These two have been buddies from their early days. Here they are "dancing" in our kitchen at about five weeks.

Thanks so much for sharing your sweet photo, Joy. It's always nice to see the girls, and it's lovely to see the closeness they share.
Tell me, friends, do your cats live in harmony? Or do you have some kitty friction in the house?
Awww kisses <3
ReplyDeleteMy kitties are a match made in heaven, I've never seen two cats be more loving and devoted to each other. Sometimes Chu can be a little heavy-handed and a lot annoying, but even if they wrassle often, they never really fight. It's been five years since I brought him home, and they've never fought for real! I must have heard hissing maybe twice. Turpentine really adores him and takes a lot of care of him. Grooms him, defends him when the evil mom is clipping his nails, leaves him the killing blow when hunting bugs because he's too clumsy....
Ours are a bit odd at that. They really go at lengths to make us believe they don't like each other. Chasing, fighting, ambushes, hissing, all that stuff.
ReplyDeleteBut almost everytime one of us has a chance to geht home from work early, we find them cuddling in our bed.
Reilly and Miss Sprite, Maine Coons, adore each other. Lots of "Cat Tag", mutual grooming and sleeping together. In fact they often do this weird twin thing. Wake up at the same moment and begin grooming the same paw, licking in unison. Creepy! My previous cat, Gwen, chose to pretend Reilly was a dust mote and unworthy of her attention.
ReplyDeletethat is too cute! and I don't remember the dancing pic and that really made me smile!
ReplyDeleteour last 2 seniors (all same family) NEVER got a long and there were even a few cartoon fights (a giant cat ball, hissing and spitting) even when they were both 15! Tigger passed early this year and oddly, Zuni has been a little at loose ends. Maybe she does miss her sister!
My cats do not coexist well, after almost 8 years. The youngest one, Olivia, would like to be friends, but the older, grumpy old lady Maine Coon, Macy, is having none of that and doesn't appreciate (or understand, I suspect) Olivia's overtures for play. So there's a lot of growling and hissing back and forth. And the occasional whap in the head. No out and out fighting, but they'll never snuggle together. They both snuggle with me and are very affectionate, though.
ReplyDeleteHow we love update photos! We are eight cats living together in almost complete harmony. A lot of snuggling, a little "get out of my space, thankyouverymuch"... We get along much better than you might think!
ReplyDeleteOur two are good friends, but not the kind that lay down and snuggle each other although they do sleep very close to each other. I think Cocoa would if Casper let her but he was already a senior when she arrived and quite set in his ways. They play really well together, inviting each other to play and chase around the house and groom each other nicely (well until a make believe fight breaks out anyway). I count ourselves quite lucky!
ReplyDeleteLove update pics etc here too!
ReplyDeleteSome friction here, as the small queen (very small) emeritus (rescue who had come into the shelter stunted by a too-early pregnancy) (and also has just about no voice, probably from scarring when ill), does not understand that the rescue bengal boy is playing, with those pounces, etc. So we leave her claws untrimmed, so she can back him off more easily when need be. He chases her a lot, but when he doesn't, she often instigates him. She also gets up very high and makes faces and postures at him (and he's just about spinning, on the floor), and sometimes she charges him, when he has his head down investigating something, and bounces off his hip to send him rolling (and is of course long gone by the time he rights himself and gives chase) We do worry, as sometimes he grabs her in the Subdue position (he must have been neutered late? and she definitely was) and she seems truly upset by that. But most of the tussles are play and/or theatre. They don't snuggle, but will share a lap etc. And when one gets a paw underfoot and cries, the other goes over to "give a kiss".-from Arowyn
I had two cats that were quite the snuggle bunnies/wrasslin' buddies, Peanut and Dusty. Dusty left us about 5 years ago, and I adopted two litter mates, Cinder and Smudge, who were feral kittens taken in by the UC Davis vet school foster program. Those were were VERY close, couldn't get close enough to each other during their naps. They were intrigued by old lady Peanut, who wanted nothing to do with them. Fast forward about 2 months, and Smudge broke her leg. I discovered it about the same time that Cinder did, who immediately attacked Smudge as if to kill (weak link in the herd of the feral community, I think). Several years later, Cinder and Peanut are the snuggle buns when Peanut tolerates it.. Smudge is sort of the outcast, poor little booboo. Wish I knew how to fix that.. Peanut is almost 19 and won't be around much longer, I'm hoping that the other two will finally kiss and make up when she's gone.
ReplyDeleteOur two are quite devoted and cuddle frequently on our bed during the day and sleep with us together at night. Both were rescue cats fostering at different homes. We adopted Huey who was 2 at the time two days before Mickey, who was only 8 months. Huey is gregarious and outgoing, checks everything and everyone out. Mickey is a scardy cat who hides under the bed the moment the doorbell rings but they love each other and play a lot..
ReplyDeleteDiva the Wylla-lookalike thinks she should be the only. Chloë doesn't care what Diva thinks. As they grow old I find them napping closer together. You're not fooling anyone, ladies!
ReplyDeletePeggy, another lover of update pix
What a lovely photo. Excellent, excellent timing.
ReplyDeleteI have two cats, Sam and Maya, both rescues. He adopted me first and she joined us as a kitten about six months later. They're not BFFs but they'll get comfy on my bed near each other and never had issues being fed near each other (until Sam decided he should finish what was in Maya's bowl once his was empty. I feed them separately now). There used to be a fair amount of Sam grooming Maya, but that's declined to only a rare occasion now (that I observe). They have their own self-designated "posts" where they spend certain parts of each day, and when it's time to move to the next "post", they sedately rise, strrreeettttccchhh, and saunter off. Sam and Maya are very good about respecting each other's turf and staying off/out of the other's "posts" when they're going to be occupied by the other. They have what seems to be a time share agreement on the futon, with Maya getting it in the morning and Sam getting it at night.
There are play fights, and if I see/hear them, I tell them to take it into the bathroom because blood is easier to clean off tile/blood's a pain to get out of carpeting. ;D
My cats play with each other -- tag, wrestling, King of the Hill -- which is a relief because it keeps them active, I'd never have the energy to keep up with them! They don't cuddle with each other. But, I think that Manci is just not the cuddly type, period -- he won't even cuddle with me, doesn't like to be held or to sit on laps, although he shows his affection in other ways. Skadi is a cuddlebug, and she might cuddle up to Manci if he let her!
ReplyDeleteNow, at my last house in Seattle, there was definitely feline family member drama! (though not of any of mine, thankfully.) A new roommate moved in with a big, fluffy orange longhair cat. The resident queen, a tiny tabby lady the size and weight of a loaf of bread, took an instant hatred towards him -- I always thought that she could never forgive him for being so much bigger than her! She saw him as a threat to her authority and would always go after him claws out and screeching. Admittedly Ducky didn't really help matters either, charging her or intimidating her on the rare occasions she didn't go for him first. It got to the point where they had to be kept on separate floors of the house and never allowed in the same room at the same time.
ReplyDeleteMy mom has a pair of littermates who cuddle and get along well--except that Bella gets jealous when Duchess is getting attention from my mom and will growl at her!
ReplyDeleteI moved in a few years ago with my older cat, who knew Mom's girls from lots of visits and cat-sitting, and she gets along with both Bella and Duchess, but then, Millie is the most laid-back cat I know.
I wish our cats got along better. Pippin loves everyone and needs a friend, but Smokey hates him. Mind you, Smokey hates everyone but me (even my husband who adopted her in the first place before he even met me!).
ReplyDeleteOf course, it doesn't help that Pippin is so much BIGGER than Smokey and doesn't respect her boundaries.
great picture! love that they are so happy together!
Our two couldn't be in the same room at first, and it took a lot of time and work (and hiring a cat behaviorist!) to get them to get along. They're now kind of like brother and sister: they generally get along and will occasionally groom each other, and they do a lot of play-fighting that occasionally escalates.
ReplyDeleteI bet the owner is a Fullmetal Alchemist fan.
ReplyDeleteGuilty as charged. :)
Deletewe have issues with five kitties.....we have a demon child, and a shy child, a feral now lover and a big bad boy, and a someone dropped me in your drive way.....but we love each one........couldn't live without them....always something going on.......gg in Florida
ReplyDeleteMy two were feral littermates, but they don't get along very well. Occasionally I'll see an ear-lick or two, but they never snuggle, and seem to enjoy harassing each other.
ReplyDeleteI have a trio and a loner. Doodle hates all cats, everything catlike, and most people. Thankfully the husband and I are her two exceptions.
ReplyDeleteThe trio is close though. The boys are very close and snuggle, groom and play. And the girl's fond of her 'baby brother' and loves her brother a lot. She just doesn't like playing with other cats much.
What a beautiful picture of Mei and Riza!
ReplyDeleteAt one point I had five females and they all got along. Right now I'm at three, the twins, Ming and Ling, and then my youngest, Inca. The twins are very bonded to each other, but I'm happy to say that they also get along quite well with Inca, so I have a very harmonious home.
LG is an only cat. His former roomie beat up on him all the time, so LG decided to rehome himself.
ReplyDeleteSingle cat household for now.
ReplyDeleteKai is still learning that he is safe and once I get steady work again I may look for a friend for him. He was a community cat for at least a part of his life before a friend of mine gave him a temporary home.
My two adopted black cats, Gregory and Bessie, are very good friends. They have a lot of play fights and often sleep in different spots but they are (most of the time) respectful of the other's space. On the weekends, when I am home during the day, I often see them groom each other and, if not snuggling, sleeping close enough to touch. They do NOT like to be in separate rooms, so if you see one and not the other, something is usually amiss...
ReplyDeleteGregory was adopted first and was a singleton for about a year. He was so lonely while I was away at work (I could hear him yowling as I got home every day), I adopted Bessie. The funniest thing is that before Bessie, Gregory was a poor groomer. She must have said "you stink, brudda! Clean yourself!" because now he is almost more fastidious about grooming than she is!
Daltrey, our brown tabby female, was adopted from a rural household. On her second birthday, she got "the worst birthday present EVER," (we're positive she'd say if she could) an orange tabby little brother from the shelter. He luvs her. She tolerates him. As he respects her alpha-catness, he is an acceptable housemate. No problems with being near each other, and if Jonah ever gets too rambunctious, she gives him a triple-swat with a closed paw. And if she's sleepy, sometimes she even allows him to sleep *beside* her. WOW. :-D
ReplyDeleteMy kittens had the roughest start in life—they were found abandoned in a trash bag, with Minnie missing half a tail and Beau having one mangled front paw, so they were also abused first. :(
ReplyDeleteA good samaritan found them and they were taken in by an amazing rescue operation. They lived with Foster Mom #1 who adopted them to a couple, turns out the man in the couple is allergic to cats. Then they go to Foster Mom #2, who also showed them at Petco, which is where I found them.
Long story short, they are happy with me now (one year this weekend!) and bonded completely—even though Minnie is crazypants times infinity and Beau is very cautious and sensitive. They watch birds together, they snuggle, they groom each other—and they do fight, but it's just play-fighting as kitty-cats do.
They love and protect one another completely. I love my kitties like crazy, but I'm even more amazed every day at the love and support they give one another.
also they are cute as the dickens >^..^<