My goodness. Were you following the FUNdraiser last night? Emmet can't believe what happened. I can't either.
An hour before the match closed we were about $1500 shy of meeting it. For the next 45 minutes, it was completely dead then finally in the last fifteen we had a huge flurry of activity and somehow, well, thanks to a couple of hefty donations from a few of our former foster kittens, the match was met and then some.
Honestly, at 6:45 I was feeling pretty dang worried. It just felt there was no way possible that we could get there. But we did. And we ended up have a really awesome first day -- we closed it at $11,400!
Thank you, everyone, who contributed to making the first day a great one! Thank you, Awesome Anonymous Donor for offering up that very awesome challenge! Thank you, to all who gave! Thank you, to all who helped spread the word.
I'm getting to know our new fundraising platform and am learning that the system moves a little slower than the old one. When you make a donation, I don't find out instantly -- there's a bit of a delay. That makes things challenging when a match is down to the wire like it was last night. So moving forward, maybe we can try to wrap things up a little earlier to be sure every single penny counts towards the match. That sure would be swell! And easier on my blood pressure, too! Seriously, folks. Last night nearly did me in!
You may have noticed, we now have a little fundraiser "thermometer" on the blog! Thank you, Craig, for that one!! It does not update automatically, so I have to manually enter our total. Because I'm not able to update with every single donation, it's usually a little bit behind where we actually are. I try to update as frequently as I can, but it's hard when things are happening fast -- like at the end of the match. You can always go to the fundraising page and look at the progress bar there to see our up-to-date standings.
The new system doesn't allow you to make donations anonymously, which I know might be a deterrent for some -- I totally get that. If you would still like to donate and keep your online privacy, you can always send a check. I'm talking with the shelter today looking into other ways around this. I will let you know if/when we can figure something out.
If you would like to mail a check:
Pleases make the check payable to The Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County
In the memo line, write "IBKC DAT" to make sure they know it came from our community. Please send it no later than July 6th so it can be processed and count towards our goal.
Mail to:
The Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County
2608 Center Street
Tacoma, Wa 98409
Once processed, the shelter will mail you a receipt for your tax records. I know this is more work and I appreciate you taking the extra time to get the monies to the kitties! Thank you!
We don't have a big match on the books for today, but, of course, we're still here raising money! If you would like to support our shelter help the homeless cats and kittens out, please visit our FUNdraising page and make a tax-deductible donation.
I can't express enough how every little bit does help. A donation of even just a few dollars makes a difference. That donation will provide several nutritious meals for a shelter cat -- and THAT makes a difference in the life of that cat. That's something to feel good about.
Or maybe you're in a position to give enough to by a case of cat food. That's awesome too -- that will provide breakfast for all of the cats in the cattery! Five dollars or fifty dollars. It's all makes a difference!
Thank you for listening. Thanks for giving. Thanks for sharing.
I'll be back in a bit with some sweet siamese pics! Stay tuned!
Thank you Laurie! I appreciate your hard work on behalf of the kitties!
ReplyDelete...why would they switch to a platform that, in so many ways, is inferior to the old one? Whyyyy? (And why is this a trend in the world at large??)
ReplyDelete*deep breath* I'm sure there's a good reason. Will go pet a cat now. :)
It's not inferior, it's just different! It's got some nice bells and whistle the other didn't have.
DeleteOh good. Thanks for being so nice about my ranting. I just now donated (a little bit) (anonymously).
DeleteSweet Emmett looks so 'whelmed!