Here's a re-cap of our past few years of fundraising:

2016's FUNdraiser was a wild one! It was a much shorter season this year, and in less than two weeks we raised a remarkable $117,545.50 for the homeless cats and kitten of Tacoma and Pierce county.
We raised $109,684 in online donations on our Firstgiving Page
Auctions and print sales brought in another $7861.50.
Here's how our donations were distributed this fundraiser:
Foster Program - $12,511
Senior Cats - $12,331
Special Needs Cats - $12,831
Barn Cats and Backyard Buddies - $15,060
Community Cat Room and Visitation Area - $10,000
General Needs - $34, 513.50
Previous year totals:
2009 = $23,000
2010 = $48,000
2011 = $66,000
2012 = $87,000
2013 = $117,190
2014 = $131,890
2015 = $159,096
2016 = $117,545.50
For a very grand total of
A HUGE thank you to all who gave so generously in 2016: MsKitty, Ruth P, Ohlookachicken, Linda H, Jean C, Kelley Oberhart, Kat Olson, Toni M McQuilken, Karrie Berglund, Dannie Sayers, Pete & his Mom, Danny's Grandma, Mary H & Sophie, Taz & Zippy, Kristin Johnson, Anon, Everythingearin, Lisa from Denmark, IBKC Fan, Hector, Hannah Weyland, Sue K, Robin Riley-Wright, Mr Dandy & Mz Pearl, Laurie Kutoroff, Anon, Catrina Cordillia, Lynn, Sophie & Paul's Mom, Meg, Panda, Han, and Caspurr, Kate Kalvig, Liz668, J McKee-Johnson, Kristen F, Macy, Finn & Dallas, Bea's Mom, Snowpaws, ChiLibrarian, Naomi, Florecita Farm, Renatta & Rosalie Pettibone, Maggie Anne's Mom, Anon, Catatopia, In memory of Tubby & Daisy, the best of all!, Chloe & Gidget, Vera, Kitty's Mom, Pat Houck, Pamela Lane, Enia T, LG's Mom, Susan & Maggie the Tiny Tabby, Michelle Camarda, SophiaRocco, Anon, Anon, Hazel & Furgus, Tom & Sandy Stewart, Anon, Anon, Lisa Kleinwort, Jill, Wolfie and Cocobean, Sheri Schneider, Robin Beam, Nana Caren & Ellie Cat, Susan Paulson, Anon, J McKinney, Claire, Hollyy Wolf & the Wolf family cats, Two Senior Kitties from Indiana, Tara, Jo DaLuz, Shobha Kazinka, Pat, Jer+Shamala Johnson, Jack's Human Mom, GLF, In honor of Cleo and Yoda, Mary Wiesner, In memory of Winston & Baxter, SamCt, Old Gray Mare, Germain Family, Ira the Cat and His Human, Rita Schaffer, Carol & Kevin, Emily Roth, Kimberly Archer, In memory of Henry, Kathy and the Cat Army, Nancy Bergstrom, Anon, Laurie Kutoroff, Rat and Dan, Lauren, In memory of dear old Chewie, Lynn, Emma's Mom, M. Tiffany, Stknitsalot, Heather Hudson, Linda Sanders, Sarah, Fern and Thistle, Nancy, Dobby, Dill and DYlan, Deb Brunt, Rachel F, Aunty Pol, Beth and Michael, Shannon, Murphy & Rufus, Emily, Plumdottie, Lise and Maynard, Sue and Jo, K, Catatopia, Kara, Anon, J, Anon, Elise and Mike, Kelly, Marisa, Alexis Daniels, Anon, Kelley Oberhart, Snowpaws, Taz and Zippy, SeniorCat Tygerman, Sophie and Molly, Chris and Penny Joy, Waheeda, Kathleen, Meg, Jennifer G, Sandra Seaman, Prudi Kantz, Anon, Webbthistle, Anon, Kate Heron in honour of Wink, Anon, Francie Blakey, Cynthia!!!!!!!, Buddy, Tiger and Mr Mistofelees' Mom, Larry, Lisa, Merlin, Kenneth, Anon, Jason Youngberg, Mo Morelli, Conk and the Monkies, Tessler, Claudia Wood, Catsonville Cats, Laura, Robin Riley-Wright, Anon, Anon, The Pet Museum, Anon, Cherie, Chrisjanaan, Lizofthelake, Beth Reilly, Pke St. Pride, Kristina Kong, Michelle on behalf of Adrian, Lisa and Brian Loomis, Anon, Wendy Weppner, Mila Webb, Magia Mia, Sue Hayes (sweet Tiny Man!!!!), Kelley Oberhart, Andrew Dunne, Amy, Denise Barker, Ria Di Costanzo, Anon, Amy K, Ginny, Thunderpaws Tribe, Karen Bettencourt, Deb, Terry, Kris Quinn, Sarah, Eag46, Tanya, Anon, Old Gray Mare, Sarah H, Anon, Christine Watkins, Kristina Muskiewicz, Robin Ewing, Ann-Eve Dingell and the Wee Pups, Michelle B, Pat Houck, The Evil Queen and her demons, Danny's Grandma, Kelley Oberhart, Jennifer Zogott Levy, HeidiK, Luca, Marcello and Vincenzo Di Costanzo, Anon, Hollis, Clovis and Rupert Ashby (Johnson), LilyK, Summer Lee, Taz & Zippy, Leslie Harrington, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Anon, Mindy Sherwood-Lewis, Mike & Daniel, Mark, Midori, the kitties and doglets, Shelley & Ms. Olivia de Havicat, Dina Scheel, Inda Rose and Zoubisou Marie, Anon, Anon, Laurie Kutoroff, Kimberly Kay, Oliver & Winnie, Anon, Anon, Luna, Marvyn & Lucy & ^..^, Mary H and Sophie, Leslie Montgomery, Anne Boleyn, Holly Elliott, Cynthia Suprenant,Mollysusie, Celeste, Angie, Devora, Slate Powell, Stephanie, Sondra Daly, Jocelyn Gajeway, Taz and Zippy, Casey & Ian, On behalf of Gigi, Django, and Rani, Kerrigan, Carol Whitehurst, Betty Widerski, Nicole DeGennaro, Anon, Bijou's Cat Zoo, Kim Archer, Annabelle (and her human Margo), Susan Ryan, Amy J, The Yarn Lady, IBKC Fan, Alison, Joy Kim, Riza and Mei, Angels Beaker, Charlie and Nefertitti, Basil and Miles, Ginny, J. Couvillion, Caroline, Ranger Sophie, Amy Norris, Anon, Christine Krug, Kathleen, Kelley Oberhart, Denise Barker, Shirley H, Hollis, Ehren Mierau, Pat Houck, Naomi, Ollie & Klaus, Anon, Kris & Cheryl, Nanette, Ema's Mom, Lisa & Maynard, Carmen Hall (and Sheldon and Pearla!), In Memory of Cleveland, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Ozzie and KaiShi, Cynthia Suprenant, Jaime, Dandelion, Luna and Maloy, Anne Wiebe, for Arthur, Maedchen, and Daphne, Kimberly Archer, Joy Kim, Anon, Penelope and Lucy, Janet Kelley, Tracey, Peter Pansy, Charlene Butterbean and Wylla Stout, ALyssa, Shira & Violet, Cathleen, Neko & Sebastian, Emily & John Hyland, SophiaRocco, Maya the Tortie & Abby the Torbie, Lola, Anon, Catatopia, Tina & the Kittyboyz, Julie Wilson, Valerie Jones, Amanda, Kitty, $ Cheeto, Leslie Montgomery, Sarah, Jewels and Phoebe, Pam Paton, Anon, Anna, Jenn Maki, Anon, Freckledme, Murphy & Rufus, Greta, Aunty Pol, Anon, India Rose, Meredith Cole, Anonymous! IBKC Trivia Knower Extraorinaire, Kelley Oberhart, Michael Unser, HeyHey SashaK, Tanya Sloan, Anon, Cynthia Suprenant, LG's Mom, Maureen, Buddy, Pazzi and Stormy in TX, Pamela Minch, The Tuckers, Lara Botha, Susan R, Kelly and Brian Strampe, Anon, Christmas the Dachshund, Olivia de Havicat, Isabell Leshko, Shana & Jim Osmer, Clementine & Ezekiel, Leslie wang, Cynthia!!!!, Anon, Anon, Cora & Inigo, GLF, Lizzy B, Kathleen Olson, BigLouie and ShowBiz, Old Gray Mare, Hase+Tiger, Higgins and Max and their humans, Lucy & Dixie, Mary S, Debbie Desmond, Jennifer H, Anon, Pia, Leslie Rilbe, Anne Pole, Anon, Lise and Maynard, Anon, Liz, Annette & Rod & do, Sam E Pantz, Rachel, Mr. Mistofelees, Jasper & Fizz, Danny's Grandma, Rachel F, Porter and Jiji, Anon, Tanya Sloan, Aliza M, Katie, Lisa Anderson, Zoubisou and India, Emma's Mom, Meg Safranek, Anon, Susan, Anonymous, Old Gray Mare, Teddy & Charllie, Stephanie Beverage, Leslie Trottier, Karen Seifert, Rose Moss, Zoe, Lily, Bella & Oreo, Amy Vreeland, Anne C, Elise Kidd, In Memory of Calico Cat, Anon, Nancy Bergstrom, Nora Cox, Anonymous, Riggie's Mom, Claire, Heidi, Naomi, Joanna Nieznanowska, Isaabell Leshko, Koala the Cat, Mary H, Amy Stoller, Kelley Oberhart, Anon, Pat Houck, Debbie Desmond, Anon, Anon, Michael Usner Nekomercury, Conk and the Monkies, Nigel and Mimsey's Mom, Nigel and Mimsey's Dad, Shirley, Awesome Anonymous Donor WOOT WOOT!, Chanter, Anon, Kristina Kong, Sheri Schneider, Lori in Pgh, Anon, Jenny, Cathleen, Taz & Zippy, Laura Hemly, Charley, Sherry C, Beth Mueller Sloan, Ginny, Anon, Leslie Montgomery, Katie IN, Kimberly Archer, Amy & Petzi, Lydia, Emily Roth, Anonymous, Gustapher and Mehitabel Vulich, Charlemagne, Tamar and Mai, Judy, Django, Rani and Gigi, Pepper Pot Polish, Katherine, Suzanne, Olvia Denholm, John Kieltyka and Monika Lidman, Halcion Halo, Mindy Mitchell, Elizabeth Augustine, Julie Wilson, Anon, Patrick Donahue, Anon, Jean Hayes, Mila Webb, Anon, Anon, Anon, Ming, Dusty, Peanut, Smudge and Cider, Lynn, Erica Stewart, Anon, Finne, Lisa B, Laurie Kutoroff, Susan, Marrit, Tanya Sloan, Anon, The Beichcats, Amos, Andy, Spike, Nit, Tag and Maddie, Nina, Christy Reedy, Old Ladycats of the CD, Cathy (Mom to Hannah and Sebastian, Aunty Pol, Anon, Lisa (mom of Chai, Sophie and Acacia, Marlene, Pat Houck, Alison, Basil, and Gracie, Amy, Anon, Kelsey, Magia Mia, Eleanor Reed, Slippas, Anne Dakin, Marigami, Maxine Leveque, Anon, Sabrina, Anon, Agnes Pettibone and Dixie "Myron/Myra" Clover, Hope in Bellingham, Gregory and Bessie, Erin, Zoe and Cookie, Anon, Isabell Leshko, Kathryn and Brian Candelaria, Alicia, Anon, Susan in Detroit, Koren and Milly, Enia T, Susan, Murphy and Rufus, Emma MacNeely, Anon, Sophia Rocco, Robin, Phoebe, Mark, Midori, the kitties and the doglets, Zippy and Taz, The Evans Pride, Natalie (Scarlett and Melly's human), Annie, Rosalie, and Mischa, Karen Wilson, Traci C, Mari, Alex, Lynn, Zoubi and India, Celia Fresquez, Kelley Oberhart, Rat and Dan, Ginger, Buck, and Willow, Kodalai, Dante and Virgil, Dudley's Darlings, SJH, Sheila Mansley, Mary Wiesner, Robert Horwitz and Mary Jo Johnson, Patti, Noodle and Olive, Robyn P, Berthamae, Old Gray Mare, The Crazy Cinotto Bassets, Anon, Momo the Countess, Denvercat, Cynthia, Anon, Carla MacLafferty, Michele L Frueh, Lise and Maynard, Cherie, Wendy Hester, LG's Mom, Memory of Luna, Anon, Timetooflyagain, Miles and Basil, Anon, Holly's Mom, Anon, Susan Detloff, Kathleen, Ginny, Timmy and Adobo, Toby, Virginia Dundas, Donna Lohmeier, Pookie and Sissy, Anon, Anon, Anon, Julie Wilson, Marcy Morfin, Amy Kertesz, Rosemary from NYC, Taz and Zippy, GLF, Lynn and Alex, Kelley Oberhart, Shirley H, Old Gray Mare, Anon, Streak and Crash Decker, Roxanne Cooke, Allyson L, Laura Towse, Amy S, Anon, Meg, Anon, Anon, Leslie Montgomery, Anon, Julie Wilson, Cherie, Neen, Bea's Mom, Weizi, Kim Archer, Arturo de la Flufgato, Lauren, Michelle C, Teresa Engel, Anon, Patty Litwin, Anon, Mitzi's Mom, Anon, Anon, Oscar and Murray, Debbie Desmond, Miss Gracie, Rachel F, Nina, Lynette and Trinity, Laura, P.M., Cynthia, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Anon, Kristin B, Twister and Butterscotch, Widget's Mom, The late, lamented, Lewis Cats, CrateMtes, Anon, Snowpaws, Anon, Jill S, Chester's mom, Emma's Mom, Cecil Knapp's Mom, Anon, Chiara Tarabiono, Rose Moss, Rosemary K, Patricia Valadez, Karrie Berglund, Mo, Merlin, and Meggie, Lynn and Al, Anon, Sarah McGee, Anon, Amy J, Giu Alonso, Lise and Maynard, Linda Sanders, Quiltdove, Aepva, LG's Mom, Plumdottie, Naomi, Old Gray Mare, Taz and Zippy, GLF, Kelley Oberhart, The Foxes, Ortiz-Pineiro family and cat queens, Julie Wilson, Anon, Opal and Ellis, Zoubisou, India, Alex and Lynn, Ohlookachicken, Susan, Meg, VirtKitty, Sidera and Bramble, Anon, Andrea, Mary, Laura Fitzgerald And Deci and Bear, Oscar and Murray, Catherine Makin, Olivia Vancie Jensen, Deb, and Whitney, Lise and Maynard, The Evil Queen and her Demons, Murphy and RUfus, Anon, John Whitley, Amanda and Juno, Kelley Oberhart, EJJJ, Kathleen O'Brien, Cherie, Isha and Emma, Taz and Zippy, J. Matthews, Anon, Katherine and Susan, Craig Miller, and Cynthia. What would we do without our dear Cynthia! xoxoo
Thank you IBKC Community, you are amazing!
The 2015 Itty Bitty Kitty Committee FUNdraiser!

Our 2015 Fundraiser for the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County was the best one yet! Thanks to this AMAZING and supportive community of ours, we raised $159,096.00 for the shelter!!!
Here's how it all broke down:
We had days designated to fund some of our favorite programs and projects. These are the amounts we raised for each:
Foster Program - $15,455
Senior Cats - $15,545
Special Needs Cats - $14,121
Barn Cats and Backyard Buddies - $17,942
Kitty Meals-On-Wheels and Pet Food Bank - $14,103
Ring Worm Room - $15,679
Here's how we raised that huge amount:
Team IBKC Firstgiving donations:
Laurie - $148,930
Sarah - $2,300
Shana - $1,670
Auctions: $6206
Paypal Donations: $25
For a total of $159,096
And here are our totals over the years:
A huge thanks to all the great people that contributed in 2015!
Thank you Maddie Bouvier - Alex, Lynn, India and Zoubisou - K.M. Olson - Carrie Martin - Jack's Human Mom - Tiffany - Denise Barker - Holly - Rebecca - Tara - Murphy & Rufus, Penny and Chris - Taz & Zippy - Mary Scheidegger - Heather & Gregg - Pat - Old Gray Mare - Sam E. Pantz - Katrina, Bronson & Boston - Whiskerflick - Grace, Charley & Olive - Angelique Iuzzolino - Elizabeth Grisham - Oscar & Murray - Murray & Oscar - Christina Descaro - Smokey Joe's and Maggie's Mom - Ajax - Isabell Leshko - The Di Costanzo Cats - Mimi - TheAntiPam - Ohlookachicken - Restless - Kelley Oberhart - Eleanor Reed - Cleopatra, Josephine and Grace - Jamie Spaine - Lindsay Savage - Naomi - Jenn Maki - Lisa Hedegaard - Snowpaws - Allison - Enia - Pookie and Sissy - Py and Zelly - Beth, Tim, Callie, Tori, Pep-Pep and Mipzy - In Memory of Henry - Han and Panda - Lisa Kleinwort - Laurie Kutoroff - The Evil Queen and her Demons - Lisa - Midori, Mark, Kitties, and Doglets - Jennifer - Summer Chun - Nora - Melissa - Liz R - Hey Hey Sasha K - Jean Cunningham - Penelope and Milo - Lucy Marvyn & Luna's Humans - Nigel & Mimsey Frost - Susan & Maggie - Riza and Mei - Deb Jensen - Our Awesome Anonymous Donor - Edita - MsKitty - Mary Wiesner - Quinn/Horwitz family including Lily - Amy - Karen Thompson - Helen - Old Gray Mare - Franci -Germain Family and 17-years-young Poco - Chris - Leslie & Mark - Minnie, Sophie, Daisy & the Grandcat - C - Rachel F. - Michelle Howard - Randi Kennedy - Murphy & Rufus - GLF - Diana - Sam in CT - Emily & Martin - Lynn Cooper-Hinrichs - Alice Tsoi - Shannon - Larry Scroggins & Merlin - Mollysusie - Lisa - Emma's Mom - Mindy and Kazoo - Conk and the Monkies - Carol & Kevin - Olivia - Christine Walkins - Linda - Prudi Kantz - Nikky - Sheri Schneider - Stacy B - Robin Riley-Wright - Eliza - Alyssa - Marcy Morfin - Debra Hemeon - Belle and Ariel - Amy Hyler-Essig - Kris - Denvercat - Sara Barth - Laura in VA - Kathleen - Devora Zauderer - In Memory of Bujaki - Carla Maclafferty - Jaime, Luna and Malfoy - Ruth Hiner - Jose daLuz - Dorothy Pugh - ChrisJanaan - Beth, Miss Boo, Breanna and Dana - Cynthia Suprenant - Laurie Kutoroff - Dan and Rat - Mike and Daniel Starrhill - Tigger, Latte, and Lorelai - Rachel F - Atlanta's Mom - Rachel - ChiLibrarian - Pat Houck - Joyce C - Ginny - Kathleen - Amy J - Jer+Shama - Helenasia - sarah Edgecombe - Snoop, Tubby and Siam - Briana - Molly - Lauren - Lariluu - Troy - Chandra, Gregg, Enzo and Maggie - Eleanor Reed - Michelle and Brendan C - Sandra Seaman - Lori in Pgh - Emily - Melissa -Cynthia Suprenant - LG's mom - Elizabeth Augustine - Jason Youngberg - Lily Marie - houstoncatlady -Kelsey j - Susan B. - Cattywumpus - The Pet Museum - Casey & Ian - Lydia - Rose - Anonymous Lover of Kittens - Lori - Zoubi and Indy - Molly's Mom - Tarzan, Melli and Mimi - In Memory of Elis and Kali - Pat Houck - Sterry - Paying it Forward -Sue - LT, Ron and Tom - Susan Ryan - Kelley Oberhart - Nicole Denae Stolpa - Dick Canel - Sondra Daly - Amy K - Morgan - Amanda, Craig, Minne and Maxwell - Helen - Victoria Roos - Karrie Berglund - Kerry - Alison - Tabitha - Margo and Annabelle - Holly's Mom - Rosemary Feal - Megan - Lauren - Heather, Jon and Friend - Mia Kavantjas - Kelley Oberhart - Susan - Zoubi - H and C - Larry, Lisa, Merlin And Kenneth - Edward Loomis Davenport - For my loves Stewart, Meg and Fern - Diane Melnick - Heidi - Susan Held - Anne Wiebe - Nancy, Dobby, and Dill - Awesome Anonymous Donor - Emily - Amanda, Josh, Kitty and Cheeto - Sue Weldon - Susan Paulson - Zoe and Cookie - Sophia and Rocco - Kristal - Rich - Doc P, Jasper and Kona - Amy - Karen - Rosie, Oliver and Winnie - MJ - Teresa Engel - 142 - Sarah Edgecombe - Amanda - Teresa engel - Mara and David - Wendy Weppner - Awesome Anonymous Donor - Alyssa - Miss Kate - J. Matthews - Bentley1530 - Rachel F - Pam Minch - Old Gray Mare - Tom and Sandy Stewart - Nance Myers and Jen Stock - Megan from Atlanta - Emily - Charlemange, Tamar and Mai - Lauren - Susan in Detroit - Candace - Helen Simm - Naomi - LG's Mom - Leslie Devlin - Evangeline la Belle and Lilliane la Petite - Shirley H - Anetteboardman - Gaea, Kali, Oberon, Lucy Odin - Mini from Heaven - John and Stacy - Han and Panda - Lisa h - Tweek and Ellie Wilson - Susan - Steph - Mis Lily and Boo - Annie Fisher - Daisey - Maddie and Ichabod - Beatrice's mom - Emily and the cats who own her, Gregory and Bessie - Rosa - Keebler, Hamish and Bug - Sarah - Emma's Mom - Waheeda - Katy Stone - Isa - Bailey's Mom - PlumDottie - Erica - Georgia jewel - Lauren - Jon and Chris - Jack and Minnie - Maxine Leveque - Taz and Zippy - Mariela and Gareth Ortiz - Meredith - Kelley Oberhart - Hope Nancy Bergstrom - Pat - The Di Costanzo Cats - Cynthia Suprenant - Conk and the Monkies - Valerie and Nick Jones with cats Max and Lyra - Michelle - Buddy, Tiger and Mr Mistofelees - Mae -The Godmother - Deborh and Kai - Streak and Crash Decker - Meg - Andrea Noren - Anne H - Anne Pole - Mo Morelli - Brian and Lisa Loomis - Lisa - 142 - Leslie Montgomery - Sarah Edgecombe - Rose - Taz and Zippy - Liz - Novie - Noodle and Olive - Albert and Elvis and Cori - Jackie and David Parkins - Lily Jones - Stephanie, Eric, Ramses Feina and Daisy - Rosemary - Margie - Susan - Stephan Cleaves - Helen and Zeno - KT Shobe - Sophie and Molly - Ed and Allison Chamberlayne -Lisa Macintyre - Giu Alonso - Old Gray Mare - Webbthistle -Isa - Cheryl - Rosemary K - Kelley Oberhart - Ehren Mierau - Beth Altman and Michael Goldblatt - Wanda R - LvV - Leslie Harrington - Leslie Merta - Joan Rebecca H - Nicole DeGennaro - Miss Lily and Boo - Lisa - Ben - Marguerite - Dudley's Darlings - Matt D'Angelo - Clementine and Ezekiel - Nina Simone Sporer - NWORLNS -Cherie Batsel - Old Gray Mare - Lisa (mom of Chai) Cynthia Suprenant - Awesome Anonymous Donor - Kelley Oberhart - ScientificChick - Andrea - Kristin B - aetherspoon - Nina - Donna Vanderveen - Alyssa Timin - Kathleen Jordan - Kittykat416 - CJS - Cindy Degraf - Katie in CO - Jack's Human Mom - Deb - GLF - Emily - Lauren - Charlie's Mom - Sophie's Mom - Emma's mom - Penny Joy and Chris - Patricia Valadez - Sandy Butler - LG's mom - Butterscotch, Licorice, Chip, Mistie and Sparkie - Emma Neely - Tesla's Mom - Penny and Lucy - Lynn - Marlyp - Ehren Mierau - Amy Norris - Olivia de Havicat - Kris Quinn -Marla Pineiro - Mary H and Sophie Kitty - Claire - Jean Pizzariella - Robin Riley-Wright - Rose and the Ginger Boys - Luna - Pamela Dunn- John, Monika and Mister Jimmy - Millie and Babs - Murphy and Rufus - Emily and Martin - Cattywumpus - Natalie (Scarlett and Melly's Human) - Lise - Butters, Murphy, Zeke, Mama, Bran, Sansa and Bijou - Naomi - Laura, Roger and the herd - Alan, Megan, Muji and Cyan - Daphne , Arthur and Maedchen Wiebe - The Evil Queen and her Demons - PlumDottie - foffmom - Sue - Lisa (mom of Chai) Gypsybaker - Laura Hemly - Mary - Rachel F - Charley and Oliver - Robin Whiskers - Carrie in NY - Laine - Joe, Latke, Sparky, Pancake and Skibee - Laura Brodniak - Eliot and Brennan - Francie - Mila Webb - Holly's Mom - Jenna L - Cheri Batsel - Deb Brunt - Catonsville Cats (In Memory of Toby) Sandi Schaefer - Mr. Whiskers and Daisy - Diane Jones - Kelley Oberhart - Kris and Cheryl - Anne Pole - Pat Houk - Tracey Rogers - Skylar - Emma's Mom - The Fluffymo Cats - Dexter, Lucy and the Kitten - Anonymous Lover of Kittens - K. Stolz and P. Berryman - Riza and Mei - Beth Mueller Sloan - Meredith - Leslie Montgomery - Julie Wilson - Kate - Mowgli, Louis and Erin - Sebastian and Neko - Stef Ploof - India and Zoubi - Webbthistle - Meredith Cole - SC Amy - Janna - Joyce C - Karen K - Sophie, Rocky and Ollie - Chris C - Angiie Green Kristen Von Malder - Jacqui Johnston - Pam Dunn - Laura Fitzgerald - Laurie Kutoroff - Emily - Katie and Tim - Meredith Raimondo - Deb - Sheldon and Pearla Dearborn - Kitty Lane - Dylan - Wendy Hester - Kara Weisman - Anne Carpenter - Hollis - Kelley Oberhart - Lise - Who Can Resist Bean - Lisa from Denmark - Anette and Rod - Shirley H - Stephanie B - Mint and CousCous - Dixie and Lucy - Lisa and Stuart Simons - Awesome Anonymous Donor - Debbie Desmond - Debbie Desmond Again - Libertine tacoma Gourmet - Jennifer Haddon - Mindy Sherwood-Lewis - Charley - Nell Higgins - Lisa - Melissa Constant - Elmo and Lulu - Sophia and Rocco - Jack's Human Mom - Cricket, Frieda and Family - 142 - Elaine - Christine - Mike and Daniel Starrhill - Nina - Nicole - Katrina, Bronson, Boston and Boss - Rondi Hanson - Morgan - Paul and Sophia's Mom, Meg - Steph - Aimee Hamilton - Chanter - HK - Patty Litwin - Baxter Lamm - Nigel and Mimsey's Mom - Michele Frueh - Sandi Schaefer - Emily - Kaitlin - Jason Viers - Bets and the furry kids - Sara Holifield - Becky - Claudia - amyjk - Alison - Micaela Purcell - Alex, Joey, Scotty and Godiva - LeAnn McLennan - Angie - Sadie, Arthur, Champ, Gladys and Wendy - kzber - Mary Scheidegger - Paul and Sophia's Mom - Darin - Ginny - Talanea - Monica Tiffany - Thunderpaws Tribe: Maximus, Puck, Phred - Lilybutter - Dawn Gilmore - Chandra - Beth, Tim, Tori, Callie, Pep-Pep and Mipzy - Shawn Meyer - Heidemarie - Keley Oberhart - Beegee Tornatore - Maggielynn - Vivi and Luna - India Rose - Ann F - Laurie Kutoroff - Larry Scroggins - Lisa - Pepito, Ollie and Kitty - Chev - Jill - Lynn, Purl and Ashford - Hazel and Furgus - Rita Schaffer - Jean - Larry (in memory of Rusty, lord of all orange) - Lisa Moffeit - 142 - Mary Beth Vono - Cheryl Valadez - Tora - Kristine Muskiewicz - Sarah - Ohlookachicken - L. Chen - Emily-Mary - Marlene - Dogmom4x - Jack's Human Mom - Robin - Cherie Batsel - Tabby Cat and Harley the Dog - Lynn - Mari - Rosemary - Brinnann - Kristen Olson - Catherine Makin - SA Bergfalk - Kelley Oberhart - Ira and his Human - In memory of Sophie - Penzoil, Hannah and their mom - Karrie Berglund - Jill - Alison Campbell - Hollis - Amanda Scigaj - Ehren Mierau - Mary - Kristina Kong - Midori, Mark, kitties and doglets - HeidiK - Lise - Taz and Zippy - Opal and Ellis - Gerard Guilford - Emily - Maureen McCoy - Kathleen Olson - Spike, Mia, Sasha, Vincent - GLF - Sophia Rocco - Neen - Jorja Belle - For Alixa and Pulga - Deb - Miss Lily and Boo - Sissy and Sassy - Giu Alonso - Kelly and Alex with cts Simon, Nouri, Zooey and Edie - Chev - All the Byrdwick kitties plus Bijou - Rosemary - Linda Sanders - Jane N - JLVerde - Debra Hemeon - Lynn - The Kelly Family - Kathleen Buchli - Parker and Tupelo Honey - LG's Mom - Lise - Sabotage - Heather Hudson - Fleaker, Olive and Brian - Anne and Jay Bryant - Mary Wiesner - Cecil Knapp and Tuna - Karen Morris - Murphy and Rufus - Teresa Engel - Hae Young - Lara Botha - William, Iris, Augustus and Louise - Robin - Patty R - Rose Moss - HeidiK - India and Zoubi - The Collins Family - GLF - Enia - Kelly Lloyd - April Friend - Elaine E - Kerstin and Todd - Lisa K - Cynthia our Superhero - Awesome Anonymous Donor - Rosa - Kristal Sloce - Karrie Berglund - Fergus and Fiona Mahoney - Silverstone - Robyn - Carolyn and Ryan - Lisa(mom of Chai) - Clementine and Ezekiel - The evil queen and her demons - Emily Ragsdale - Emily - Lionelcat - MJR - Julie Wilson - Jan and Nath - Lisa and Doug - Mila Webb - Amanda - Deb - Sue - Brendan and Michelle C - The Di Constanzo cats - Amos and Andy - Cherie Batsel - Kristen, Julian, Ianto and Groucho - Patricia Valadez - Susan Knower - Maureen - Molly - Leslie Montgomery - Emi Franzen-Kelsey - Katie - Sheila Mansley - Shira and Violet - Debbie Katherine Aronson - Jack's Human Mom - Berthamae - Jenn - Lauren - Blue Donahue - Caroline, Paul, Maia and Barney - Bonus Cat and Dr Wily - Kodalai - Waheeda - Kelley Oberhart - Joy Kiefer - Porter and Jiji Hathaway - For all the cats I've loved and lost - Patricia Gormley - Katie, Pippin, Jellybean and Stacks - For all the working cats - Kirsten (and Norman) - Emily - Pillsbury - Nixon, Matilda and Oliver Johnson - Sarah Edgecombe - AE Michels - Tanya Sloan - Barbara Slater - Lindsay, Chad, Gob and Tobias - Alicia - Nancy Bergstrom - Zoubisou, India Rose, Alex and Lynn - Sabrina - Phoebe - Johanna - Maia's Mum - In memory of Monty - Weiqi - Julius and Josie - Mindy Sherwood-Lewis - Rachel - Poofycat - Diane Melnick - CRC and MSS - LvV - The Foster Clan and fosters Lefty and Loosey - Anne Pole - Momo - Megan Ladror - Ree+3 Kittyboyz - Noodle and Olive - Andi and Ellie's House of Heathens and Barkers - Lisa - Paige Morgan - Chiara - Penny and Chris - Alex Hinrichs - Wendy Hester - Olivia de Havicat - Tamara Augustine - Kelly - Snuggles and Danny - Becky, Mom and Sam - Shirley H and Bixcuit - Beth, Tim, Tori, Callie, Pep-Pep and Mipzy - Lindsay and Gin Gravette -Karen Wilson - Isa Leshko - CrateMates - Beth Hansen-Buth - Isa Leshko - Dorothy Pugh - Rhonda and Jay - Karen Seifert - Julie Wilson Elisabeth Gates - Naomi; neighborhood crazy cat lady - Maria Pineiro - Miss Lily and Boo - Susan Paulson - Libertine Tacoma - Laurie Kutoroff - Nancy Ford - Renee Lee - Janet and Don Conte - Jen and Lily - Amy (AKA Crazy Cat Lady) - Andrew and Cocoanut - Roxane Cooke - Susan and Brendan - Deb - Marie - Chrisjanaan - Molly - Buddy, Spaz and Stormy - Drew Gazabat - Luna and Frodo - Betha Cookson - Lizzie - Frances N - Pepper Pot Polish - And this whole awesome and wonderful Itty Bitty Kitty Committee Community. Thank you for making this FUNdraiser a huge success!!!
2014 Itty Bitty Kitty Committee FUNdraiser

Thanks to this amazing community of ours, we had an incredible FUNdraisier last year for the Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County and raised a remarkable $131,890!
Thank you so much to all who helped make that happen! You are a very special group of caring and giving people, and we appreciate you all so much! This money will go far to help our homeless cat and kitten population.
Here's how it all broke down:
Firstgiving donations: $119,941
Paypal donations $4085
Auctions $3971
Team members:
Shana $1450
Sarah $1883
Marguerite $500
And from the total, these amounts will be designated for the following programs/funds:
For the senior cats $23,315.50
For the foster program/ foster room /head-start program $13,570
For the spay and neuter program $7,435
For the kitty meals-on-wheels and emergency pet food bank $6,510
For special-needs cats and kittens $10,833.50
Here are our totals from all the years.
2009 = $23,000
2010 = $48,000
2011 = $66,000
2012 = $87,000
2013 = $117,190
2014 = $131,890
Nice work, IBKC Community! Nice work!

Thanks to all the big-hearted friends who have given so much to help the cats and kittens: Maddie Bouvier, Ohlookachicken, Jack's Human Mom, Cocoabean and Casper of New Jersey, Beaker and the Angel Kitties, Miss Lily and Boo Barkerlow, JeanC, Cindy, Sophie and Chornie, Old Gray Mare, Houston Cat Lady, Sissy Sassy, Lynn, Miss Sophie the Fuzzyhead, Mia Kavantjas, Palma Hoppel, Anon, Anon, Kitty Buster, Kitty Milo and Kitty Fuzzbucket, Jax, Han, Panda and their humans, Meg, Michele, Tweek & Ellie Wilson, Grace McGathey, Kalynnda, Joy Kim, Stefanie, The Brooks Family, Julia, Kelley Oberhart, Lori, Anne Pole (happy birthday!), Sam E Pantz, Kerswill, Andrea Doubek, Holly Cat, Anon, Devora Z, Henry and Basil, Anon, Valentina, Edita, Enia (get well, Libby) Amanda, Craig, Minnie and Maxwell, Kathy and the Cat Army, Marcy Morfin, Cynthia Suprenant, Thunderpaws Tribe, Webbthistle, Anon, Mary H, Anon, Patricia, Giu Alonso, Kim, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Jennifer, Kiki, Coco Bean and Wolfie, Laura Parr, Anon, Patric and Alice, Di Hanford, IB, XoXo, Vivian Swift, Rosalie and Renatta Pettibone, Anon, Binka and Saucer Easterbrook, Zoubisou Marie, Anon, Ann Grey, Penny Bayman, Teddy and Karma, Ilana Kohn, Gary and Cathie Wislon (Daisy May and Lucky too), For Jersey Rescued in Toronto, Anne Pole, Rupert and Clovis Ashby Johnson, Sadie and Kitten Mittons, Alison, Sadam, Gripette and Geraldine, LeeAnn McLennan, Kelley Oberhart, Pat Houck, Marvyn and Luna Johnson, Aki's Aunty B, Blue Moon, Marie, Simon and Simone, Cynthia Suprenant we love you, Shaelynn Hales, Patricia, Wylla and Charlene, Anon, Hemingway Scheel, Adrienne Young, Cheryl, Deb J, Anon, Chris and Cody Grace, Fen and Em, Franklin and Madison Winkler-Harrington, Rosie, Olie and Winnie, MJ, Anon, Brenda Lavell, Amy, Edward, and Randy, Anon, Anon, Michelle C, The Kilpatrick Cats, Anon, Molly, Anna , 142, Christina Descaro, FiestaGrl, Anon, Mary Scheidegger, The Reinharts, Madeline and Tater, Maggie and Max, Amy Cornwell (aka Maddie Bouvier's aunt), Karey Uhler, Mja, Violinpainter, Nan, In memory of Bagel, Anon, Theantipam, Cynthia Suprenant, Anon Lover of Senior Cats, Shelley Tregor, Lisa and Stuart Simmons, Old Gray Mare, Godmama to 4 fuzzes, Laurie Kutoroff, Helen Hutchison, Mary Wiesner, Catt** Makin, In loving memory of Sunny Bug, Olivia Denholm, Patti, Noodle, and Olive, Janie C, Susan Held, Elizabeth Augustine, Lauren, Random Felines, Megan in Atlanta, Jenny and Scott, Dave and Amy Gonigam, Anon, Meowlady (Dorothy), Diana, Ginny, Restless, Chris, Bunmi, Jennifer Johnson, Kate Kalvig, C, Adrea, Ben, Betty Widerski, Ines Wu and Jay Huang, Nichole, Jack and Katia, Margo and Anabelle, Anon, Taz and Zippy, LeeAnn McLennan, Michelle, The Wood Family of Cedar Falls, IA, Lydia, Sissy Sassy, Sandi Schaefer, Emma's Mom, LG's Mom, IB, Gif, Anna Astrom, Anon, Anon, Sarah, Morgan, Mike and Daniel, Anon, Kristal S, Kerrigan, Carol and Kevin, Laura, Anon, Whitey Furlicker, Cattywumpus, Mary H, Puddin's Mom, Missy's Mom, Malfoy and Luna, Janet Fletcher, Emily, Sue Hayes and Oliver (we love you), Tory Jean Valach, Deb Brunt, Constance Kephart, Anon, Jack's Human Mom, Birdie's Mom and Dad, Brenna and Fitz, Isabell Leshko, Rita Schaffer, Brooke, Anon, Melissa Penkava Koza, Gin, Lisa Hedegaard, Tessler, Bets, Marisa, Anon, Julibearrr, Shannon, Robin Riley-Wright, Anon, Anon, Scouts Mom, Nora M, Isa Leshko, Anon, Elise, Mindy, Amy Hyler-Essig, Juni, SC Amy, Anon, HeidiK, Sandy Patzke, Kitze and Chelsea's Human, Heather Hudson, Laura in Va, Anon, Rachel in ID, Joan Hudson, Lesleystargazer, Jason Youngberg, Sam, Mary Ann, Dan and Rat, Laura M, Anon, Pam V, Rachel F, Judy H, Plumdottie, Anon, Monica T, Becky S, Anon, Ehren Mierau, Cynthia "Rock Star" Suprenant, Summer, Anon, Lilybutter, Pat Houck, Jeannette Lacasse, Buddy, Tiger and Debra, Gin+Lindsay, Leslie Montgomery, Carrie, Mo Morelli, Michelle C, Hether Thompson, Deborah D, Wei Qi, Wembley and his human, Shana wood, Emily, Senior Catizen Suki and her human, Frank Sugino, Adrienne Walker, Nancy Ford, Annette, Tracey Rogers, Gail, Barbara, Kristen Branstad, Laura and Roger, Lisa (mom of Chai), Liz Bergstrom, Sheri Schneider, Katie Shobe, Kelley Oberhart, Whitney, Kitty Cat, Anon, Geri LeVar, Old Gray Mare, Anon, Christie Whitcomb, Denise Jenkins, Amy Kaptsenel, Cat, Marcello and Luca, Amy's Mom, Amy, Moira, Anon, Giu Alonso, Rosemary Feal, Jennifer, Liz, Andrew, Evelyn, and kitties, Lynn, Karen Thompson, Kelley Oberhart, Joanne, Max and Lyra Jones, Carmen Hall, Kim, Pearla and Sheldon Dearborn, Anon, Denise Barker, Shelley Tregor, Amanda, Josh, Kitty and Cheeto, Anon, Brian and Lisa Loomis, Charles Thatcher Gibbons, DSH, Esq (AKA Charlie), Michele Frueh, Brian Roepke, Kenneth Wiggins & Family, Amy, Oliver and Alfred, Hope "For Cats" in Bellingham, Janet, SissySassy, Sheldon and Mr Nibbles, Robin, Elizabeth Grisham, Ann-Eve Cunningham, Nicole Brosman, Anon, Anon, Old Gray Mare, Caroline Kirkham, Pam Held, Summer and her big weird hooman kittens, Henry and Basil, Sara and Thomas McElroy, Anon, Liz, Auntie Buddy, Anon, Cassandra, Anon, Maggie and Max, Andre Noren, Stevie, Nigel and Mimsey's mom, Neko and Sebastian, The Kitten Whisperer (and the Iowa Kits), Susan in Detroit, Mary H (happy birthday!), Jer + Shama, Anon, Carol Klee, Sysan Ryan, Chanter, Anne C, Rich, Janice Yap, Anon, Anon, Anon, Bea Guerrero, Lynn Cooper-Hinrichs, Janna, Anon, Anon, Joni, Anon, Boog and Sam, Anon, Phil, Kara, A little ginger kitty, Kelley Oberhart, Cherie Batsel, Anon, Nance, Jen, Birdie & Percy, Erica, Anon, Renee Lee, Marie Brennan, Pat Houck, Kathleen K, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Mark Matienzo, Margaret Boiero, Jasper and Fizz, Kelsey, Jamie and Dave, Cindy, Sophie, and Chornie, Shira & Viloet, Frances Macias, Madeline Roland, Susann in Norway, Ohlookachicken, Erica, Newton's mom, for Sugar!, Robin, Anon, Mint & CousCous, Liam & Maggie, Sarah Emily, Old Gray Mare, JLVerde, Zou and India, Anon, Cheryl, Sasha, and Ninja Tucker, Beaker, Charlie and the Angel Kitties, Michael and Beth, MSS and CRC, Anon, Kathleen, Jane Cooley, Myst and Dervish, Cheryl Wells, Karrie Berglund, Brendan & Susan Haigh, Mary Scheidegger, Joanna Nieznanowska, Katherine, Albert and Elvis Livermore-Knight, Emma's Mom, Shirley H, Kristina Kong, Dudley's Darlings, J. Matthews, Anon, Waheeda, Kalynnda Rivermoon, 6islandcats, Cecil Knapp and Tuna, Patti, Noodle & Olive, Margot Boyer, Randi Kennedy, Ulla, Lillian Lincoln, Anon, Annie, Mischa Noodle and Rosalie Cookie Bunny, Anon, Anon, gif, Kelley Olberhart, Anon, Celeste, Anon, Ehren Mierau, Carla MacLafferty, Anon, sunfastrose, Awesome Anonymous Donor, Laura, Tina, Anon, TinaK +The Kittyboyz (Louis, Vincent, and Thomas), Susan Held, Stefanie B Ploof, Leslie Montgomery, Olivia de Havicat, Anon, Amanda, Kitty, and Cheeto, Anon, Anon, Smudge, Spooky, Ripley, Chiara and Erik Ogan, Ragnhild Kriatyrr Brosvik, Carol, Cathleen, Mr. Cat and Cobra Commander, Anon, Nora, Luca and Marcello, Angelique Iuzzolino, Lalane, Nora, Leeloo and Tali Warens, Savvy and Autumn Miller, Emily (for Pyn originlly "Al", Robyn, 142, Anon, Cynthia Degraf, Catselan, Caddy, Molly, Ed, Garth, Rudy, Sassy and Pudding, Anon, Reynardo, Anon, Robin Riley-Wright, Buddy, LG's mom, Lisa Kleinwort, Lisa Kleinwort (again!), Lisa (mom of Chai), Anon, Abby Lewis, Anon, Chanter, Aimee Hamilton and Erik Hammerstrom, Nanette, Anon, Anon, Helenasia, Meg, LT, Ronald, and Tom Tom, Taz and Zippy, Agnes and Henry Pettibone, I am a better person for knowing you, Old Gray Mare, Jack's Human Mom, Ashley, IBKC Fan, Beth, Nora, Hey Nonny, Mouse, Lily K, Lynn, Beth Reilly, Susan Grubert-Martin, Rosemary (in memory of Dylan), Alpine, Anon, Zooey's hoomin, Sarah, Tabitha, Anon, Ajax, Marthealiza, Francesca, Joan and Russel Witte, Wendy Weppner, Anon, Old Gray Mare, Zoubi, India, and Lynn, Donna Wilcox, Kris Quinn, Ninja Bob, Shirley H, Holly the Cat, Emma MacNeely, Nanette, Laura in Va, Caroline, Angie, Helen Roberts, gif, Christine Watkins, Enia, Giu Alonso, Anon, Anon, Tanya S, Jimma and Dax, Webthistle and Cagney the Cat, Beth Reilly, Caroline, Anon, Anne C, Natasha Kashefipour, Erin, Anon, Anon, Mille and Babs, Chris, Robin, Sheri Schneider, Kelley Oberhart, Naomi, Northmoon, Miss Lily and Boo, Trissa V, Lise Hedegaard, Sonja Silver, Rat and Dan, Daisy and lucky, Patty Litwin, Melissa Clarke, Catena, Wanda from Tennessee, Our dear Cynthia, Conk and the Monkies, Greedo and Wicket, Kodalai, Molly, Summer Chun, Deb Block-Schwenk, Meredith, Ulla, Leslie Montgomery, Anon, Anon, Nancy Horn, Anne Pole, Jennifer Haddon, Pat Houck, Kathleen Jordan, Kristina Everett, Anon, Stacy and John, Hadley Jollet, Diane Melnick, Neen, Grace McGathey, Yarnmiricale, Nora from CT, Miss T (for Trouble) and Reggie, Mary T Rookard, StephieCat, Old Gray Mare, Lynn, Al, Zou and Indy, Anon, Meg, S, The Chase Family, Henry T. Cat, Anon, Anonymous Gentleman, Jacqui, Anon, Chandra, Jillian Kelley, A. Michel, Shari, The Texas Cinottos, April Friend, Dichuy, Anon, Anon, Metz, Eliza, Edgar's Attic, Riza and Mei, Hilarie Ashton, Basil & Gracie, Mary H, Esther P. CHompsky, Seth, Clara, Sophie, and Molly, Anon, Kathy and the Cat Army, Sophie and Paul's Mom, Meg, The Three Sisters, non, Sonic, Xander, Longpaws, and Mouse, Georgia Jewel, Boo and Maisie's mom, Anon, Kte Beutner, Lisa Kleinwort, Pat Houck, Jose daLuz, Karen Thompson, Cynthia Our Superhero, Charley and Oliver, Noodle and Olive, Anon, 142, Libertine Tacoma Gourmet Salts and Sugars, Jennifer, Olivia and Shelley in Boston, Eddie and Bear, Ann-Marie Heschie, Alyssa Timin, Leslie Montgomery, Sarah EdgeCombe, Meg and Mill, Mia and Twitch, Anon, Helios and Eos, Kodalai, Cynthia Gonsalves, Kelley Oberhart, Scott Engelhardt, Anon, Kristine, B.
What a lovely recap of the FUNdraising and the phone bank opurrators.