It's easy to spot the little girl in the group -- she's got a spot right there on the side of her nose. And that beauty mark isn't the only thing that makes her special -- she's got extra toes! There's one extra on each front mitt.
Her face always holds an expression of concern. She's adorable -- in case you didn't notice.

Her equally adorable brother, pictured below, looks a lot like her. Their white parts and smokey patches are distributed similarly. They weigh exactly the same.
He's got a big pair of mitts, too, and each of his front paws has an extra toe as well!

There are two more left to meet and I'll be sharing those later today! So, do stick around.
Yesterday was the quietest day ever. Literally. We had a donation in morning and that's all we saw for the day. I'm hoping a little matching donation challenge might help things get moving along this morning!
A kind and generous IBKC community member has offered up a $500 match for us. For every dollar we give, she will match it until we reach the max. We've got until 7:00 PM to do it.
Thank you so much for offering up this match to this anonymous friend. We appreciate your generosity so much. Thank you in advance to all who help us meet it -- 'cause we got this, right?
To make a tax-deductible donation and help the cats and kittens out, please visit our fundraising page.
Yep. We can do it.
: )
Thank you!
We're auctioning off the naming rights to these kittens starting tomorrow and I can't wait to find out what we'll be calling this crew! We'll start with the surname and once that's been determined will proceed with the first names. We'll start auctioning off some art too -- it's going to be a really full week!
I'm going to go spend a little time with those newbies. I can hear them bouncing around the kitten room and it sounds like they're having a whole lot of fun. I'll get some video and will share it on Instagram -- so be on the lookout for that!
Stay close!
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