Thursday, June 19, 2014

Three Little Piggies

These little Kibblesmiths are very eager eaters, and at mealtime, they attack their dishes with great gusto. Fifty percent of what they're served ends up in them, the rest is on them.

I would like to say they're getting better at it, but they're not.

One of these days they'll figure it out.  Until then,  every meal will be followed with a wipe-down or a half bath.


  1. *giggling madly* They haven't quite figured out they don't need to use their paws. Too adorable!

  2. Sweet Evie looks like she's complimenting the chef and silly Maeve is trying to eat dinner through osmosis. So cute.

  3. Maeve, in particular, looks like she's saving quite a bit for "later" by making sure she rubs her whole face in the bowl! Sweet Evie's little squeal the first time she gets picked up just about killed me! As if she wasn't asking for it!

  4. Oh. My. Gosh. Sooo sweet. You got some on your paw, sweetie? That's okay, I'll bet it's paw-lickin' good.

  5. Ohmigosh the soundtrack to that little video just slays me. Nom nom nom mew!!! Also, great nail polish, Laurie!

  6. I think someone would rather be held than eat. :)

  7. Funny little Maeve skooshing around with her paws. And what is up with Evie?? Epic cute.

  8. That's it. I am finished for the rest of the day. I can't do anything else, now that I have seen that much cute!

  9. Gotta love a gal who loves her food...on her paw and belly! Wat to go, Maeve!

  10. why did the one kitty have to be taken away???

    1. She was done eating, so she got her face wiped off, and then she wanted to be held.

  11. Oh, wouldn't our cherished Guardian Bean love to get hold of THEM.....polished babies and a chance at the kitten food too!

  12. OMG they are so ADORABLE ! I love the little squeaks and nom nom nom....LOL !

  13. Time for a Bean/Wylla bath.... Win/Win!

  14. Three Little Piggies and How They Nommed. I love Maeve's 'whole body' approach to it, and Evie seems to be more interested in being loved on than eating. Delphine's focus. Will. Not. Be. Broken. Gotta love a girl who goes after what she wants with single minded determination. ;D

  15. Gah--I have been killed by the sight of Evie's little round belly when you pick her up the second time! This little trio is so adorable. I think they're going to rack up some record Dog-A-Thon donations!

  16. Thank you so much for sharing!! I want kittens!!!!!



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