Even though we've passed our goal, our fundraiser isn't officially over until the end of today, so we're going to keep pushing until then. We will wrap it all up at 5:00 PM PST.
If you missed out on the opportunity to give on one of our "designated donation days" and help fund a favorite program of yours, today is Pick Your Passion Day, and you can earmark your donation for a fund of your choice.
Here's how to do it:
After you've made your donation on our fundraising page, please send me an email and to let me know which fund you are supporting.
In the subject line, put the program or fund name exactly as I have it listed below. Exactly, please -- it will make it so much easier for me to sort all of these emails out after we're done and see that all the dollars go to the right programs. In the body of the email please let me know how much you gave to this program or fund.
Here are the programs you can support and links to each if you care to learn a little more about them.
Senior Cat Fund
Special Needs Fund
Foster Program
Pet Food Pantry
Spay and Neuter Programs
Community Cats Fund
If you don't care to support any particular program today and prefer to give to the general fund and let the shelter decide where to use it, there's no need to send an email!
To help inspire a few more donations on this last day, we've got a $3000 match on the table, thanks to our dear friend, Cynthia! For every dollar we give, she will do the same until we reach the $3000 cap, or until 5:00 PM, whichever happens first.
Thank you, Cynthia, for offering us another match and inspiring so many to give. Honestly, I don't know what we would do without you and your support.
A couple of reminders:
We've got two auction items ending this afternoon. You can check them out HERE.
Our friends at Pepper Pot Polish and Liberte Du Monde Gourmet are donating a portion of their sales to the fundraiser. Please pop by their online stores and do a little shopping to help the cats and kittens out.
And Bart Mittenfloss prints are available in the IBKC shop. 100% of the proceeds from these sales will be donated to the Senior Cat Fund and Pet Food Pantry in his memory.
OK, I think that's it for now. I've got some litter boxes to scoop, some breakfast dishes to wash, then I'll be back with more!

Lloyd, time to get off the couch and take your place at the phones! Let's go, buddy!
Lloyd sure is glamorous.