Well, here I am. Watching the phones all by myself while my brothers are off having fun.

This hardly seems fair.

I have things I could be doing, too.

There are Sparkle Balls that need to be batted around.

There are biscuits to make.

And, of course, I've got to get my 18 hours of napping in today. I need my naps. You can't look this cute without plenty of rest.

I guess no one is REALLY watching me.

Maybe I could squeeze in a little nap? I can just let the calls roll into voicemail -- would anyone even notice?

Or people could just make their donations online. Yes. This could work.

Hmmm. This couch is kind of comfy.

And my eyelids sure are getting heavy...
Can't. Fight. Nap. Please. Click. Here.

Dear Fancy Pants, I sure hope everyone made their donations online so you could get your nap in. A girl does need her beauty rest!