
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Robin the Opossum

When Robin was tiny and hissy, we used to joke that he looked like an opossum. He was ridiculous, and it was impossible not to laugh at this fierce creature. Even though he stopped hissing a long time ago, the label kind of stuck and we still call him an opossum on occasion.

Craig had the macro lens out yesterday and took a few pics.  When I uploaded photos this morning, I discovered this awesome opossum shot that he captured.   Thank you, Craig!

Seriously, folks? Opossum or kitten mouth? What do you think?


I thought I might get things heating up a bit by starting a very do-abe afternoon matching donation challenge. An anonymous lover of kittens offered up a  generous $500 match for us that will end at 7:00 (Pacific Time) tonight.

SO, for every dollar we give, she'll do the same until we reach the $500 cap.

Let's jump right in and get this match met!  Let's help some homeless cats and kittens (and Opossums?) out!

Big thanks to our anonymous lover of kittens for offering up this generous gift to us this afternoon and to all who participate in this match! Thank you!  

Awesome Opossum!

To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit our FUNdraising page!


  1. Looks like Craig captured the rare Irish Robin O'Possum for possumsterity


  2. Having lived with/close to both, I can tell you that that's definitely, absolutely, kipossum. ;)
