Well, THAT was loud. Our neighbors were blowing stuff out all night long. Fortunately, the cats handled things pretty well. Charlene did disappear under the bed in the guest room during the big fireworks show, but resurfaced once it was over. Loud noises rarely rattle Wylla, and she seemed more confused than scared.
The Kibblesmiths just snuggled together and slept like nothing was going on.
Tell me, how did your critters do? I think this holiday might be a lot harder on dogs than cats, so my heart goes out to you who spent the whole night calming your pups.
On the fundraising front, a huge thanks to Mary who sponsored out match yesterday, and to all who helped us meet it. It ended up being a very good day, and we added $1791 to our FUNdraising total! Not bad for a traditionally quiet day! I appreciate you all taking time out of your holiday to consider the homeless cats and kittens.
You all are awesome. I hope you know how much you mean to us.
Mine did just fine. The first few nights were a bit rough, but by last night they were used to it.
ReplyDeleteMy parents always leave town for the Fourth because my dad is a combat vet with PTSD, and the dog always flips out. Much easier than having them both huddled up in the basement.
My boy is mostly deaf so his ears didn't even twitch with all the bangs going on in our neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteIt was loud here in RVA. I had gone out to supper and was so relieved to get home to reassure my dogs. Kitties didn't seem to care, but they were glad to see me too.
ReplyDeleteOur two cats were okay. The one who is usually brave acted the way it sounds like Wylla did--he did a lot of looking around and seemed to be trying to figure out what was making the noises. The one who is usually the scaredy cat slept right through it.
ReplyDeleteWe expected Cocoabean to be ok - she isn't rattled easily by noises. We had a huge storm pass through a couple of days back and she spent the whole time watching out her favorite window. Casper, tends to be more startled by loud noises but did surprisingly well this year (several town fireworks were set off VERY near our home). I have wondered if Cocoa's calmness has rubbed off on him. Maybe he sees her being cool and collected, which helps make him feel it's not the end of the world happening.
ReplyDeleteWe had our own fireworks, so we contributed to the loud :) My three monsters were locked up safely in my room (one of them doesn't like strangers and will get twitchy and attack people).
ReplyDeleteWe did have to return a stray dog to her owner before we could start, though - one of my friends came across her on the corner of the street. We think she bolted when the bottle rockets went off earlier. Fortunately, she had a HomeAgain tag, so we called her in and were able to identify her as Izzy. Standard poodle mix, looked a little like Sandy from Annie but with curly hair. Very well cared for, and HomeAgain tracked down her owners, who came by for her an hour or two later.
We no longer have our pup who was absolutely *terrified* of storms, fireworks, etc; he's been gone for several years now. And Emily the kitty really is more curious than anything else; she just sat in the window and watched the show -- the big county fireworks show is at a location about 1/2 mile north of us and the bangs were really LOUD. We also had a lot of neighbors blowing up smaller stuff up and down the street, but nothing that bad, and at least this year it's been wet enough that we didn't have to worry about a fire starting. In other years I've found remnants of stuff on our deck and even our roof, so I'm a bit paranoid about that..
ReplyDeleteBut amazingly, it was all quiet by 12:30 last night. Which is better than some places I've lived, where on the 4th of July and New Years it sounded like WWIII had started!
Mei is usually the bolder of my two cats, but she spent most of the night as a lump under my blankets. Riza was mostly nonplussed, though the loudest bangs (courtesy of my neighbor's illegal fireworks at 1 am) did make her jump.
ReplyDeleteThe adult permanent crew were fine. The kittens freaked out during the BIG LOUD finale but did pretty well.
ReplyDeleteLiving in NZ we don't do 4th July, but we've lived through terrible earthquakes including over 10,000 aftershocks. The cats here don't even blink unless the shock is more than a 4...
ReplyDeleteThe weather was really nice so I had the windows open, which I think contributed to two of my girls hiding and one sticking to me like glue. In the past they've not seemed to care, but usually the AC is on so it's not as loud inside. I'll have to remember that for next year.
ReplyDeleteOurs had more concerns over the small dinner party we had in the back yard than in any fireworks. But we were closed up with the A/C on, which helps the noise level.
ReplyDeleteMine made it through OK. They're more alert to noises within the house than outside.
ReplyDeleteThe neighborhood fireworks din was worse than ever here in unincorporated Puyallup! Our poor 3-year old dog was as terrified as ever. She won't go outside and go to the bathroom until the booming has stopped, so she holds it for hours. I had to take her into my walk-in closet and close the door so she would eat her dinner. Plus, we were at the Humane Society this morning, and the lost animals were pouring in; it's heartbreaking. I just hope that someday this air and noise pollution will be outlawed. Just think what all that money could do for our furry friends at the Humane Society!
ReplyDeleteIt was somewhat noisy where I was, so both cats and my dog occasionally dove under the bed, other times looking confused. But the worst of it was that we have had BAD thunderstorms, lighening, etc. all night and all day.,....That scared them so bad they didn't come out for food, even, until it was over !
ReplyDeleteSam E. Pantz was terrified. Hid under the bed, got the runs, and had nightmares when he did get to sleep. I wonder if the joy of setting illegal fireworks off would be lessened if the people doing it knew the agony they cause some pets. Probably not.
ReplyDeleteThe cats didn't care about the fireworks but the dog does NOT like thunder or fireworks. She asked to be let up on the couch, shivers and pants. Poor thing!
ReplyDeletecan i ask a favor? can i ask that you guys speak up on the cruelty and sheer evil of declawing?
ReplyDeleteKaria, we have a link in our FAQ page to the Paw Project, and in the packet of information we send home with our adopters, there's a sheet explaining how cruel it is.
Deletethank you so much for all you do!! i thought to myself "how can it be that IBKC is mute on this?" well you are not, thats how. i just wasnt looking in the right place!!
Deletethank you again for making us all so happy. I love this time of year to go back and look at all the IBKC grads!!
My cats hid and came out about 1 hour after it all ended (12:30) but my dogs needed sedation, hand holding and talking. With the dogs, I listened to a book on my ipad, as I got tired of talking and ran out of subjects to discuss. All in all, I am so happy that it is over. I never realized how beautiful silence is until yesterday.