The auction for our Tiny Torbie just went live! If you want to be the one to give this adorable girl a name (and a middle name too, if you like) click here and place your bid! The auction runs for 24 hours and will end at 3:10 PM Pacific Time!
OH, and a little reminder:
Our $2500 match is in the works and it's going S-L-O-W. Honestly, I don't think I've ever been more worried -- we've only met $600 of our match and it's getting late in the day! If you're were planning on making a donation this fundraiser, we could really use your donation now! The day is slipping by!!! Please consider helping the shelter that's in the heart of our little online community and providing us with these adorable kittens!
To make a tax-deductible donation and learn more about who we're raising money for, please visit HERE.
Thanks so much! Your support means the world to us!
I wonder what she'll be called!!!