
Friday, July 7, 2017

We Need to Install a Revolving Door

This has been quite a day.  I had kitten adoptions happening this afternoon at 4:30, and a hair before the parents were scheduled to arrive I got the call from the shelter that there were babies. Our adopters came, we did the paperwork, said our goodbyes to the remaining Fellows, and off they went.   Then,  I made a mad dash to the shelter to pick up the kittens.

Everyone in the foster room had left for the afternoon, and the lights were dimmed, so I didn't get a good look at the kittens when I put them into the carrier.  On my way out the door, one of the shelter staff asked me "Did you get the polys?"



Welp. I didn't know it at the time, but I did.

I raced home to get things cleaned up in the kitten room and set up this crew.  OH, and in the middle of all of this, we had that matching donation challenge that was ending at 7:00 PM. It was truly a miracle that we were able to meet it.  THANK YOU.


I think we've got three polydactyl kittens in the bunch, but I need to take a closer look at everyone to be sure. There are four boys and one girl, but I haven't figured out who is who yet. There's one seal point and white in the bunch, and the rest look like they're black and white, but they're actually smoke and white. Their coats are crazy -- I've never had kittens like this before.


AND I have never, ever, ever got a group shot on day one. If this bunch is so easy-going out of the gates, I can hardly wait to see how they turn out.

We'll be auctioning off the rights to name this bunch --- this will be fun.

This is all for tonight.  We are still collecting donations for the pet food pantry until 8:00 AM, so you may have missed out on the match, but there's still time to give.  THANK YOU.


  1. Thank Heavens for Open Doors, For Little Kits with many, many paws, Thank Heavens that as some leave, There potters in some quite amazing Wees! Thank Heavens for Char and Wy, Without them Laurie could not cope we do deci (de). Welcome little ones, so nice to see another Siamoisee. Oh that I lived nearer!

  2. I could wish that all cats had homes, but if not that, then I'm really happy that you have new kittens! and such cute ones!

  3. Yay, a new crew to man the fundraising phones.

  4. What a bunch of cuties! I notice one of them has a beauty spot (or maybe they didn't do a very good job of cleaning up after breakfast?). Can't wait to find out what their names are!

  5. Smoke kittens are just delightful. I'm sure it will become a new favourite flavour

  6. One meezer and a few white and black/grays (like Robin)... I wonder if the same tom cat was involved...

  7. Looked them crazy spots and masks!

  8. I miss the Fellows but oh my goodness, this is an adorable set of kitties! My heart melts over the tiny tuxedo kitty :-).

  9. Blogger Eva said...
    "One meezer and a few white and black/grays (like Robin)... I wonder if the same tom cat was involved..."
    I took a look at them and thought the same thing busy Tom!

  10. I hope there was a bit of overlap for the FUNdraiser phone training! I can't wait to see more pics of this new litter.
