Thank you so much for all of the sweet and supportive words you sent. There certainly were lot of comments left on the blog, Facebook and on all of our social media outlets! You guys really are the absolute best, and I appreciate every single one of you and your huge, kind hearts.
We're still muddling through this. I'm feeling better about things, though it's mighty strange not having the babies around here. We sure do miss them.
I don't know yet when we'll be able to receive kittens again, but most likely we'll be sitting out the winter months. For the health of future kittens, we need to play it safe. These motherless kittens we foster are more vulnerable, and we need to mindful of that and protect them. We often take breaks in these months anyway, because there just aren't a lot of kittens in need of fostering, so it won't be too different from previous years.
During this kitten-less time, I plan to work hard to keep things interesting on the blog. I've thought a lot this past weekend about changes I can make, and what I can do to keep you all entertained while we wait. I've got a few new ideas I'd like to try.
I promise to do my very best to keep you coming back, and though we'll have no shiny kittens to share for a bit , we'll hopefully still be a bright spot in your day!
Thank you, dear friends. We love you.
Seeing Bean and Wylla happy and loved is more than enough to make my day bright. *hugs you* Maybe they can help you decorate for the holidays?
ReplyDeleteLaurie - we (your IBKC Community, a bazillion-strong) LOVE you, and you're not in this rodeo alone. My dearest, look at the roster over there -------> Sufficient pictures of former Itty Bitties, and we can admire THOSE pictures knowing that they're all in loving homes, probably spoiled within an inch of their kitty lives. Besides, Dearest, I read an Actual Study from a Snooty East-Coast School of Lah-de-Dah Medicine that said in its journal: they did an Extensive Study, and gazing at four (just FOUR) pictures of our Charlene Butterbean lightened the hearts and minds of 94% of the people (the other 6% were sleeping). We are all WITH you, and YES, I'm old and arrogant enough to speak for the whole of the IBKC Community. Carry on, Dear Ones.
ReplyDeleteYou can certainly speak for me Harriet. I agree with everything you write. And I believe that study from the SECSLDDM! I am always a better person for having seen pictures of Charlene, and Wylla too!
DeleteThis is perfect! You can certainly speak for me!
Deleteyou are definately speaking on my behalf too - I'm ok with what you have had to do - its the best for all concerned - 4 legged and 2 legged individuals.
DeleteI just want to share this with you...our 12-year-old absolutely gorgeous and smart Queen-Bee black angora (who I imagine looked a lot like Wilma when she was a kitten) had ringworm when she was young. She was a stray, brought into local shelter by a police officer. They nursed her back to health, and we adopted her at approximately 8 months, and she was just fine (well, a little gassy from the internal parasite medicine she had just finished up, but we don't speak of that in front of her!). She does seem to have big feet for an average-sized cat, so maybe she would have been bigger if she hadn't been so sick as a kitten. But, other than that, she is a true gem and a wonderful, healthy cat. You would never know from her appearance and attitude that she had such a rough start. So, your little ones will come out of this fine, I'm sure.
ReplyDelete--Lisa in MA
Lots of love to you guys! Wyllan and Bean pics are just fine by me while you make sure your house is safe for more new kitties! Another suggestion I have is to take some pics of older cats from the shelter hanging out in some of the rooms that your contributions have helped build. I love seeing stuff about the shelter and behind the scenes stuff and other things like that. Oh and also love the Out and About with Wylla Stout series! Thanks so much for bringing us regular doses of cute!
ReplyDeleteIt's treat enough to hear from Bean and Wylla; kittens are an added bonus.
ReplyDeleteYou could start all over again, showing us each previous litter that you've fostered, and I'd be happy, along with some Bean and Willa daily antics. As others have said, there's plenty in the archives that would make most people happy to see again!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry! Some of us are recent converts to IBKC and have plenty of past kitties to read about and squee over!
ReplyDeleteI do believe I read the same study dale-harriet mentioned!
ReplyDeleteCharlene & Wylla are fabulous subjects and between their respective PRrrrrr activities (Dear Butterbean & Out & About) we should be quite satisfied.
We love you, too, Laurie ! You are the best ! I can sure understand your concern about the spread of the problem to Wylla and Bean...when this kind of stuff happens, its so tough to create a once-again 'sterile' environment. Take it easy and have a great Thanksgiving holiday...you and yours so richly deserve it....and just know that WE , in cyber-space, are very grateful for your daily 'little slice of heaven."
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, by the way, including previous litters and maybe some stories and quips about them, as you go 'kittenless' for a while.
ReplyDeleteIBKC will always be the best site on the web, no matter what happens! I love your site Laurie, your love for kitties (and all animals) shines through in every post.
ReplyDeleteYou and Charlene and Wylla bring all of us great joy, even when Charlene has no kittens to bathe. You had us at toe floof - including the legions of usually silent admirers like me.
ReplyDeleteA day without visiting this site, kittens or no kittens, sucks.
ReplyDeletePlenty of Beanie history, Wylla and re-visting past litters to keep us happy. And I do like the thought of seeing the cats at the Humane Shelter too!
One of my favorite things to do is pick a kitten name from the banner to the right and just read that kitten's entire history. I have fallen in love with a lot of them! I especially love the updates on them that show up. I could do that every day, and so far, I don't seem to run out of kittens to read about. We could be occupied just reading for over 150 days. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Laurie. We are all thankful for YOU.
ReplyDeleteI always love visiting your blog and seeing all your pictures. I have been with you through previous losses and kittenless periods, and you won't lose me now, either. Laurie, your photography and sunny attitude make me smile even when no kitties are involved. :)
ReplyDeleteAlways love to visit your blog: kittens or no kittens its all good. Glad to keep in touch with Bean and Wylla but I do like the idea of finding out about the Humane Shelter work too. We're all with you hun, Jo x
ReplyDeleteNo need for you to work hard, Laurie, especially in the aftermath of the r-word and -woes. Looking forward to seeing Wylla and the Bean over the coming months. Do please take it easy and enjoy Thanksgiving with your loved ones! And thanks as always for your fantastic work.
ReplyDeleteI've not got time this week, but next week I am going to be looking in to how to get rid of fungal spores using my access to research papers - and I will give you a heads up on what I find.
ReplyDeleteMy Mum and I are both IBKC fans and my un-step daughter is a recent convert. We all love kitties and will happily catch up with the history on the right over the next few months as well as reading my Asbo (another fine rescue cat) any stories you share about his two favourite lady cats on the net
So, does Asbo live up to his name? Tell!
Delete- - Moon
You don't have to work hard to keep things interesting nor to keep us entertained. Your many readers come here because we have come to care about both of you as well as both of the cats. The kittens are always lovely, but you already have a place in many hearts. I welcome and encourage your efforts to innovate, but be assured you're already special, interesting and entertaining to us.
ReplyDeleteI think your time without kittens will help you heal as well as to do all the many tasks associated with post-ringworm clean-up and with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year. By the time spring warms you, you'll be ready for new challenges and adventures.
Please accept my very best wishes for lovely, merry holidays and for a warm and pleasant winter.
- - Moon
Laurie, you are the best! Just take care of yourself, Craig, and the girls and we will be happy!
ReplyDeleteThere's no need to work hard keeping the blog interesting Laurie. Kittens are always a delight, but Bean and Wylla are entertainment enough!
ReplyDeleteI have read your blog daily ever since a handsome young Cornelius Bouvier sported a red bow tie...and I'm not about to give up now ;)
Itty Bitty Kitty Co. is always a bright spot in my day. I love your girls and the adventures they have. The stories of the interesting places you take the Wee One and all the fun you have. That should be enough for anyone! The little fosters will be ok. I have faith in that. Rae in Reno
ReplyDeleteDear Laurie, Even if "kittenless", it is always a joy to come visit your blog - just looking at Wylla's adventures, the beauty that is Bean and previous litters always brightens my day - so I am sure that what you will try will be fine and wonderful, just as you are.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about this and about what you're going through! It's good to know that they're in the right hands now, but that only helps with part of the hurting. Lots of hugs.
ReplyDeleteWe will all be here reading, kittens or no kittens. Don't worry about that. Wylla and Charlene are enough cuteness to sustain us!
ReplyDelete"For the health of future kittens, we need to play it safe."
ReplyDeleteThank you for putting them first and for all you've done. You still have a fantastic blog.
I agree with everything that everyone has said! I love to read about Wylla and Charlene Butterbean, and I still have plenty to read about the kittens who have been with you in the past. But I will enjoy hearing about Wylla and Charlene Butterbean, and everything else you post!
ReplyDeleteNot sure my comment came through the other day, so I am reposting: Don't you worry about keeping us entertained. We all love you, and appreciate everything you do. You are a beautiful person, and you have brought us all so much joy. I hope you and your loved ones enjoy a very happy holiday season. You certainly deserve it! :)