Thursday, July 16, 2015

We Need You Now!

Oh, dear! We've got barely an hour to go before our match wraps up and we've still got $515 to raise to complete it. We hate leaving a single penny of a matching donation challenge on the table, so if you were thinking about giving during this campaign, now is a very good time!

Please help us help the homeless cats and kittens even more by donating now and having your dollars doubled by our Awesome Anonymous Donor!

Kitties are standing by!


To make your tax-deductible donation, please visit our Firstgiving page!
Thank you for your support!


  1. I love her brown striped necklace she's always wearing. It matches her socks purrfectly...

  2. Oh my goodness! Just look at those tiny coffee cups with the IBKC phone bank operator photo! The adorable tiny coffee cups have itty bitty kitty faces on them!!! Total cuteness and amazingness!!!

    Midori and kitties



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