
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hey Little Kitten, Did You Lose Your Mittens?

Recognize those paws? OF COURSE you do! Those kitten mitts belong to Russell, and Lisa, his mama, sent me this adorable photo that wa taken by Hanah, her daughter.   She was in the bathroom at the time and Russell was wondering why he wasn't.

The whole family is enchanted and entertained by their boy. He's doing well and making progress with the family dog.  LOOK at that photo! His favorite napping spot is on top of the dog kennel!

Thanks for the cute pics, Lisa! It's great to see the boy and his paws once again!


  1. He's getting so big!!

  2. So cute! Yay for Russell and his new family! He already looks so much more grown up than the last pre-adoption pictures.

  3. Those earses! He is going to be One. Big. Kitty!

  4. The paws, of course! But look at those EARS!! Hehehe! He could fly with those things! :)

  5. OMG! That pic on top of the kennel is so cute!

  6. "Look Ma, ALL paws" Thanks for update on Da Spud - he won a lot of hearts.

  7. All of these photos are wonderful and hilarious. Spud's in the perfect home, where the humans appreciate and encourage the uniqueness of felines, instead of being foolish enough to tell them "Get off!" and "Stop putting your paws under the door!" Seriously, telling a cat to stop? Might as well tell the sun to stop rising in the east. ;D

  8. I love that lanky kitten phase! That is adorable that he sleeps on top of the kennel! I love how adaptable kittens are at that age. Very, very cute.

  9. Thank you for the update. He's been the first IBKC kitten I was truly jealous of the family who adopted him. It's great to see he's so loved (that he can't stand to be parted for even bathroom breaks).

  10. He is definitely an adolescent boy, so lanky and just plain adorable.
    Handsome and clearly happy.
    And loved...

  11. Oh, those toes! They are so lucky to get those big mitts under the door. And now that face! He was always cute, but he looks like he's going to be very handsome.

  12. sweet - such a sweetie - love those ears too "the better to hear you with" LOL!
