Our handsome tuxedo friend paid us a visit this morning. He's become a regular around here, and comes by our house several times a week. I've seen him on the neighbor's porch across the street, and next door too. I've also seen him a couple of blocks from here too, so he seems to be making the rounds.
He usually howls to announce his arrival, and it always stirs the girls up. They'll rush to the window to look for him, then sit with swishing tails as long as he's there. The girls used to growl at him, but they've moved past that stage now. They'll chatter a bit on occasion, but mostly they just stare at each other through the window.
Though they'll never touch noses or become friends, his visits make their day a little more interesting, and I think they like that.
Now that he's kind of becoming a regular, I think we're going to have to give this guy a name. Any thoughts?

what a handsome well dressed kitty.
ReplyDeleteBond. James Bond.
that was my thought too!
Deletewhat a handsome suitor he is!
ReplyDeletemaybe call him Oscar, since he'll always be dressed for the event in his formal wear?
This was my idea, too!
DeleteHes' soooo like my Socks' who is missing since last September, Bond, James Bond Sounds terrific, he is one very handsome boy
ReplyDeleteI like the James Bond suggestion, but if that doesn't work...Cary Grant.
ReplyDeleteDapper Dan
ReplyDeleteOur last tux was Mr Moose. And he grew up to be a moose. Tux boys are SO handsome that it is hard to name them!! Mr Bates? Mr Carson? Pamuk? WAIT- are you sure it is a HE?
ReplyDeleteI looked. He's a he.
DeleteAtticus. I just think this is a fine name for a cat.
ReplyDeleteRomeo. There he is, looking up at the beautiful girl(s) on the balcony. He even used to sing to them! :-)
ReplyDelete--Lisa In MA
Or maybe Cyrano. Does he have a big nose? :-)
Delete--Lisa in MA
Tuxedo Mask
ReplyDelete(what? is my dorkiness showing?0
+1, also my first thought. :)
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, this idea is giving me the giggles.
DeleteLOL...George Clawney..sorry..had to do it .
ReplyDeleteWaving from Houston
El Visitante
ReplyDeleteWell, his outfit is impeccable. Jack Spats? However, Laurie, you are definitely a master of names. I am sure you can come up with a good one.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking Handsome Jack!
DeleteHandsome Jack is really, really good.
DeleteI like "Handsome Jack", it reminds me of the Bobby Bare song, "Marie Laveau"
DeleteTennessee (showing my age)
ReplyDeleteThat came to my mind as well (also showing my age).
DeleteI was also going to say Romeo, but if that seems too obvious how about Cyrano? I believe there is a serenade below a window involved in that plot as well.
ReplyDeleteHercule Poirot
ReplyDeleteFelix the Wonderful Cat!
ReplyDelete(though I do like the idea of Mr. Carson!)
I like James Bond. The name Cedric also comes to mind. He's certainly a dapper gent!
ReplyDeleteHe's not homeless, is he? He appears to be clean and well fed, but I figured I'd ask--you can only tell so much from a video...
He's very social and quite healthy. It appears he belongs to someone, but he doesn't wear an ID tag, so I don't know for sure.
Deletepee-wee, cause he's a loner dottie... a rebel!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to go with Cyrano.
ReplyDeleteI find it amusing the girls have the reaction they do to him... I would think, with all the kittens you've fostered, they'd just shrug at yet another cat.
Dapper Dan
ReplyDeleteI don't know why, but as soon as I saw him I thought "Mr. Belvedere!" He strikes me as a dapper English gentleman.
ReplyDeleteHow about Mr. Handsome, since he is so handsome?
ReplyDeleteBuddy (another tuxie boy), Tiger and Mr. Mistofelees's Mom
Sebastian Furrmeister. (The last name is a play on an old family name.)
ReplyDeleteA suitor who arrives in his tuxedo must be a titled gentleman. Maybe His Lordship St. Fuzzlesworth? Baron von Tuxington?
ReplyDeleteI like the original name you used: "Mr. Tuxedo". For less formal times, you could call him Mr. Tux or Tuxxy. (Every cat in my life has always had multiple names, many -- but not all -- of them variations on the "official" name.)
ReplyDeleteI first thought, Jeeves in that butler tux but I see Romeo and like that. He is a 'playa' as the MTV crowd say.
ReplyDeleteI'd call him Rhett Butler, he looks like a bit of a scoundrel to me!
ReplyDeleteOliver Twist....:)
ReplyDeleteSean Cattery?
ReplyDeleteHello, Wylla and Charlene, and hello, Mr. Tuxedo! I am terrible with names, so I won't make a suggestion. I'll just say I like these pictures of Wylla and Bean looking at their visitor!
ReplyDeleteHe's obviously Mr. Jones (T.S. Elliot). I mean, just look at those spats!
ReplyDeleteHe is very handsome but I really like Mr Tuxedo, says it all.
ReplyDeleteLloyd Dobler- outside the window wooing women!
ReplyDeleteRomeow. He's clearly gazing up at Charlene and Wylla, wooing them.
ReplyDeleteRomeow! I love it.
DeleteOMG, he looks identical to our big handsome tuxedo boy! Whose name of course is...Tux! LOL, we get zero points for originality but it's fit him well since he was a tiny kitten. There are WAY more original names posted above!!
ReplyDeleteAstaire (for Fred Astaire, always handsome in a cut-away and white tie) or Mr Grant (for oh so... Cary Grant)!
ReplyDeleteLord Plushbottom, "Plushy" for short.
ReplyDeleteMr. Wuffles.
ReplyDeleteSir Reginald Tuxington of Tacoma.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Alfred Pennywhistle (from the DC Comic books)?
ReplyDeleteHow about Watkins? He sort of sounds like little a door to door sales man coming around to peddle his wares..
ReplyDelete"Tux" was my first thought, then "Frank" short for Frank Sinatra who brings tuxedos to mind. I am sure you'll come up with something fantastic to call him!
ReplyDeleteClairment, c'est M. Hercule Poirot.
ReplyDeleteOh, girls, I have a weakness for tuxies too, so I totally understand. Guess it's good just to admire from afar.
ReplyDeleteDownton Abbey fan -Carson
I like Mr. Tuxedo.
ReplyDeleteWhy reinvent the wheel?
Tommy, after the visiting kitty in Breaking Cat News?
ReplyDeleteAmbrose Periwinkle has come a'callin'!
ReplyDeleteI'd call him Laurie's!
ReplyDeleteCyrano, obviously