I took the Five Fellows to the shelter yesterday for a recheck. I'm happy to report that Doc gave them a 100% and they're all over their URIs. They've also gained "substantial weight" since their day of intake, which is awesome. This is the first litter in a very long time that didn't suffer from diarrhea during the first few days of their stay, so nothing has been slowing down their growth. They are all so sturdy and healthy!
The plan was to spring them from their confinement area late yesterday afternoon but it ended up happening earlier because ALL morning long they kept busting out.
"WE WILL BE CONTAINED NO LONGER!!!" was their cry as the scurried over and under the barriers. Eventually, I gave in, took down the walls, blocked access to the nooks and hidey-holes, and let them run wild in the room.
And that's what they did. I posted a little clip on Instagram and you can see it here.
They romped about in a state of complete glee for a good thirty minutes before they noticed those nooks I was trying to keep them out of. For the rest of the day, it was their mission to get into those spaces.
Around 7:00 PM I declared defeat and all the walls came down.
"You win, kittens. You win!" I told them.
And did they go explore those nooks and hidey-holes? Nope. They all went into their cage and played in there until they fell asleep.

Oh, kittens...*heart melts*
ReplyDeleteThey're so sproingy! Hehe.
ReplyDeleteOh Laurie, you're making me want to foster. I am terrified I'd be a foster failure (because I have FOUR) but I love the sight and sound of kittens so much I may just risk it. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat cuties! What absolute delights!
ReplyDelete*snorts* Fuzzy and adorable little brats. At least they didn't hide, which is a very good sign!
ReplyDeleteThis itty bitty band of brothers is something else!
ReplyDeleteSneaky kittens! Annoy Mom to open up your play area, run her ragged and then do that adorable kitten pile trick. Well done, Fellows, well done!
ReplyDeleteLittle escape artists! Love the "freedom" video, LOL..! So funny and adorable that they went back to their "first" home to play and nap!Looking forward to more video of high-jinks!
ReplyDeleteHaha!! Little monkeys! It was the principle of the thing, apparently :)
ReplyDeleteNot even out of quarantine and already wearing you down! This litter is going to be a handful.
ReplyDeleteYour overview of the day's events was just fabulous - I cracked up - precious munchkins - all of them!!
ReplyDeleteI just love these boys so much. *heart eyes emoji*
ReplyDeleteWould someone who knows about cat breeds and characteristics mind explaining how a litter of kitties can be so varied? What I mean is, is it as simple as the Fellows had a tabby dad and a meezer mom, so they produced three little meezers (two seal point, one lynx ... or is it lilac?), one calico-like tabby, and one classic brown tabby? And is there a reason that cats seem to hold on to their breed characteristics, unlike all those Corgi hybrids one might see on a Buzzfeed listicle? For instance, I have a tabby girl who clearly seems Bengal-like (beautiful, crazy, spots on belly, etc.), but she's not *obviously* mixed the way a Puggle would be. And her brother/littermate is a classic brown tabby with white mittens/socks and a bright pink nose.
I hope this all makes sense and sorry for the tangent (and for possibly sounding dumb!), I'm just always amazed at how such beautiful kitty siblings can all look so different!
I don't know all of the details of the tabby genes, although I believe there's more than one gene that governs the details of tabby coloring. All domestic cats have the tabby gene, or so I am given to understand.
DeleteThe meezer thing (also called colorpoint) is a little different, because it's actually a mutation in one of the necessary enzymes to produce melanin. Melanin is the substance that produces dark coloring in mammals (including humans). This enzyme, called tyrosine kinase, doesn't quite work right at body heat when it's mutated like this, but it works okay at lower temperatures. Colorpoint kittens are born white because the heat of their mother's womb makes this enzyme screw up, but as they get older, they start getting darker and expressing their usual coloring genes at their extremities, which are colder than their body.
I hope this isn't too technical and it helps.
I should tell you a little more, though I don't know how much you know about Mendelian genetics. White's another locus entirely, and it's on an autosome (a chromosome that isn't one of the sex chromosomes) which is why white can show up in any cat and in any place and isn't affected by gender like black and orange are. Floof is another gene still, and long hair is recessive to short (Ff or short hair/long hair heterozygous) gives you a medium-hair cat. There are other forms that give you the Rex cats or Manx (hairless) cats.
DeleteLvV, the kittens in a litter can have different fathers so that can be a factor too.
DeleteThat is very interesting, thank you this space! It's so fascinating the way kittens change colors, too. My first cat, Mini (may she RIP), was a gray-black tiger-striped little one, but as she grew she became a brown and red tortie, and super fluffy—amazing! I think I need to do a little further reading about these glorious creatures we all love so much.
Debbie, my mind is blown.
DeleteAlso, I now feel especially sympathetic toward all grumpy mother-cats! Poor dears, what with having more than one guy who pesters you, impregnates you, and then leaves you to do all the kitten rearing yourself! I'd be grumpy as heck too.
I remember what it's like to be ganged up on by kittens. Resistance is futile.
ReplyDeleteVery Cute!precious Kitties