Dear Mom,
I would like you to finish taking the Christmas tree down, and return the furniture to its previous arrangement. For the past three weeks, I've been forced to find alternative places to nap and roost, and I have reached my limits. I need my normal.
Also, as far as I can tell, we're the only house on the block with a tree in the window, so not only am I inconvenienced, I am embarrassed socially.
Please have the tree and ornaments removed and the furniture returned by the end of the day, or I'll have no other choice but to dismantle the tree myself.
Thank you,
Charlene Butterbean
Charlene has had a post-Epiphany epiphany.
ReplyDeleteThis was really funny ! Good Luck dismantling the tree . Don't get all tangled up , sweetheart .
ReplyDeleteOh my! Charlene of the near endless patience seems to be approaching the end of hers!
ReplyDeleteCharlene is so lovely.
ReplyDeleteSocially embarrassed? Oh, the horrors! I didn't know cats could be socially embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'm pretty sure my girl cat, Bessie, is regularly "socially embarrassed" by her (adorable) clod of a brother, Gregory..
DeleteHahahaha priceless!
ReplyDeleteOh Snap! That is quite the ultimatum, Charlene! But a girl needs her window time, doesn't she? BTW, if you couldn't get in the window, how do you know that all the neighbors have taken down their trees? Have you found a secret hiding spot, Miss Bean? :-)
ReplyDeleteThere are other windows in the house! And she can get into the window, it's just more difficult the way things are arranged.
DeleteI love this. "I need my normal." I think that belongs on a t-shirt. Socially embarrassed. She is channeling a human teen ager!
ReplyDeleteMom - Three Kings Day/12th Night has come and gone. A girl can only take so much mayhem when prime napping spots are disturbed. After all, I am THE Beanie, Mistress of Kitten Social Skills. Making me climb around the long way does NOT look good in front of little ones, aka Wylla.
ReplyDeletePlease, please Laurie-leave up the tree! I want to see how Charlene dismantles it! ;D
ReplyDeletedunno, house across street is still decorated to the maximum needed to be seen from outer space.
ReplyDeleteCan I hire Charlene to write any future complaint letters to companies?
ReplyDeleteThis is your funniest post ever!! Charlene might as well be speaking for my kitties, since I haven't taken down ours yet, either.
ReplyDeleteShe's right you know, a girl does need her normal!!!
ReplyDeleteQueen Bean has spoken, and I don't know if you want to find out what she'll make good on that threat (or is it a promise...). You know how sneaky cats can be. It might be best to do what she asks and finish taking down the tree so she can have her "normal". ;D
ReplyDeleteOn a non-cat note, I have and love the cookbook Bean is sitting on - yay Isa!
ReplyDeleteMoms sometimes need to be reminded when enough is enough, don't they? I didn't like the curtains in the kitchen, and really Charlene, if you had seen them, you would have agreed. Blocked my view, and if I can't keep an eye on those squirrels... So, I had to take them down myself. Problem solved.
ReplyDeleteLove, Atticus
Dearest Charlene: How good it makes me feel to see your majestic floofiness and astonishing whiskers. Would you take it amiss if I suggested you give your humans alittle leeway in taking down the tree? Not that you should worry about human social conventions...Heavens, no!... but your humans had a hectic holiday season and didn't get the tree up all that early. My human didn't get hers up until Dec 21st what with Christmas concerts and all (which kept her from staying home with me and petting my whiskers, behavior that cannot be too much deplored!), yet she enjoys it so much I'll let her have it up for at least a month... and even as late as Candelmas (Feb. 2nd). Now, personally, I enjoy the Christmas tree and wish my human would leave it up ALL YEAR, so I can drink the slimy water tasting of pine forest and lurk in the corner behind, getting in touch with my inner beast, but rest assured as soon as new kittens come your humans will want you to have your high, chair back to perch on so you can keep an eye on them effectively and superintend their education, ... this tree inconvenience is, at worst, temporary. Although cats should NEVER allow themselves to be inconvenienced by mere humans, your two are not bad sorts...give them a break...they will love you all the more (if that's possible). Respectfully yours, Newton the Ebony Lion (owner of the undersigned human).
ReplyDeleteDear Charlene: Be happy the tree is only up part of the year and you can knock it down. Our Daddy has a ceramic tree about 15" high he keeps out year round. He still turns it on when he gets home from work and we can't move it. It's taking up prime real estate on the counter and gets in our way.
ReplyDeleteRespectfully Lena and Pepi
Bean wants her pink chair? That look almost makes me want to take down my tree...
ReplyDeleteDon't feel bad - our fire hazard - I mean tree - is still up too :)
ReplyDeleteYou gave me an idea of what to do with my unread books. Stack them to give my kitties roost(s). I am sure Charlene misses her chair though. :-)
ReplyDeleteHello, fluffy gorgeous Charlene! Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteYou're not alone Laurie. Tonight as I got home from work I saw the neighbors finally put their tree out for the garbage.
ReplyDeleteWhen my family took down the tree our cat was so upset when he lost his fave spot sleep under the tree! He was so funny! Good luck dismantling the tree Charlene!!