Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Itty Bitty Higgenbottom Clips

I take a lot of little kitten movies on my iPhone and post the best moments on our Instagram feed. They're just short bits of kittens doing cute things and because they're so very brief, I usually don't bother uploading them to YouTube and sharing them here.

Well, yesterday the Higgenbottoms were doing SO many cute things and I got lots of short clips, so I decided to string them all together and make one little movie for you.

In this movie, you'll hear lots of purrs -- because that's what they do best -- and a few squeaks from Monty, too.

If you want to see more of this every day,  find IBKC_Laurie on Instagram and follow!



  1. i love your instagram clips but seeing them stung together is almost too much cute!!!

  2. Those aren't squeaks! They're the fearsome roars of a ferocious micro-panther establishing his territorial dominance!

    1. You're absolutely right. The house panther's quest for dominance must not be taken lightly!

  3. We can see who is Alpha (Chelsey) , who's the Love Bug (Monty) and who is adorables!!!! Harold. Sigh.

  4. Oh my gosh, they are adorable!

  5. I see Harold has his own ear lashes, they just coordinate with his ear floor so they aren't as immediately obvious as Chesley's.

  6. Oh please, send them over to Guatemala, I want to keep them all! <3

  7. Chelsey wins the wriggling contest! She is just simply adorable, as are her sweet little brothers!

  8. I'm QUITE smitten with Harold, the fluffy tabby boy and his white eyeliner... He's so very adorable and looks a little naughty. As if I needed another naughty cat (I've got two). They're all super adorable, little fuzzy-pants.

  9. Harold has such big paws! So beeeeeg peets! Precious, all three of them.

  10. Quick, someone oil that squeaky kitten!



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