You know how we love our dark tabbies around here, so as awesome as it is to see the exotic siamesey type kittens in the mix, it's an equal thrill to have this little dude.
Isn't he just gorgeous??!!
His name is Emmet Fellows.
He is the most outgoing of the Five Fellows and was the very first to purr!
Though he was one hissy little mister on Friday and Saturday, on Sunday eve he decided that everything was OK and turned his motor on. It's hardly stopped running since. He's quite friendly and now comes to me for pets and love. He is happy being held.
I think those stripes on his legs are actually springs -- he's quite bouncy. I'm trying hard to capture this action on video, but his SPROING mode is very spontaneous and by the time I have my phone flipped to the right setting and ready to go, the moment is over. I'm trying hard to capture it because it is HILARIOUS.
Sweet little man, we're proud of your progress and so happy you're showing your sweet, sproing-y self.

As much as I am over the moon for the Siamese boys this little fellow is the sweetest and cutest of all of your sweet kitteh cats..Thanking you for all you do for itty bitty kitteh cats always with love and affection for your sweet little angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteEmmett darling, if you let Laurie video your Sprongs, your forever people might show up real early. Just saying, oh and WELCOME.
ReplyDeleteI love the imagery of his leg stripes semi-concealing springs. Can hardly wait for the spronging video!
ReplyDeleteOh Emmet, you heartbreaker, you. Even though you look a little like the proverbial deer in the headlights in that first photo, I'm happy to hear you're relaxing into the love fest that is the IBKC.
ReplyDeleteOh Emmet, you make my heart race.
ReplyDeleteEven though the last name is spelled differently, please promise me that there's a Julian Fellows in the bunch! (a devoted "Downton Abbey" fan)
ReplyDeleteThose stripes that go out from the eyes, so extra pronounced. I always think it looks like glasses.
ReplyDeleteI just love variety pack litters. Can't wait to see what the final Fellow looks like.
ReplyDeleteOh, good, a tabby for Bean! Five kittens will keep her and Wylla hopping.
ReplyDeleteI swear he has little heart shapes on each side of his cute little nose. Anybody else see them? Keep on spronging Emmet! - FL
ReplyDeleteOh, I do love dark tabby boys! Emmet is very handsome and sounds quite friendly and tiggerish to boot.
ReplyDeleteTigger must be a cousin. I hope you can get video of his sproings, too.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see him in action! Welcome, Emmet, and please help Laurie show your adoring fans your sproingy stuff!
ReplyDeleteThe ability for impromptu "Sproings" is an amazing feat of felinity. Emmet, you join such masters of this art as Miss Autumn and Benediction; both of who perfected the art with hours of practise even in adultood.
ReplyDeleteThe mask stripes!
ReplyDeleteThe whisker freckles!
The cheek fluff!
The X mouf!
O thou paragon of tinee tabbeehood!
His little face is shaped like a fox's! SO CUTE!