We're taking tomorrow off, so we wanted to take a moment today to wish all who celebrate this holiday a very happy Thanksgiving. We're so thankful you are in our lives! Thank you for all of your kindness and support. We appreciate every single heart in this community of ours.
Have yourself a wonderful Thanksgiving. We hope your day is filled with lots of loved ones and plenty of good food, too. And we hope your list of "things to be thankful for" runs off the page.

With much love,
Laurie, Craig, Charlene and Wylla
Hope you and Craig and the Girls have nice day tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI put this picture up every year on my office door. It is not Thanksgiving without this!
As a devoted visitor to your site for several years, I look forward to this picture every Thanksgiving - and also think of it often at other times of the year. It never fails to make me smile and my eyes to get a watery gloss of happiness. Thank you and Craig and the girls for all the love you give. May you all receive a bounty of love and treats this Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThis and the burrito kitten were the first two photos that brought me to your site. So one of the things I'm thankful for every year, is The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee. I cannot tell you how much heart healing it has given me over the years. Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of those all-time great IBKC posts.
ReplyDeleteIt may even be one of the first IBKC posts I ever saw!
Laurie, Craig, I am so thankful for YOU; not only for what you do for all those kittens, but how you play it forward, spread it around, show how it should be done. You perform mitzvahs and miracles, and are a photographer of such delicious skill that we all fall in love with all of them. Of course, Charlene Butterbean and cherished Wylla are best-loved of all. Yes, I am thankful for every bit of the IBKC (and Evangeline & Lilliane send their adoring affection to you all as well).
ReplyDeleteDear Laurie, Graig, Charlene and Wylla, I hope you have a wonderful day, with all you so much deserve for all the beautiful things you do.
ReplyDeleteIn my country we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but you all and this blog and your compassion and love for the kittens is one of the things I give thanks for having in my life. God bless you!