Howard, a handsome, middle-aged, Tuxedo, got adopted from the Humane Society then returned because of some behavioral issues he was having. He was a good guy, he just needed to find the right place for him to call home and the right human to understand him. The HS decided he might be a good candidate for the Community Cats Backyard Buddy program and soon he got placed in my friend Sarah's yard.
Sarah was Charlene's foster mom, she takes care of the girls while we're away, and she's our dear friend, too. If you know Sarah at all, you know how lucky Howard is to have landed in her life.
Sarah built a cozy little cat shack in her fenced-in backyard to keep him warm and safe. Then, she set him up with all of the kitty necessities: litter box, cat nip banana, scratching post, heating pad, food, and water.

Howard acclimated quickly and soon because friends with Squeak, a scared little tortie stray that sneaks into Sarah's yard every day for breakfast and dinner. Since Howard's arrival Squeak has become much more "visible" and Sarah is now able to pet her on occasion. Sarah thinks Howard is the one responsible for helping this Tortie come out of her shell.
Sarah keeps chickens, and soon Howard befriended these ladies, too. He now follows them around and enjoys watching them peck about the yard. They like him too, and one of the chickens has even started laying her eggs in his litter box! Here's a clip of the sassy gal interrupting Howard's breakfast so she can take care of her chicken business.
Howard is a sweet guy, and he's thriving in his new home. Not once has he left the yard -- he has all of needs met right there, so there's no need to stray. He's comfortable, he's happy, he loves his ladies.
I'm so grateful the HS took the time to find this perfect place for him. Thanks to our Community Cat Program, all of this, was possible.
Today, all we raise goes to the Community Cat Program to help cats like the Howard out. We have a $5000 matching donation challenge on the table, and every dollar we give will be matched by our dear friend, Cynthia.
BUT WAIT, there's more! IF, yes IF we complete this match by 7:00 PM (PST) tonight, she will be donating an extra $5000 to the Community Cats Program! SO, we absolutely can not miss this match!
We've still got $3839 left to meet in this match, so we're going to have to start pushing hard to get there. We've got a long way to go! I know we have a lot of heavy-hitters that show up in the final moments and I do hope you'll soon be stepping up to the plate!
To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit our fundraising page.
Thank you, Cynthia, for seeing the value in this program and choosing to support it. And thank you for giving so generously.
Thank you, lovely community, for doing the same!
I appreciate you so much!
I just found out that the quilt that my neighbor Katherine and her friend Susan have been creating for us has been delayed, so I'm sorry to say it won't be up for auction before the fundraiser's end. As soon as it's ready to go, we'll auction it off, but it will be a couple of weeks before it happens. I'm sorry about that!
I just listed another piece of art, and there will be a couple more items going "live" today. Because we gifted Craig's watercolor painting of Bart Mittenfloss to his mom, Sara, there won't be a painting of Craig's up for auction. You can get a print of the painting here and all we raise through these sales will go to the Pet Food Pantry and Senior Cat Fund.
Stay close, more to come! Thank you!
What a sweet setup, and a sweet story.
ReplyDeleteHoward - what a fortunate guy. And with a chicken friend too!
ReplyDeletehow precious is that story!
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha...the chicken clip is priceless. My sister used to do rescue chickens and the little bantum hen was the pack leader and bossed everyone. Cats, dogs, chickens and the odd toddler
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing the FUNdraiser with everyone! I wish I could donate more, but I am sending our message to everyone I know!
ReplyDeleteSarah is amazing, and I frequently compare her back yard to Dr. Doolittle's, with all the animals living in blissful harmony. Howard is one lucky cat, and I love that the chickens have made him feel so welcome.
ReplyDeletePebbles says he can come live with us in the UK any time. She said he would be the purrfect suitor.