Our last two naming rights auctions have gone live and now is your chance to bid on the boys!
Click HERE to bid on the brown tabby. His auction ends at 3:23 PM tomorrow (pacific time).
Click HERE to bid on the orange tabby. His auctions ends at 3:59 PM tomorrow (pacific time)
I can't wait to find out what we will be calling them!!
Jump on in if you want to be the one to decide!
SO, the good news is WE PASSED THE $30 SQUILLION MARK which is amazing and incredible considering this is day four of our FUNdraiser! Thank you so much to all who helped get this far in this short amount of time.
The less-good news is that we've got this big match happening and we're chipping away at it slowly, but we still have $3090 left to go and only three hours left to meet it! I know many of you are wrapping up your day now, but before you close up your computer, or turn off your phone for the eve, please consider helping us out by making a donation! We're trying to fund some awesome new rooms at the shelter that both kittens and cats will benefit from!
Here's a link to our FUNraising page if you can help us out. And to learn more about these projects at the shelter, please visit HERE.
Thank you so much! Let's do it!
: )
I wonder what they'll be called!
ReplyDeleteOh, they're so cute. I can't pick just one. You know what? I'll take them both! You do ship to Virginia? What's that? The kitties themselves aren't up for auction, it's their names? Oh, bother. It's just as well, as it probably would have made LG really jealous.