Thursday, August 28, 2014

May I Come In?

The two week quarantine period is up for the Von Tussles, but they're still a little small to be running all over the main floor of the house, so I'm going to keep them contained in their room a little bit longer.

I've got a baby gate in the door, so Charlene and Wylla can see the kittens and climb over it if they want to come and say hello.  The babies haven't attempted to scale the gate yet, so until they've figured that out, we'll keep the door open and let the big cats come and go as they please.  

Sometimes Wylla jumps right over the gate.  Sometimes she just stands there and peers in.    I think she's trying to figure out how many there are in there, and where I'm keeping their crunchies.





  1. Wylla truly looks like a wee perched owl in the first photo!

    She surveys her potential playmates and analyzes the potential for crunchies. Forever to be denied her, at least in any quantity.

  2. Clearly Charlene has taught Wylla well if Wylla is on a Kitten Crunchie Expedition!

  3. Did you build a foster room in your basement like you were thinking of at one point or are you still able to use an upstairs room? I am in the middle of planning some remodeling and I'm finding out how stressful it is!

    1. We have a temporary space in the basement which we use for quarantine. They got moved upstairs early because of Tea with Bean, so the last few days of quarantine tucked away in the guest room.

  4. What do the kittens think of Charlene and Wylla? Are they scared of the big cats or interested in them? Or a little of both?

    1. I'll talk more about that in future posts. So, stay tuned.

  5. My goodness, Wylla is getting looong!

  6. Wylla's growing up -- adorably!

  7. Ah ha.. looking for the Kitty Krunchies.. She learned that little trick from the best.. Ms Bean!

  8. She's on a Kitten Krunchies Recon Run, and as soon as she's spotted the desired little nuggets, it's back to report her findings to Bean so they can start planning a raid.

  9. Can't wait to see the Von Tussles with their new foster mama and big sis!

  10. These photos look like they could be from the feline version of The Great Escape. “I’m goin’ over the wall tonight!”

    It’ll be interesting to see how Wylla responds to a considerably larger herd of kittens since her first foster litter only consisted of two.

  11. I think that is possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen Wylla do.

  12. "... how many there are in there, and where I'm keeping their crunchies." This made me laugh out loud. Very smart and pragmatic of Wylla. :)



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