Monday, October 5, 2015

The Itty-Bittiest!

There still are kittens rolling through the foster room. I thought because our spring and summer came so early this year, kitten season might wind down a little earlier, but that certainly hasn't been the case around here.

Margurite, development directer at the shelter, sent these adorable photos of some tiny babies that came into the Humane Society last week. Such wee little things! Look at those flat little ears! And that little milk mustache in the last photo!!!

These little guys won't be moving in with us, they'll find their place in another foster home, but we'll get some more babies when I return from my travels next week!

Kitten 1

Kitten 2


Neonate 2

Thanks for these adorable photos, Marguerite!


  1. Adorable! Thank you to all the HS staff and volunteers who take such good care of all the critters who need them, particularly these vulnerable little ones.

  2. So precious! This is how my oldest two kitties looked when we found them and did the whole bottle feeding thing. There is nothing more peaceful than feeding a tiny little kitten!

  3. Such tenderness- and such kindness. It is interesting how everything can come down to the tiniest gestures of caring that touch our hearts. It is a good thing to be reminded of it- thanks Laurie and really, to everyone who helps make it happen.

  4. Absolutely precious! Brings happy tears to my eyes knowing these tiny ones are loved and cared for..



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