleteThank you Laurie.
This makes me teary in a good way! Beautiful pictures and story to match, God Bless Wendy & Patrick...can't wait to see updates in the future. The ignaurgural class of the Bean and Wylla finishing school has graduated with flying colors!
ReplyDeleteIt is a hard time for people when they've lost their senior kitties- but once they start to heal, one day they see the kitten(s) and a little voice inside says "that's my kitten(s), I just know it". This is a great story. It is such a gift to get a kitty from IBKC because forever there is a "baby book" you can show to friends and family. I hope they let us know their names really soon. Congratulations to everyone!!!
ReplyDeleteYet another happy ending, yay!
ReplyDeleteOh, it makes me soooo happy when siblings get adopted together. Happy trails to the sweet little kitty bitties. They were a delight to behold.
ReplyDeleteOh, it makes me soooo happy when siblings can get adopted together. Happy trails to the sweet little kitty bitties. They were a delight to behold.
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful news! Thank you, Wendy and Patrick, for adopting BOTH of these little girls.
ReplyDeletePerfect puzzle - two pieces that were beloved old kitties out; two darling IBK well-raised and trained by the Bean AND Wylla now IN; Wendy and Patrick, your puzzle is complete again. Blessings to you, and much joy to the four of you. (Laurie, aren't we all so proud of baby Wylla? She takes cues from her Mistress Charlene and was just wonderful!)
ReplyDeleteI understand the Universe nudging one to the kittens you need. It is how we adopted Sprite as an adult.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to all on a successful foster and adoption!
Glad to know Wylla is accepting of kittens and can not wait for the next batch!
Many congratulations to all concerned: cats, kittens, humans -- wonderful news!
ReplyDeleteSo glad they found a wonderful home...they are just precious!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to ALL!
ReplyDeleteAwww, so good to hear that the little sweeties are going to the same furrever home!
ReplyDeleteWonderful news! Congratulations to all. I look forward to the updates from Wendy & Patrick.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to miss Effie and her cute little freckles.
ReplyDeleteGreat news look forward to the updates, will miss them a lot all the same!!
ReplyDeleteSuch happy news for everybody concerned -- Effie and Hazel will be together forever in a wonderful home, Wendy and Patrick have two fabulous Itty Bitty graduates to love, and Wylla learned how to be a grown-up kitten teacher from Charlene! Oh, and of course now there will be a new class at Charlene & Wylla' s Kitten Finishing School. I do hope we get those regular updates, too!
ReplyDeleteHazel and Effie are a lucky pair, getting pre-trained cat slaves. I'm already looking forward to the updates and the pictures of the girls as they grow up into the gorgeous ladies I know they're meant to be.
ReplyDeleteBut... where are their gold medals?
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet adoption tale! I'm curious about how Wylla is adjusting to the lack of kittens in the house. Is she taking it in stride? Missing kitten food? Completely non-plussed?
ReplyDeleteThat is one lucky couple to have the good fortune of welcoming the two adorable kittens into their lives. Of course, your readers will miss them a lot.
ReplyDeleteEffie has the best little face I've ever seen. Such a little muzzlepowsche! Godspeed, Wendy and kittens, and please do send some pics as they grow!
ReplyDeleteTime sure went fast with these kittens. I wish you both happiness in your new homes!
ReplyDeleteHave their brothers been adopted out yet?
oh, the post we all knew would come from the time we got the first sweet glimpse at these two... sad and happy all at once. how are the brothers doing? did i miss an update about them? and how about wee wylla--has she been sad or has charlene been giving her a little extra mothering?