Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sweet Little Bunny

I knew Nigel and Mimsey as kittens, of course, but I haven't spent that much time with them since they've become adults.  My folks usually visit us, so I don't get back here too often.    It's been really great getting to know them again and seeing their grown-up personalities.  

They are delights.

Mimsey tends to retreat into closets and small spaces when she naps during the day, but when she's awake and out and about, she sticks close to her humans and enjoys interacting. She won't walk by without brushing against you, and she's always happy to receive a few pets and head scratches.

 I'm often guilty of giving cats more affection than they would prefer to receive, and she is tolerant of my love. And as I mentioned the other day, she's quite huggable.

It's been a pleasure spending time with this sweet girl.








  1. She does look extremely huggable and squishable

  2. Is she as soft and squishable in person as the pictures show?
    It is very nice to see your graduates happy, healthy and well loved!

  3. She looks just lovely, her pink paws !! I love pink paws

  4. There is nothing like a sweet cat. She looks like the kind of cat every little child should have. Sweet and gentle. Give her a hug for me!

  5. She looks soooo soft! I'd love to bury my face in her belly (and then taking my allergies meds!).
    Laurie, I was going down memory Lane (the Frosts probably are my favorite batch) but many of the older pictures are missing and I don't know why! Is there a way for us to check those older pics?

  6. She does look so very huggable and loveable.

  7. The photos mysteriously disappeared from Flickr, and the process of fiiguring out which images are missing, then searching for them in my archives, is too much. All the images are in the video I posted yesterday.

  8. Debra, Buddy and Tiger's momOctober 15, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    Oh so sweet. I often call my Buddy and Tiger my bunny rabbits. They are just so soft, cuddly and adorable.

    Buddy and Tiger's Mom

  9. It’s certainly easy to see how you could want to love on this sweet little bunny; Mimsey is so plush and precious. Yum!

  10. Toe beans!!!! Tail curl!!!

    Completely ded from teh cute.



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