
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Three Guaranteed Smiles

There are three videos on my bookmarks bar that are there for those days when I'm feeling like I need a lift. No matter how many times I've seen them, they always, ALWAYS, give me a smile.

I know you may have watched them before, but let's all watch them again and have a little smile this morning!

First, we have kitten pranksters Bart and Fielding Mittenfloss.

And this Wylla classic that is never not funny.

And teeny-tiny Hazel making itty-bitty biscuits.

Are you smiling?   Good.

: )


  1. I forgot about Tiny Hazel and her biscuits.
    Still love the "whack a cat in the pod".

  2. Classics! That Wylla video is indeed "never not funny."

  3. I am definitely smiling! My very favorite video is set to music and involves a large litter (five or six) jumping in and out of a basket -- I believe maybe that grey felted one in the first video with the Mittenflosses. I forget which litter it was, though. Laurie, can you point me to it?

  4. Thank you so much for sharing these classics.

  5. Kitten pranksters 0:44, so confused. LOL
    And the suspenseful paw... Du-de-de. *looks around*

  6. Nope, not smiling. Laughing out loud would be more correct. Love the Kitten pranksters, I think I may have to watch them again. Thank you! :)

  7. Thanks for posting these. I definitely needed a little pick-me-up today. I can't believe how tiny those Mittenfloss boys were! I follow them on IG and they have certainly grown into handsome mancats :)

  8. karenk in PortlandMay 16, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    Not only smiling, but LOL! I had to look up Leaping Lambert in your archives -- another classic!

  9. You BET I am!! Thank you!! :)))))
