
Thursday, July 28, 2016

FINALLY! A Few Family Portraits!

When they first arrived, these four struggled to put on weight. They were eating plenty, but all had a little bit of diarrhea, so things were going out as quickly as they were coming in, which  slowed down their growth.  We started them on some probiotics, and things started firming up a bit. The boys got better first, and now the girls are fine too.  They're eating wet food four times a day, and snack on crunchies between meals.  Everyone had a huge growth spurt over the weekend, and suddenly our scrappy kittens are fat little frogs.

Nicholas looks like he swallowed a tennis ball whole.    

They went in for vaccines and weigh-ins on Tuesday, and Sarah, the foster care coordinator, was impressed with their progress! They're healthy and doing great.

This crew has been challenging to photograph because they always charge towards the camera once you point it at them. But finally, everyone sat still for a couple of moments, which was just long enough to get a few family portraits in!  

It's nice to see them side-by-side and compare them all.  They're coloring is obviously diverse, but they all seem to have the same round eyes and pouty mouths.  

Gosh, they are adorable.

From left to right:
Russell "Spud", Nicholas Cassidy, Tegan Grace, and Dinah Alice Dinichi.











  1. Ooh, those Nicholas claws in shot two. Swoon.

  2. Okay, I know you've had some adorable litters at the IBKC, but this is up there in the top two. Their names are adorable, their faces are adorable...I could go on. And on. And on. What beautiful kittens!

  3. Nicky, workin' the cushion crack!

  4. It is so hot in Vancouver Washington, I am cooking my brains out, but these adorable kitties should do it for your fun raiser and for adoption if nothing else. The photos are truly wonderful and all the kitties so dadblasted cuteeeeeees!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Love the last picture of the tired tater tots! What did you have to do to get their attention but stay on the couch?

  6. Lisa (mom of Chai, Sophie, and Acacia)July 28, 2016 at 10:45 AM

    What adorable little nuggets they are!
    Love the last getting-so-sleepy pic too!

    I'm just the teeniest bit head-over-heels in love with Tegan (shh don't tell my kitties).

  7. I love the last one. Kittens never can sit still very long, can they? ;) I love Nicholas' stretch in the second one. Such cuties!

  8. These pictures were definitely worth the wait. I believe Dinah has stole my heart.

  9. They are an adorable bunch.

  10. Oh, they are all so adorable. Almost as cute as the two little ones I just adopted from the ASPCA in NYC(Gus and Henry).

  11. Oh my goodness, what an adorable family! I'm glad the probiotics helped! They are so incredibly cute!

  12. And then at the end it all descends into madness...

  13. You glued them to the the sofa didn't you. They are gorgeous.
    How long have you had these guys as I have lost the plot.
    I read you avidly every day but I guess with the fundraiser I somehow missed something.

  14. When did you say you would be OUT; I am coming to Cat Nap Spud and Nicholas; they are breaking my heart with the I-Want-A-Kitty Factor, even if it would put Robyn, Eve, and Autumns noses a little out of sorts.

  15. These pictures are fantastic- SO CUTE!!!
