We took a mile and a half hike, which is about how long Wylla is willing to be carried, and explored the giant trees. Craig's cousin Bryce came with us too, and took a turn carrying Wylla. We did put her down briefly when she got fidgety, and she walked straight and steady on the trail for fifty feet - a new record for Wylla!
The park was peaceful and quiet, and the giant trees were huge and awesome. After spending several days in the California sun and heat, we all enjoyed this outing in the shade.

ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Wylla and her surroundings! You are such an amazing little feline, Wylla! And you have an amazing mom and dad too!
ReplyDeleteYou are going to have to get Wylla a little travel map and get stickers for each state she's goes to. You could put it on front of her dinner table.
ReplyDeleteya know this would be a cute childrens book -- The adventures of Charlene and Wylla -- Wylla is a great ambassador for cats in public. Thank you for all you do.
ReplyDeleteDid Wylla try to climb any of those trees?
ReplyDeleteShe climbed on some downed trees, but didn't go vertical.
DeleteThe tree in the first picture is so big that I could imagine even climbing a downed tree might need a fire brigade rescue!
DeleteIt is a joy to read the Stepping Out stories.
Love the Friendly Park Service people! What kind of leash is Wylla using?
ReplyDeleteIt's called "Come with Me Kitty" harness and leash.
DeleteSo sweet, and Bryce looks like he is happy to have shared the experience with Wylla. Another exciting day out with Ms. Stout!
ReplyDeleteShe looks so wide-eyed in awe of her surroundings! What a little sweetie!!
ReplyDeleteI can't get over what a good travel kitty she is!
ReplyDelete(She and Charlene can be Dean Bean and The Visiting Faculty!)
I'm so impressed and amazed with this little kitty, she's a real character. I know what it's like to travel with cats and it's no mean feat to travel the distance you covered. She really is a special little one.
ReplyDeleteI love seeing Wylla on her lead. I'm training my 8 y/o tabby boy to walk on a lead, due to a change of housing making him an indoor kitty.
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of wondering how we will cope with trees as he was a serious climber in our old home.
My new home is less than 100m from a Botanical Gardens and I suspect I will need to chat with them about the "no dogs" rule
I suspect there will be no problem. Dogs are typically barred from parks because of barking, biting, pooping, peeing and chasing wildlife. A cat on a leash isn't likely to do any of those things.
DeleteAt some point, I saw a video of a guy who walks his cats by jingling his keys as he walks. He had a couple of long hair beauties who would just follow the sound. I imagine he trained them to do so by rewarding them when they followed the keys.
ReplyDeleteIt might be something to try with Wylla.
Oh Wylla - I truly think that the Dr. Seuss book "Oh the places you'll go!" was written with her in mind. Bean must wonder about all the stories Wylla shares about the wild world outside of the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed with Wylla. How lucky you are to have her and how lucky she is to experience so many exciting adventures! xo
ReplyDeleteThose are some BIG scratching posts, dear wee Wylla.
ReplyDeleteThis is adorable!
ReplyDeleteYou have 2 special cats there! One cat welcomes and plays with all those kittens that come through your home and the 2nd does the same AND travels like a champ!!
ReplyDeleteWylla is my FAVORITE cat on IBKC!!Is it tough to leash-train a cat?
ReplyDeleteIt really depends on the cat! It helps if you start them young, like we did with Wylla. I think I started training her around three months.